Wireless headset mic broken , is this fixable

Discus and support Wireless headset mic broken , is this fixable in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; My mic has broken off my headset , is this repairable 1bffb11b-8023-4be7-9226-ee1bae3a007b Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Daniel Chaplin1, May 16, 2024.

  1. Wireless headset mic broken , is this fixable

    My mic has broken off my headset , is this repairable

    Daniel Chaplin1, May 16, 2024
  2. IceStorm III Win User

    Is the tritton warhead compatible

    The "mic" you're referring to is the boom mic that plugs into the headset.

    The mic I'm referring to is the chat system that allows one to talk to other players. Normally, that's supported by a wired mic cable that goes from the 360 controller to other headsets. On all other 360 headsets, a cable is required from the base of the
    360 controller to the headset for chat. Even the wireless Astro A50 has a mic cable port to go to the 360 controller.

    On the Tritton Warhead, that's all done wirelessly, same as the Microsoft Wireless Mic for 360 works. Tritton integrated the wireless mic into the headset base unit so that the headset can be completely wireless - no wired mic cable going to the controller.

    It's the wired mic cable that the Tritton Warhead lacks that is the problem. There will be no way for the Warhead's base unit to sync its wireless mic with the Xbox One.

    If all you want to do is use the Warhead as a wireless headset without a mic, it will be fine. If you want mic support, it won't.
  3. IceStorm III Win User

    Connecting a headset directly to the console

    There is only one completely wireless headset for the 360, the
    Tritton Warhead
    . The Warhead includes wireless sync ability with a 360 console (same as a 360 wireless mic), allowing it to be completely wireless. All other headsets use a cable from the controller to the headset to provide mic support.
  4. Seth B. Win User

    Which wireless mic is better? the old one or the bluetooth?

    Well, it all depends on what you're looking for. The best overall quality mic, would be a wireless Tritton headset. The cord mics are awful. The wires often become loose, and the mics no longer function properly. As for the Microsoft made wireless mics,
    they are good for a short time, but do not expect a lot of use out of them. Often, the battery stops functioning, or the keys on the side stick (Making the mic inoperable).

    So, if you are looking for a short-term, cheap, but good quality mic, I would recommend the wireless Microsoft made headset. These cost $49.99

    If you are looking for a long-term, great quality headset with no cost boundaries, I would recommend wireless Trittons.

    I know that the Tritton Warhead 7.1 Wireless Surround Sound headset costs $300.

    Hope this helped!
  5. IceStorm III Win User

    Is the tritton warhead compatible

    [quote user="EvilTwinGX"]The WarHead headset may be wireless, but its mic plug sinto the headset itself

    [/quote]No it does not.

    The Tritton Warhead is the only fully wireless 360 headset, and this:
    My only question is how would you know which controller quadrent it'd be paired to in the case of multiple users./controllers.
    why. It is the only headset that "pairs" with the 360.

    Anything wireless won't work. The mic on the Tritton Warhead is wireless. The mic won't work.
  6. Josh Petersen1 Win User

    My Mike is not working with the steelseries artics 1 headset and my Xbox One s? I can hear myself in the headset but nobody can hear me in party chat or games!

    This is an update to my answer after reviewing my stuff I realized I left out a step.

    The correct path to where you need to go is...



    Privacy and online safety

    Xbox privacy

    It is here that you will find the four profiles that I was talking about.

    I also wanted to update that if the mic is not plugged in and on when you turn on your wireless headset you may have to repeat this process. I know I have had to repeat this process three times now. It is a glitch in the Microsoft software, if your mic is off and unplugged when you register your headset (AKA turning it on) for some reason it sends your mic channel to a blocked channel. On the plus side it is quite easily fixable.

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