Wireless issues with a static IP Address.

Discus and support Wireless issues with a static IP Address. in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I'm October , let me start by saying I just bought a brand new tom clancy division console 2 days ago. Also let me say that i have perfection on wired... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by MOBRonaldRaygun, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Wireless issues with a static IP Address.

    I'm October , let me start by saying I just bought a brand new tom clancy division console 2 days ago.

    Also let me say that i have perfection on wired with this static ip but when i go to place the same static ip for wireless it changes it every time

    it wont stay the same thats the point of a static ip im pretty sure. When i first got the console it did the static ip fine wireless no trouble now

    it want to give me a strict ip address auto. if choose to just use my normal ip address it works fine.

    I want to use my static ip on both wired and wireless.

    Thanks for the help -

    MOBRonaldRaygun, Jul 7, 2016
  2. Dragon84
    Dragon84 Guest
    Xbox One WiFi problem

    I have a router but I have no idea about how to assign a static IP address. Do you do it through the router or through the Xbox One?
    Dragon84, Jul 7, 2016
  3. getajob92
    getajob92 Guest
    Wireless works, but wired does not

    My parents got me a 100-foot cat6 ethernet cable for Christmas so i wouldn't have latency issues in shooters/fighting games.

    After I checked to see that it worked going from my router to my laptop (though it took a second to be recognized), I did the following:

    Hooked it up to my 360, had IP address issues, used a static IP, had DNS issues, used static DNS servers (the same as my computer's and as my xbox's wireless settings), didn't work. Modem connection with automatic settings had IP address issues.

    For now I just switched it back to automatic settings and am going wireless. Would like to get wired working soon though. Will hook it up with a different ethernet cable tomorrow to see if it's just the cable?
    getajob92, Jul 7, 2016
  4. {Parity}
    {Parity} Guest

    Wireless issues with a static IP Address.

    Are you trying to set the static IP address via the console or the router? If you want a static IP address you will need to do that within the router configuration if you don't do that then the console will be served up an IP address by the DHCP server
    when it attaches to the network. You will probably need to go in the router and change the MAC address on the IP# that you was using previously. Good Luck!
    {Parity}, Jul 7, 2016
  5. it is saved in on the router it still auto changes it.
    MOBRonaldRaygun, Jul 7, 2016
  6. {Parity}
    {Parity} Guest
    Did you change the MAC address on the router for the static IP address. If it still has the MAC address for the old console then it won't work for the new one. You will need to set the new console's MAC address up in the router on that IP address.
    {Parity}, Jul 7, 2016
  7. would putting the stic ip in dhcp setion make it stay the same?
    MOBRonaldRaygun, Jul 7, 2016
  8. {Parity}
    {Parity} Guest

    Wireless issues with a static IP Address.

    Not sure about your particular router configuration but If you know the static/reserved IP address then you should be able to find that in your DHCP configuration if it is a reserved IP address and change the MAC address on it to the MAC address of the new
    console. Typically you can assign a reserved IP address in the DHCP pool and an actual static IP address is configured in a separate section. Without knowing your configuration it is hard to say what you need to do.
    {Parity}, Jul 7, 2016
  9. taidara
    taidara Guest

    Background check: Why is it that you need to assign static IP configuration on your console in the first place?
    taidara, Oct 31, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Wireless issues with a static IP Address.