Witcher 3: several save game slots don't work

Discus and support Witcher 3: several save game slots don't work in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; I have the digital download version of Witcher 3. When I try to load all but one or two of my saved games, the game starts to load it up but when it... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by HBmeister, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. HBmeister
    HBmeister Guest

    Witcher 3: several save game slots don't work

    I have the digital download version of Witcher 3. When I try to load all but one or two of my saved games, the game starts to load it up but when it has about 1/5 of the way left to go I am booted back to the Xbox One dashboard. A few of my save game slots
    do work (two out of 10), but the rest do not. I am (or was) doing the Pyres of Novigrad mission. I don't get an error message, I am just booted out of the game. I am not sure but wonder if it is a corrupted save file. I didn't run into any issues at all
    before saving the game, and can't think of anything I could have done to corrupt a save file.

    I would lose quite a bit of progess if I resorted to using one of the few saved games that does work. But my bigger concern is that if saved games frequently become corrupted without warning and for no clear reason, then I can't really enjoy the game at
    all because at any moment all of my progress might disappear because a new save might get corrupted.

    Any ideas? Or is this something other than a corrupted save file? Anybody else have this issue?

    (Note: this is not a problem of the game not starting up at all, but a save game not loading properly. I can get to the menu with "continue", "Load" etc. The problem occurs with either "load" or "continue")

    HBmeister, Jun 4, 2015
  2. i have the prefect solution to fix corrupted save files for good in games

    there has been problems with save files getting corrupted on people and they have to start a game from the very beginning. all games (especially on the xbox one) only have one auto save slot. my solution is this: several manual save slots. why are game developers
    only give us one auto save slot anymore. i see this a lot xbox one. watchdogs has a glitch where players saves are getting corrupted and they have to start over. if we had several manual save slots we can use, then if the auto save slot gets corrupted, we
    can load a save from the manual slots and at least will not have to start a game over from the beginning. why are developers not thinking of this? if the players playing watchdogs had manual save slots, then they can load one of those if the auto save won't
    load. and this apply's to every single game ever. it's a simple solution that will work. come developers, give us manual save slots in our games again. what do you all think?
    THE IMMORTAL D, Jun 4, 2015
  3. ZacClarke
    ZacClarke Guest
    Tomb Raider DE Freezing At Certain Points

    I tried a different save slot and it did work. all my other games don't freeze on me. The other save slot that worked was a save for my cousin. I also tried to move the save to a different slot but it didn't work. I just deleted my save file and started
    a new one since I was missing a secret achievement.
    ZacClarke, Jun 4, 2015
  4. HBmeister
    HBmeister Guest

    Witcher 3: several save game slots don't work

    I should mention that I tried doing a power cycle (unplugged it for at least twenty minutes) and that did NOT fix the problem.
    HBmeister, Jun 4, 2015
  5. Not sure if anybody is reading this except me. Witcher 3: several save game slots don't work ;)

    According to a Witcher 3 forum, this is particluar save-games bug is related to the Mystery of the Byways quest. (it is totally different from the "can't save" bug, and much more annoying, actually, and harder to fix. If you leave the Mystery of the Byways
    quest half-finished for a really long time (i.e., SPOILER ALERT, because the Vampire at the end of it is way too strong for you) then it sets a time bomb a-ticking. Several hours later, while doing something having nothing to do with the Mystery of the Byways
    quest, your saved games will no longer be loadable (you can "save", but the saves can't be successfully loaded.)

    Supposedly this is fixed if you finish the Mystery of the Byways quest. The only problem with doing so is that the vamp at the end is darn tough, especially if it is seven levels higher than you or so, or even more. Plus you probably won't be able to create
    usable save games by the time you figure out that this problem is affecting you so you will have to go all the way back to your last working save game every time the vamp kills you.

    I finally beat vamp after several tries with my level 16 witcher but have not had a chance to test to see if my new saves work now (that is, can they now be loaded?). (fingers crossed).

    Tips for beating vamp (especially if you are underpowered): use quen liberally. Use hit and run tactics (roll away every time your quen shield is broken: don't be a hero.) If you roll/run away fast enough, you can hide behind the ladder and the vamp will
    not pursue you, so you can recharge your quen spell, eat food to heal yourself, and occasionally it will even let you meditate. Then once more to the breach to hit and run. Use fast attacks only (go for 3 or so and then run your little underpowered bottom
    out of there). Vamp oil (of course). Put points into quen exploding shield if you can. Yes, it is kind of a cheap kill, but it is cheap that the game forces you to fight a boss six levels too tough for you in the first place.
    FallenOyster473, Jun 5, 2015
  6. BTW, I tried deleting and redownloading the game and that did absolutely nothing.
    FallenOyster473, Jun 5, 2015
  7. So, to continue to reply to myself, it appears that completing the Mystery of the Byways quest DOES fix this particular save bug. I have also heard that completing the same quest can fix the XP bug, but have no idea if that is true (I don't know if I had
    the XP bug to begin with. If I did, I can confirm that I am now gaining XP as normal after completing this quest.)
    FallenOyster473, Jun 5, 2015
  8. xxxEmmettxxx
    xxxEmmettxxx Guest

    Witcher 3: several save game slots don't work

    I have finished the game and did some leveling lastnight and could reload my save games fine. Today I cannot load any of my saved game files.
    xxxEmmettxxx, Jun 6, 2015
  9. So at the risk of asking the obvious, have you finished the Mystery of the Byways quest?
    FallenOyster473, Jun 6, 2015
  10. AnnaInfidel
    AnnaInfidel Guest
    Have you tired deleting your local saves from the console, and when you launch the game they will sync from the cloud automatically, OR if that doesn't work, try clearing the system cache a few times, and uninstall/reinstall the game again.
    AnnaInfidel, Jun 6, 2015
  11. AnnaInfidel
    AnnaInfidel Guest
    I had this issue with an entirely different quest, Kings Gambit.
    AnnaInfidel, Jun 6, 2015
  12. From what I read in your post, it sounds lke the issue with Kings Gambit is a little different. The Mystery of the Byways bug doesn't actually interfere with you completing the Mystery of the Byways quest. Rather, your saved games get bugged if you start
    the Mystery of the Byways quest but don't finish it quickly enough.

    It sounds like the Kings Gambit bug actually stops you from finishing the Kings Gambit quest (you get hit with a never-ending loading screen WHILE PLAYING THE GAME, and WHILE DOING THAT QUEST). Right? If you start the Kings Gambit quest but stop trying
    to complete it before doing whatever it is that triggers the bug (in other words, you start doing a totally unrelated quest in a different part of the gameworld) does the game go into permanent-load-mode X minutes after you started the quest, or does the freeze
    only happen if you try to actually complete the quest? Annoying bug either way but I'm trying to figure out if this is a game-breaker or just a quest-breaker.
    FallenOyster473, Jun 6, 2015
  13. Witcher 3: several save game slots don't work

    Xbox One

    Level 16

    Issue: Saves will not load

    Description: I bough a digital version of the game with the season pass. I had no issues to report until the 1.03 patch hit. After that patch, I started having issues with my saved files not loading. The menu will progress to the point where it lets me select
    a save and the system tries to load a save. It will show half to three-quarters of the loading progression bar and then it sends me back to the Xbox home dashboard.

    Solutions tried:

    - Hard Power cycle (removing Power cord (unsuccessful)

    - uninstall / reinstall (unsuccessful)

    - wiping local save files (unsuccessful)

    - trying to get the game to run on my second xbox one (unsuccessful)

    - loading a much earlier save (successful - but the saves from that game have the same issues)

    I tried simply saving over a file (unsuccessful) & deleting a file to make space and saving into an empty space (unsuccessful).

    I really like the game when it works, but I'm bummed out that I cannot enjoy the game on my downtime/days off.
    TheXboxJunky75, Jun 6, 2015
  14. @TheXboxJunky: I had pretty much exactly the issues you described, at about the same level (16). Have you by chance finished the Mystery of the Byways quest? That quest is tough at level 16 but it solved the problem for me. From that point on, I could
    create new save games and they would load properly. I don't know if completing the quest "fixed" my other save games: I didn't feel like trying that out. I just deleted all of the save games that were nonfunctional (non-loadable) and went forward from there.

    As I mentioned in my prior posts on this thread, it is counterintuitive to think that the Mystery of the Byways quest is what is causing your problems, because the problem cropped up while doing things that had absolutely nothing to do with that quest. But
    completing the quest may fix the problem.
    FallenOyster473, Nov 1, 2018
  15. FallenOyster473 Win User

    Witcher 3: several save game slots don't work

    @TheXboxJunky: I had pretty much exactly the issues you described, at about the same level (16). Have you by chance finished the Mystery of the Byways quest? That quest is tough at level 16 but it solved the problem for me. From that point on, I could
    create new save games and they would load properly. I don't know if completing the quest "fixed" my other save games: I didn't feel like trying that out. I just deleted all of the save games that were nonfunctional (non-loadable) and went forward from there.

    As I mentioned in my prior posts on this thread, it is counterintuitive to think that the Mystery of the Byways quest is what is causing your problems, because the problem cropped up while doing things that had absolutely nothing to do with that quest. But
    completing the quest may fix the problem.
  16. FallenOyster473 Win User

    Witcher 3: several save game slots don't work

    BTW, I tried deleting and redownloading the game and that did absolutely nothing.
  17. FallenOyster473 Win User

    Witcher 3: several save game slots don't work

    Not sure if anybody is reading this except me. ;)

    According to a Witcher 3 forum, this is particluar save-games bug is related to the Mystery of the Byways quest. (it is totally different from the "can't save" bug, and much more annoying, actually, and harder to fix. If you leave the Mystery of the Byways
    quest half-finished for a really long time (i.e., SPOILER ALERT, because the Vampire at the end of it is way too strong for you) then it sets a time bomb a-ticking. Several hours later, while doing something having nothing to do with the Mystery of the Byways
    quest, your saved games will no longer be loadable (you can "save", but the saves can't be successfully loaded.)

    Supposedly this is fixed if you finish the Mystery of the Byways quest. The only problem with doing so is that the vamp at the end is darn tough, especially if it is seven levels higher than you or so, or even more. Plus you probably won't be able to create
    usable save games by the time you figure out that this problem is affecting you so you will have to go all the way back to your last working save game every time the vamp kills you.

    I finally beat vamp after several tries with my level 16 witcher but have not had a chance to test to see if my new saves work now (that is, can they now be loaded?). (fingers crossed).

    Tips for beating vamp (especially if you are underpowered): use quen liberally. Use hit and run tactics (roll away every time your quen shield is broken: don't be a hero.) If you roll/run away fast enough, you can hide behind the ladder and the vamp will
    not pursue you, so you can recharge your quen spell, eat food to heal yourself, and occasionally it will even let you meditate. Then once more to the breach to hit and run. Use fast attacks only (go for 3 or so and then run your little underpowered bottom
    out of there). Vamp oil (of course). Put points into quen exploding shield if you can. Yes, it is kind of a cheap kill, but it is cheap that the game forces you to fight a boss six levels too tough for you in the first place.
  18. FallenOyster473 Win User

    Witcher 3: several save game slots don't work

    From what I read in your post, it sounds lke the issue with Kings Gambit is a little different. The Mystery of the Byways bug doesn't actually interfere with you completing the Mystery of the Byways quest. Rather, your saved games get bugged if you start
    the Mystery of the Byways quest but don't finish it quickly enough.

    It sounds like the Kings Gambit bug actually stops you from finishing the Kings Gambit quest (you get hit with a never-ending loading screen WHILE PLAYING THE GAME, and WHILE DOING THAT QUEST). Right? If you start the Kings Gambit quest but stop trying
    to complete it before doing whatever it is that triggers the bug (in other words, you start doing a totally unrelated quest in a different part of the gameworld) does the game go into permanent-load-mode X minutes after you started the quest, or does the freeze
    only happen if you try to actually complete the quest? Annoying bug either way but I'm trying to figure out if this is a game-breaker or just a quest-breaker.
  19. AnnaInfidel Win User

    Witcher 3: several save game slots don't work

    I had this issue with an entirely different quest, Kings Gambit.

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