Worth getting on the 360?

Discus and support Worth getting on the 360? in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Title says it all. I need my Battlefield fix, and all my favorite servers on BF3 are dead. Is this game worth getting on the 360, or should I wait... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by Beef McLargeBig, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. Worth getting on the 360?

    Title says it all. I need my Battlefield fix, and all my favorite servers on BF3 are dead. Is this game worth getting on the 360, or should I wait until I get an X1, and buy it then?

    I'm not asking about graphics. I couldn't care less if this game looked just like BF3 graphicswise.

    Things I want to know -

    Does this game perform significantly better on the X1 than the 360?

    What is hardcore mode like?

    What are DMRs and Sniper rifles like?

    Are the maps better than BF3?

    Are tanks still retardedly annoying?

    Is there a large playerbase/community?

    Is there a large hardcore playerbase/community?

    Are player-owned servers in this game?

    On a scale of 1-10, how retarded are server owners? 10 being BF3-tier stupid.


    Will update when more things come to mind.

    Beef McLargeBig, Jan 18, 2014
  2. worth getting

    yh fallout was alright only played the 3rd 1 tho

    yh def getting the game thn

    i cant help txt writing its a habit aha
    x ELITE BYRNE x, Jan 18, 2014
  3. Worth getting?

    No, but your next price increase will be less than it might have been...
    RaymondJackson111111, Jan 18, 2014
  4. boot61
    boot61 Guest

    Worth getting on the 360?

    if you like battlefield get it!
    boot61, Jan 18, 2014
  5. vibroluxor
    vibroluxor Guest
    To answer your questions:

    It freezes and locks up for a lot of people. noy all the time, but enough to be annoying. it has problems that need sorting out

    Hardcore is better based off my friends that like this mode. More people playing it that's for sure.

    Don't use the sniper rifles so I can't comment. I will say I get shot by DMRs all the time.

    Maps are as good or better. the choke point type maps have flank routes. only one DLC out, I like it, but not l my core group has it so we don't play it much.

    Tanks are tanks man - they will blast you if given the chance. I will say I'm getting less mine kills in this version.

    The game has problems right now - they rushed it out and it shows. there's 50k playing on Xbox, BF3 had twice that many this far from launch.

    Lots of hardcore players.

    No personal servers yet, they haven't said anything about it but i'm sure there will be. they did increase the amount of tickets on Official servers

    I like the game, and I'm happy to play it. the crashes and the getting shot behind cover thing is wearing on me.

    if you get into a battle with lots of explosions, the game will slow down to a little faster than slideshow speeds. I'm sure that's not a problem on the XBone
    vibroluxor, Jan 18, 2014
  6. Yes.


    Never played it but here's a little gameplay mechanic if it wasn't in BF3; if you reload, it gets rid of the entire mag, making support really important.


    DMRs are hot and cold sometimes. Sometimes they suck, sometimes they don't. Sniping is slightly easier but still requires many skill.


    Maps are a little better because levolution events and stuff.


    Tanks arn't annoying if you can deal with them. Moar gizmos for tanks but not too annoying. Mainly focused on defense.




    Not yet.



    Its a very fun game when it runs correctly. Not as many crashes as people say but where there is one, its annoying.
    noobsforlife5, Jan 18, 2014
  7. BenDBA
    BenDBA Guest
    I just finished the campaign in hard mode. It's not bad at all. I went back and tried to get some Gamerscore using easy mode. There wasn't much of a difference. Only annoying thing was grenades. Story was very good, although the single player campaign was
    rather short. 7 missions, each taking about 1 hour on hard. Seems like in hard difficulty, it takes longer to recover if you are wounded. So if you're not careful you will get killed by taking wounds in between recovery cycles. I think that nails it.. Overall
    worth playing.
    BenDBA, Jan 19, 2014
  8. xXBOXxOne
    xXBOXxOne Guest

    Worth getting on the 360?

    NO it sucks on the xbox 360, IF I wanna play battlefield on the xbox 360?? PLAY BF3, BF4 dosnt have server owners, at least not on the Xbox One, I cant speak for the 360 cuase I sold mine last month, I rarely played it because it was a HUGE pain. I just
    re-purchased Bf3 for my 360 because I put off selling my console at least until Titan fall & Watchdogs gets realised this spring. BF4 on the Xbox One?? Everyday its getting better an better, this game was made for the next gen consoles.
    xXBOXxOne, Jan 19, 2014
  9. BigRedTerry
    BigRedTerry Guest
    Works fine on the X360 for me. I don't have X-1 where I am at the moment - so no basis for comparison.
    BigRedTerry, Jan 21, 2014
  10. Bumping this thread one last time with these two questions.

    Would you recommend getting this game for the 360?

    Is this game an improvement on Battlefield 3?
    Beef McLargeBig, Jan 25, 2014
  11. If you have X1, PS4 or a PC get it on there, not on 360. But yeah, I would.

    If you ignore the bugs, yes it is.
    noobsforlife5, Jan 25, 2014
  12. vibroluxor
    vibroluxor Guest
    [quote user="El Negro JimBob"]

    Bumping this thread one last time with these two questions.

    Would you recommend getting this game for the 360?

    Is this game an improvement on Battlefield 3?


    Didn't like my answers huh. ok then.


    If you liked BF3 and wanted more - yes. If you liked/hated bf3 and wanted something completely different, no.

    they did not reinvent anything making this game
    vibroluxor, Jan 25, 2014
  13. Richy Dynamo
    Richy Dynamo Guest

    Worth getting on the 360?

    I bought it for the 360 for $45 with China Rising and I love it. It is way better than BF3. I went back and tried BF3 Premium after getting into BF4 and I am done with BF3 because it is boring by comparison. The game occasionally freezes up everyones xbox360
    which would be my only complaint. The vehicle controls have changed for the better too. Now the left joystick controls forward and backward movement while the right controls left and right turning. I like the new controls better than on BF3. My friend also
    got BF4 for 360 and agrees that it is way better than BF4. If it is affordable for you to get BF4 now fot the 360 then I would recommend doing so.
    Richy Dynamo, Jan 25, 2014
  14. Richy Dynamo
    Richy Dynamo Guest
    Oops...my friend agreed that BF4 is way better than BF3. I hope this helps you make a more informed decision. I hope to shoot at you sooner than later.
    Richy Dynamo, Jan 25, 2014
  15. Thanks for the answers, everyone.
    Beef McLargeBig, Jan 26, 2014

Worth getting on the 360?