Will Black Friday Sales Be A Slap In The Face To Those Who Payed Full Price?

Discus and support Will Black Friday Sales Be A Slap In The Face To Those Who Payed Full Price? in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; So far the sales aren't enough to really be that upsetting but will let you all know once the actual BF deals hit Thursday at midnight. Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by FirstRespond3r, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. CoopII
    CoopII Guest

    Will Black Friday Sales Be A Slap In The Face To Those Who Payed Full Price?

    So far the sales aren't enough to really be that upsetting but will let you all know once the actual BF deals hit Thursday at midnight.
    CoopII, Nov 25, 2014
  2. Dwoop33
    Dwoop33 Guest
    I've been scanning the ad's just in case I want to hold off on anything new from this past month but i'm starting to think this year will be a dud for video games unless you are buying a console bundle.
    Dwoop33, Nov 25, 2014
  3. smileskybird
    smileskybird Guest
    I sit in a corner all week and cry and hurt myself.

    Just kidding. Bug deal. I got it day one and I didnt pay full price I saved 100 cents off the full rrp. And... microsoft autographed my controller and I got free xbox wrist bands and xbox necklaces part of the australian NZ EB Games launch thingy autographed
    aka day one 2013 idk if peps sat its not autographed the controller was manufactured under the direction of microsoft so I call it autographed. Those who bloat I bloat back did microsoft autograph your controller? And did you get free xbox wrist bands and
    xbox necklaces from microsoft when you picked yours up?
    smileskybird, Nov 25, 2014
  4. BarqCider
    BarqCider Guest

    Will Black Friday Sales Be A Slap In The Face To Those Who Payed Full Price?

    if you think having two meh games in assassin creed is such a steal.... im happy with my sunset overdrive bundle.
    BarqCider, Nov 25, 2014
  5. kingvas78
    kingvas78 Guest
    Well I just slapped back!!! Picked up DG2 for $12.50.... used my reward points! WOOT! Now... will I get points for buying DG2 with Reward points??? The plot thickens....... LOL.....
    kingvas78, Nov 25, 2014
  6. smileskybird
    smileskybird Guest
    In australia and NZ you can get charged with assault if you give a stranger a slap in the face or kick in the groin. Those peps have been missing out on xbox 1 so its only fair they get some fun. Theyve been waiting waiting waiting and weve been party party
    party cause were not that poor to be worrying about the cost of it.
    smileskybird, Nov 25, 2014
  7. It will hopefully be a closed fist to the face!

    @king you should get rewards for purchasing anything. Even if its with your built up credit. Just dont quote me on that but im pretty sure its true.
    Listed mia 510, Nov 25, 2014
  8. PhDPeddler
    PhDPeddler Guest

    Will Black Friday Sales Be A Slap In The Face To Those Who Payed Full Price?

    A "product" is what someone will give you for it. Keeping it simple
    PhDPeddler, Nov 25, 2014
  9. if you think its a slap in the face, then you are an idiot. if you're that concerned about price about a product, then wait a few months or years for that product to reduce in price, or wait for promotions.
    Symbiote Prince, Nov 25, 2014
  10. Rubix99
    Rubix99 Guest
    As someone who has not bought a next gen console and still happily on the fence....I really hope lots of day 1 adopters do get riled up purely on the basis that it's funny to read.

    2 fine moments this year.

    When the UK price cut happened in March along with Titanfall being given away for free to new buyers of the system in that month. That caused great uproar.

    But the big one of all had to be the removel of "Integral" Kinect. After 6 months of Microsoft insisting it would never be unbundled, they go and get rid of it along with a nice juicy price cut across the globe. And we still see no major revolutionary plans
    for the novelty device.

    Judging by both sale statements from Microsoft in both June and this month (November).....they are refering to the Xbox One packages without the novelty gimmick that is hammering it in sales, as this is the only packages thats being offered at a handsome
    price for the holidays.

    So day 1 buyers paid more money, have a lame device thats all but been abandoned and spent the last year basically being Microsofts free beta testers.

    This Black Friday will see many new people get their system way cheaper and have all the up to date features and updates, plus their system will be brand new and shiney. And they have not even missed out on anything really, all the more important games are
    being released around now time anyway.

    Will be interesting observation to see anyone who get angry over new buyers getting real sweet beautiful deals.
    Rubix99, Nov 25, 2014
  11. Chris238
    Chris238 Guest
    [quote user=""]

    But hey. They're getting LIMBO. Isn't that enough? Will Black Friday Sales Be A Slap In The Face To Those Who Payed Full Price? :)


    Actually, a lot of them aren't. If you couldn't "Play" your X1 until Christmas, then you don't qualify. You had to actually be online at launch. I fall into this category. My wife waited in line in the wee hours to get her hands on an X1 for me, but it was
    an xmas present that I couldn't touch. Will Black Friday Sales Be A Slap In The Face To Those Who Payed Full Price? :)

    "Slap in the face", I say!
    Chris238, Nov 26, 2014
  12. WScott2787
    WScott2787 Guest
    Why would you be offended? If that's the case you should have waited until later to buy the console. Also the $329.99 price is without the kinect. In my opinion the Kinect 2 is what sets this console apart from the PS4. If you're not going to buy a kinect,
    then I'd honestly pick up a PS4. I had both. I liked the X1 so much with the Kinect that I sold my PS4. I paid full price when it was first released. Typically that's what happens when a console is just released. You pay full price and later a price drop
    comes. If you don't want to pay full price then wait and quit being a whinny little BRAT whenever the price goes down. Or you could just go to Ferguson and get it free.
    WScott2787, Nov 26, 2014
  13. Reidzer N7
    Reidzer N7 Guest

    Will Black Friday Sales Be A Slap In The Face To Those Who Payed Full Price?

    The only person I get angry at when I see these deals is myself for not being able to hold off lol.

    To be honest I have no issues with these Black Friday Deals. I knew a year ago when I bought a launch day Xbox One that the price would more than likely drop within the first year, still glad I got one on day one though.
    Reidzer N7, Nov 26, 2014
  14. Milktray
    Milktray Guest
    it's just like buying a game any other time really.

    I got COD: AW from Tesco for £40, a week later they are advertising it for £29 lol

    Was i happy? Not really but i thought it would retain it's price longer, obviously it isn't that great going by price drop lol
    Milktray, Nov 26, 2014
  15. Auswulf
    Auswulf Guest
    The way some early adopters whine and moan it will no doubt be a like a beating not just a girly slap to the face.
    Auswulf, Nov 28, 2014

Will Black Friday Sales Be A Slap In The Face To Those Who Payed Full Price?