Wrongful ban

Discus and support Wrongful ban in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; This is the 2nd time I’ve been wrongfully banned for a profile picture why and it’s not nude or inapropriate in any way what so ever it’s getting old.... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by AidanCarlson, Apr 10, 2024.

  1. AidanCarlson
    AidanCarlson Guest

    Wrongful ban

    This is the 2nd time I’ve been wrongfully banned for a profile picture why and it’s not nude or inapropriate in any way what so ever it’s getting old.

    AidanCarlson, Apr 10, 2024
  2. onyxishere Win User

    wrong ban

    The PET investigate all gamertag reports prior to laying a suspension on them. As they get thousands of reports per day this can take some time from the initial report. Due to this your enforcement could have been from something that was done a fair bit
    ago. As was already mentioned you should log in to
    and click the hammer icon to see the reason and duration of the action

    wrong ban

    http://enforcement.xbox.com is where you need to be in order for anyone to review your case.
  4. DngrDnglr Win User

    (wrongful) ban

    So just accept it when I genuinely feel wronged? what kind of mediocre support is that? 🤦��‍♂️
  5. OakGill Win User

    Wrongful Ban

    Sorry you had such a rough time, I can understand a ban would ruin anyone's day. Also please be advised the Xbox ambassadors and these forums are here for technical support and issues, enforcement does not check these. Also Xbox ambassadors do not have
    the ability to enforce, remove, or issue bans.
  6. blueamcat Win User

    Wrongful Ban

    The only way to check on your enforcements is on the site: Enforcement.Xbox.com

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