Why was I permanently banned for "Nudity/Sexual Content"? Even though I didn't do anything...

Discus and support Why was I permanently banned for "Nudity/Sexual Content"? Even though I didn't do anything... in XBoX Accessibility to solve the problem; My name is Xander and my Xbox Gamertag is XanderG222. On June 20th 2022 I was just watching YouTube on my Xbox then all of a sudden I received a... Discussion in 'XBoX Accessibility' started by XanderG217, Jul 1, 2022.

  1. XanderG217
    XanderG217 Guest

    Why was I permanently banned for "Nudity/Sexual Content"? Even though I didn't do anything...

    My name is Xander and my Xbox Gamertag is XanderG222.

    On June 20th 2022 I was just watching YouTube on my Xbox then all of a sudden I received a "Notice of Xbox Enforcement" explaining my account is permanently suspended from the Xbox network due to "inappropriate conduct or content". It advise me to go to the Xbox Enforcement website if I had questions or to view my enforcement history and I did. Now for context it's been two years since I got suspended at least three times for Communication Suspensions. After that I realized that even with a certain text or maybe if I verbally made an inappropriate joke it could potentially get me permanently suspended so I tried to be more aware and responsible with what I said and texted on Xbox so I could prevent breaking any codes of conduct or policy's on the Xbox Live.

    Now the reason I got permanently banned was for "Nudity/Sexual Content" apparently I ether texted and/or sent inappropriate images to people which I would never after the last three times I was suspended because I know that would definitely get me banned permanently. It could be a glitch on my account or I think I was hacked and whoever hacked me must've texted a friend something inappropriate or sexual and they reported the text and it was so bad that it must've potentially got me banned. That's what I can assume because the night before or even the last couple of days before I was banned I never said nor text anything sexually inappropriate towards anyone especially because when I looked at my active suspension there was no evidence proving I did anything that involves nudity/sexual content which is what aggravated me because that shows I did nothing at all to deserve this ban.

    Now the first thing I would do was make a case review on the enforcement website since there would be no other way to contact the enforcement team. The case was made and I hoped they would appeal my ban since I must've been hacked or the ban was some kind of glitch. A day later my case was not approved which I started to worry and get anxious since I looked up prior that the only way to contact the Xbox Enforcement team is to appeal a case. The website states there is no number to call or email to send to them. The worst part is Xbox Support dosent deal with bans or suspensions only the enforcement team can since there the ones to issue bans or suspensions.

    At this point it's been two days now and I'm starting to worry and getting scared that my account that I've had for almost 6 years with many many games that I've played and bought with hundreds and hundreds of dollars spend on them, the friends I've made on their and just playing the games I love and adore for so long because playing Xbox has been a way to escape life and not feel anxious and just feel safe knowing I'm having a good time just feeling happy playing Xbox. But now there's a chance that could be gone forever over a misunderstanding because I did nothing related to why I was banned I never would, it has to be a glitch or a mistake because I never texted or said anything related to nudity/sexual content to anyone.

    Now my only and last hope is to call someone from Xbox Live I think it's ether Xbox Support but I know you can ether chat with Xbox or call them. I know they might not be able to help me if it's an enforcement action, maybe they'll say it's glitch or a misunderstanding because I'm at a dead end. I've had this account for to long to give up but I've tried everything I could everything Ive been suggested etheir by the enforcement website and Xbox and I'm still at square one. On Saturday I'm going to call them and it may not get me anywhere but I'm not giving up since they may be able to help me. In the meantime I've looked up many forums or anything that could help me with my permanent suspension that is false and ive found so many that are experiencing the same dilemma I'm dealing with being banned for ethier this or that or for no reason or banned for false reasoning and with no evidence being backed up by the banned too. One or two forums I've seen that were made like a month or two ago actually stated the same experience as me, being banned for nudity/sexual content for no reason and with no evidence being backed up by the enforcement team on what specifically got them banned permanently (just like me). And it upsets me that I'm not the only one dealing with being banned for no reason or banned for a reason like nudity/sexual content but no evidence being backed up for the ban.

    Incase I get an answer or reply to this, yes I've looked over the enforcement website for information and assistance on how to explain how this ban is a mistake because I did nothing wrong which I did and still haven't got an answer If this ban is a misunderstanding. The reason I'm saying that is all the questions on forums like mine would get replies saying "you would need to head to the enforcement website and appeal a case to get unbanned but If your case was denied then there is no other way to get your account back because the enforcement team has the power to ban or unban your account." Those are most of the replies I've seen on people dealing with the same issue I'm dealing with and they've already done that going to the website submitting a case but getting denied for the case and In the end not knowing why they were banned for nothing. I just would like some assistance with this because I know I never would do anything related to why I'm permanently banned right now. I never would say anything or send anyone anything inappropriate to get myself banned, I learned my lesson after the last three times I got suspended.

    I just need a real answer and maybe a solution to my question. I can't give up on my account I've had for years, the games I've played, the friends I've made, the memories I gained from Xbox and for it to just to be gone forever by something I never did. I can't give up on this I need to know why I was banned the enforcement team never explained or showcased what specifically got me banned I don't wanna talk bad about them that's not what I'm here for I'm just begging someone to help me with my permanent suspension I didn't deserve. Please I don't know what else to do I'm hoping it's just a glitch in the enforcement system that shows a "permanent suspension" for someone but maybe it's temporary because of a glitch just please can someone at least try and help me understand why this is happening to me.

    XanderG217, Jul 1, 2022
  2. XanderG217 Win User

    Why was I permanently banned for "Nudity/Sexual Content"? Even though I didn't do anything like that on Xbox

    Does it work for Xbox live profiles to?
  3. Georges C. Win User

    Why was I permanently banned for "Nudity/Sexual Content"? Even though I didn't do anything like that on Xbox

    Hello, first it's a pleasure to be able to help you today.

    My name is welcome to the community.

    Hello XanderG217, I'm sorry about what happened to your account, I did some research on bans, and I found the statement below.

    Permanent ban

    "We don't take permanent bans lightly, and these types of suspensions are only issued after a thorough investigation is completed to determine that a severe violation of our Microsoft Services Agreement and Community Standards for Xbox has occurred on the service."


    As Enformcement is an offline department that works in conjunction with Microsoft it will be very difficult to get some clarification here in the community of what happened to have led a permanent ban.
  4. XanderG217 Win User

    Why was I permanently banned for "Nudity/Sexual Content"? Even though I didn't do anything like that on Xbox

    I just don't know anymore if my account is suspended permanently or temporarily
  5. Georges C. Win User

    Why was I permanently banned for "Nudity/Sexual Content"? Even though I didn't do anything like that on Xbox

    it remains to be expected for the compliance department to complete the investigation into your account.
  6. Georges C. Win User

    Why was I permanently banned for "Nudity/Sexual Content"? Even though I didn't do anything like that on Xbox

    Hello again, when the ban is permanent, it says in the message you received, but fill out the form and wait for the microsoft response.

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