Windows 10 Video Capture - Game Mode

Discus and support Windows 10 Video Capture - Game Mode in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; Hello, I was using the video capture of the game mode to record an online class, but close to 2h when the the class was finishing the screen become... Discussion in 'XBoX on Windows' started by joão vitor da silveira, Aug 12, 2020.

  1. Windows 10 Video Capture - Game Mode

    Hello, I was using the video capture of the game mode to record an online class, but close to 2h when the the class was finishing the screen become black like when it is suspended, and when I acessed again all the record was lost. There's any way to still
    recover that video?

    joão vitor da silveira, Aug 12, 2020
  2. Ariel Acu Win User

    Game dvr not saving clips?

    Hi TriedBasket635,

    By default, the video clips that you captured are saved to the Captures folder which is located in the Videos folder. Regarding your concern, it is possible that the video clips weren't captured successfully that's why it doesn't show up on the Captures
    folder. Can you tell us if you're getting the same issue if you record another game clips on your game? Also, is your Windows 10 updated?
  3. XBF Diego M Win User

    关于Xbox game bar的硬件需求 [Mod translation-About the hardware requirements of the Xbox game bar]

  4. XBF Ezra G Win User

    windows phone e xbox video [Translation - windows phone and xbox video]

    Hi mary,

    Thanks for your post. Are you attempting to watch videos from your phone on Xbox App? The Xbox Application only supports videos that have been uploaded to Xbox Live from an Xbox One Game Capture or a capture from a game on your Windows 10 PC.

    I hope this information helps, thanks again.
  5. Farscape247 Win User

    Xbox Game Bar Save Location


    click the link below and run the bat file, this will restore the default location for the captures folder, it is a simple registry change.

    just so you know what is in this file, this is it.


    taskkill /f /im explorer.exe

    timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul

    if not exist "%UserProfile%\Videos\Captures" mkdir "%UserProfile%\Videos\Captures"

    reg add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" /v "{EDC0FE71-98D8-4F4A-B920-C8DC133CB165}" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d %%USERPROFILE%%"\Videos\Captures" /f

    attrib +r -s -h "%USERPROFILE%\Videos\Captures" /S /D

    timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul

    start explorer.exe

  6. Kevenstu01 Win User

    Don't Meet The Requirements To Record On Xbox Game Bar??????!!!

    All Windows 10 PCs should be able to capture screenshots in games, no matter what video card you have. To capture game clips, however, your PC’s video card must support one of these encoders:

    • Intel Quick Sync H.264
    • NVidia NVENC
    • AMD VCE
    Video cards that support NVidia NVENC include:

    • Most GeForce 600 series or later
    • Most Quadro K series or later

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