Wireless Gaming Adapters: I cannot connect my Xbox One Wireless Adapter to my Xbox One ...

Discus and support Wireless Gaming Adapters: I cannot connect my Xbox One Wireless Adapter to my Xbox One ... in XboX Networking Hardware to solve the problem; Wireless Gaming Adapters: I cannot connect my Xbox One Wireless Adapter to my Xbox One Controller I am german and fluent in english. I wrote down my... Discussion in 'XboX Networking Hardware' started by OffshoreKhan669, Nov 17, 2016.

  1. Wireless Gaming Adapters: I cannot connect my Xbox One Wireless Adapter to my Xbox One ...

    Wireless Gaming Adapters: I cannot connect my Xbox One Wireless Adapter to my Xbox One Controller
    I am german and fluent in english. I wrote down my issue in both languages. First in english, then in german.

    Dear Ladies and Gentleman,

    Unfortunately, I have some issues with the Xbox One Wireless Controller + Adapter for Windows 10. I received the controller about 6 weeks ago and simply unpacked him. Then I put the USB-Adapter into my Pc and started the controller – everything worked well.
    I had been using the controller for about 4 weeks without any problems. However, ‘out of nowhere’ the controller stopped working. The controller couldn´t connect to the adapter anymore. In the following text I will try to explain you what the issue is and
    what troubleshooting I have tried myself.

    First I tried to figure out what is wrong with the controller itself:

    Every time I clicked on the X-Box button in the middle of the Controller, the said button started to blink 2 times. After flashing two times the controller went off and the light too. I tried to put new batteries in but the same outcome.
    Then I tried to connect the controller via MicroUSB-Wire to the socket (I tested three different wires). First there happened nothing. When I pressed the X-box button then, the LED surrounding the Button starts flashing quickly. It keeps flashing for more
    or less 15 seconds and turns itself off again. Then I tried to connect the controller via MicroUSB-Wire to my computer. He lighted up after a couple of seconds and the LED kept being on. Even though the controller is connected via
    wire to my computer the ‘Xbox Accessories app’ doesn´t find the controller. There is a text written *Please connect a controller* even though the controller is plugged in.
    But the controller is listed under ->Windows ->Settings ->Devices. When I uninstall the controller-driver in the menu above the controller disappears. When I then plug the controller out and in
    again the driver is being installed again. Unfortunately, the ‘Xbox Accessories app’ seems to be quite unimpressed by that. It still doesn´t find any controller connected to the PC.

    Secondly I tried to figure out what is wrong with the Adapter:

    It seems that the adapter is not able to establish any connection to the controller. I have the most recent windows updates installed. (By now I have already reinstalled my Windows 10 from an ISO on my USB-Stick and installed the latest updates - therefore
    the problem is not with windows). I want to make clear that I have tried the following with 4 different USB-Ports on my Computer. I have tried to stick the adapter directly into the USB-Port. I have also tried it with the delivered wire for the Adapter
    to the PC. I have also tried 3 different USB- to MicroUSB-wires.

    When I connect the adapter to the pc the white LED on the adapter doesn´t light up at all. When I press the button on the adapter shortly nothing happens. When I hold the button on the adapter for a while it starts flashing calmly. (recognizable slower than
    the controller when it is connected to the socket – as already explained above). I tried to figure out if there is something wrong with the driver of the Adapter. The Driver
    is listed in the ‘Device Manager’. The driver is also listed under ->Windows ->Settings ->Devices. I also tried to uninstall the adapter-driver in the ‘Device Manager’ and to restart the pc. I then connected the Adapter again
    and the driver was installed again. However, nothing of that helped. The problem is still the same.

    Fourthly I want to tell you guys in which combinations I tried to pair the both devices

    Adapter in PC + Controller connected via wire to socket

    Adapter in PC + Controller via wire to the PC

    Adapter in PC + Controller in my hand

    Adapter with delivered wire to PC + Controller connected via wire to socket

    Adapter with delivered wire to PC + Controller connected via wire to PC

    Adapter with delivered wire to PC + Controller in my hand

    (As I already said I used 3 different wires and 4 different USB-Ports – none of them has any problem when I use them for something else.) ( And yes, testing that took me a while…)


    I want to tell you that I have no further ide to solve the issue. I have been trying to solve it myself for almost a week by now. I think I went through every support-website from Microsoft concerning that issue but can´t solve it. Even more confusing is
    that the controller worked perfectly when I bought him for almost 4 weeks. I haven´t made any changes in the system nor in Windows nor touched the driver. Neither the controller nor the adapter ever fell to the ground so I don´t think there is a hardware-issue.
    I hope someone can help me. Thank you a lot for reading!

    (I uploaded a picture of my system here:
    http://www.directupload.net/file/d/4540/dxgo96v6_png.htm]http://fs5.directupload.net/images/161115/temp/dxgo96v6.png[/url] )

    #########->>>>>> from now on the same in german <<<<<<-#########

    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

    leider habe ich ein Problem mit dem Xbox One Wireless Controller + Adapter für Windows. Als ich ihn vor etwa 1 Monat gekauft habe und er ankam hat er mühelos etwa 3-4 Wochen funktioniert. Doch auf einmal wurde er nicht mehr erkannt. Ich habe folgende Versuche
    mit verschiedenen USB-Ports meines Rechners und 3 verschiedenen USB to MicroUSB Kabeln getestet.

    Bisherige Lösungsversuche von mir:

    [u]Stromversorgung Controller? [/u]

    Wenn ich den Controller über den X-Box Knopf in der Mitte anmachen möchte blinkt er 2 mal langsam auf und erlischt wieder. Auch wenn ich neue Batterien einbaue genau das Selbe. Wenn ich den Controller über ein Micro-USB Kabel mit Strom versorge ( aus Steckdose)
    " geschieht erstmal nichts ". Wenn ich ihn dann über die Mittel-Xbox-Taste anmache blinkt er öfter, anstatt nur 2 mal ( selbe Geschwindigkeit für etwa 15 Sekunden und erlischt dann wieder).

    Wenn ich den Controller über ein USB-MicroUSB Kabel an den Rechner anschließe, leuchtet er nach einigen Sekunden auf und dann ununterbrochen. Jedoch obwohl der Controller über Kabel an den Rechner angeschlossen ist erkennt die Xbox-ZubehörApp keinen Controller.
    Unter Windows -> Geräte wird der Controller jedoch aufgelistet. Wenn ich unter Windows-Geräte den Controller deinstalliere und neu einstecke, lädt der Controller auch einen Treiber auf den Rechner - wovon die XboxZubehör App immernoch unbeeindruckt ist.

    [u]Der Adapter ? [/u]

    Es scheint nicht, als dass der Adapter eine Verbinung zum Controller aufbauen kann. Ich bin auf dem neusten Stand der Windows - Updates. Ich habe folgendes sowohl mit dem Adapter direkt im USB-Slot, als auch über mitgelieferte Kabel-Erweiterung probiert.

    Während der Adapter am Pc angeschlossen ist leuchtet die kleine weiße LED gar nicht von allein. Wenn ich die Taste am Adapter 1 mal drücke passiert auch nichts. Wenn ich sie gedrückt halte, blinkt sie für etwa 15 Sekunden (vgl. Oben) in ruhiger Geschwindigkeit.

    Ich dachte erst es ist ein Treiberproblem, jedoch wird der Treiber des Adapters im Gerätemanger aufgelistet. Ebenso wird der Adapter unter Windoes -> Geräte auch aufgeführt. Ich habe es auch schon versucht den Treiber im Gerätemanager zu deinstallieren,
    den Rechner neu hoch zu fahren und den Adapter erneut ein zu stecken. Dieser installiert auch wieder den Treiber. Dennoch stellt der Adapter keine Verbindung zum Controller her.

    [u]Paring Versuche? [/u]

    Ich habe das Paring in jeder erdenklichen Kombination versucht.

    Adapter in PC + Controller an Stromversorgung aus Steckdose

    Adapter in PC + Controller über Kabel an Rechner

    Adapter in PC + Controller in Hand -> 2 mal blinken und aus

    (Auch hier Adapter mal direkt in USB-Slot, mal über beigelieferte Verlängerung)

    Ich bin ratlos. Ich probiere seit 3 Tagen das Problem selbst in den Griff zu bekommen und erziele keine Erfolge. Was soll ich nun tun ? Das ganze verwirrt mich noch mehr, da der Controller am Anfang direkt funktioniert hatte und ich seit dem keine mir bewussten
    Änderungen im System vorgenommen habe, die das ganze auch nur im entferntesten beeinflussen könnten. Ebenso keine Gewalteinwirkung auf Controller oder Adapter. Ich bitte um Hilfe! Vielen Dank.

    Meine Daten des Rechners sind unter folgendem Link zu finden:


    OffshoreKhan669, Nov 17, 2016
  2. IndieRock
    IndieRock Guest
    Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows Begins Shipping Today

    Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows Begins Shipping Today - Xbox Wire

    Wireless Gaming Adapters: I cannot connect my Xbox One Wireless Adapter to my Xbox One ... [​IMG]

    In June, we announced the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows as part of our commitment for designing Xbox accessories to support both Xbox and Windows. Today, we’re excited to share that we’ve started to ship to retailers in most markets around the world, including the U.S.

    With the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows, you’ll simply plug the Adapter into the USB 2.0 or 3.0 port of your Windows 10 PC laptop or tablet and bind the Adapter to your Wireless Controller to enable the same gaming experience you’re used to on Xbox One, including in-game chat and high-quality stereo audio. The Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows accommodates up to eight controllers per unit, and up to four chat headsets or two stereo headsets.

    If you haven’t had a chance to try game streaming just yet, check out these step-by-step instructions. And be sure to try some of this year’s blockbuster games with built-in controller support including Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition Beta, andFable Legends.

    The Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows will be available for $24.99 USD (MSRP) or bundled with an Xbox One Wireless Controller for $79.95 USD (MSRP).
    IndieRock, Nov 17, 2016
  3. Xbox ONE controller with Xbox 360

    If I own an Xbox 360E and an Xbox ONE wireless controller with a wireless pc adapter can I connect the Xbox ONE controller to the Xbox 360 through the pc adapter?
    DazzledGnat9603, Nov 17, 2016
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Wireless Gaming Adapters: I cannot connect my Xbox One Wireless Adapter to my Xbox One ...