why is there no chat box in-game robox i want to know what my friends are talking about but...

Discus and support why is there no chat box in-game robox i want to know what my friends are talking about but... in XBoX Rewards & Social to solve the problem; when me and my friends are playing they always ask why i cant chat and i have to say that im on xbox this is really a problem and i think it should be... Discussion in 'XBoX Rewards & Social' started by Jezzy hate, Mar 29, 2024.

  1. Jezzy hate
    Jezzy hate Guest

    why is there no chat box in-game robox i want to know what my friends are talking about but...

    when me and my friends are playing they always ask why i cant chat and i have to say that im on xbox this is really a problem and i think it should be changed

    Jezzy hate, Mar 29, 2024
  2. Mewtwo-7DCB34A0-9549 Win User

    Disable party chat during xbox live

    [quote user="EvilTwinGX"]

    WRONG! I make complete sense so even a
    can understand it. Here's a more realistic perspective on the matter; What group/party of friends goes to another party/socialization/community/etc, and
    doesn't talk to anyobody else there, in reality? What would be the point in going in the
    1st place?? Now apply that to ranked/social playlists. That is my point as to why party chats should only be applied to custom/private (because you can very easily set these up as though they were an everyday game play session like any other
    if you wanted) playlists as opposed to ranked/social. if you have 4 people on your team and the other 2 are idiots,
    block/mute them! There is no reason you and your friends can't play socially with the rest of the group. That use of party chat is inexcusable and cowardess. And yes, the social experience
    is being watered down/drained away because of the constant people showing up in party chat that it actually
    discourgaes them to chat with anyone else. Plenty of people have expressed that in this thread. Now, as for things like Zune, NetFlix, fine, keep party chat. I have no problem with that because they're not a gaming experience that necesserily has
    to embrace social opportunity. it's not counterproductive, it's called a social experience for a reason!
    YOU make no sense. It's not my fault you fail to comprehend such a basic concept. Consider your points argued and overcome.


    No. I don't play xbox live to meet people. I play xbox live to play with friends I already know. If I want to meet people I'll meet them somewhere else online like forums or social places. I go into a game to game. I don't go there to make new friends. If
    I'm alone I stay in game chat. If I am gaming with friends I am in party chat. Why should we all be in the game chat and not be able to talk amongst ourselves? Why should we not be able to talk about the game and life without bothering others or their experiences.
    Maybe others on the team or playing the game don't want to hear about how my night was the other night. You ever think about that? In fact if you are going on about socializing being in a party chat lets you be MORE SOCIAL with the people you are talking to
    because you don't have to just talk about the game and what is going on. You can talk about anything without being rude to everyone else who just wants to play and maybe doesn't want to hear about your night out last night.


    Your arguements make no sense because everything you are stating can still be done. It still is. For the people who WANT to be in game chat and meet new people they are. For those who don't and rather be in party chat they are. So they didn't want to be
    in game chat and "meet new people" anyways.


    You say any simpleton can get what you are saying. Oh we get it. I just don't think you are really understanding at all what you are saying. It makes NO SENSE. Because you are pro-lobbying for a choice that if people still want can still have. They didn't
    FORCE party chat on people. The people using it are using it because they want to. So they didn't want to talk to you anyways. WHAT PART OF THAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?


    People who are against part chat must etiher be really lonely people who have to feel the need to talk to others or meet people or who are the ones who love to make stupid banter and attacks on people and hate not being able to. I really don't know why anyone
    else would be against party chat. Because again I repeat. It's not forced. Anyone who wants to be social and talk amongst everyone else on xbox live can still do it. The ones in the party CHOOSE to not want to talk with those people. Just as much as you say
    you have a right to choose to want to talk and be social with everyone so do those people to not choose to make it all about being social with random people and rather talk amongst there friends.


    You haven't really argued anything for pro to prove against my points. Because you just keep going on and on about how it should be social this or social that. IT IS SOCIAL! In fact more so in this sense since like I said I can be social with my friends
    and talk about my day and how it was and what I did and I'm not messing up other peoples games by blabbing away when others might just want to play a game.


    Maybe YOU play xbox live to meet random people and play games. Thats is fine. But not everyone plays online games for the same reason. Some play online games with actual friends and don't want to talk to everyone in the game. Specially if they want to just
    have a fun time with friends. And yeah private games doesn't allow you to play with anyone BUT your friends. So that point you brought up is moot. Since if I want to go into ranked games with all my friends on my team and be in a party chat then I have the
    means to do so.


    By the way. No matter how much you hate it or argue against it it's not going away. In fact it will evolve into something even more social and specific. So I guess you are out of luck. =)
  3. epic FUZZ Win User

    Where are the supporters ?

    [quote user="FeedTheMachine"]

    You guys are still just talking about it as a gaming console though..Nobody is discussing how great the reveal was and how they can't wait to just throw their remotes out and shout or wave their hands around to navigate your TV..

    I really want to know if there are people excited about what the reveal did show ,and what seems to be what MS really wants this box to be ..

    Where exactly did they get the idea that this is what the majority of people wanted ..


    What reveal were you watching?

    Maybe people talk about it as a gaming console, because that's what Xbox is meant to be and it was a games console reveal (consequently that's why they're going to E3 on Monday), not a cable box
  4. Big Red Husker Win User

    Who's ready for the controller breaking madness?

    I know voice chat is disabled in game, but I have yet to hear if party chat is going to be disabled. really want to talk with friends on other games
  5. Mewtwo-7DCB34A0-9549 Win User

    Disable party chat during xbox live

    [quote user="LostKauz"]

    Simple solution, play with Friends in Party Chat. What's wrong with that?


    This IS what I do. And when I am gaming alone online in multiplayer I am obviously not in party chat. I am in game chat. However I don't call people cowards or complaing about the people I do see in party chat unlike SOME one here. Who then proceeds to say
    I'm name calling when he is the one going around saying people are cowards and this and that and this isn't the way xbox is meant to be (Which obviously MS doesn't agree otherwise they wouldn't keep it around) and whatever else ranting he's going on about.


    "I" understand that xbox live is meant to be used how each user wants to use it and experience it and don't believe people should be forced into "game chat" if they don't want to. If they rather talk with friends or go into games with said friends and be
    all on a team and talk the night away while they play why shouldn't they be allowed to?


    My questions are not really aimed at you because I know you are not disagreeing. I'm just phrasing them in a question form.
  6. skys7 Win User

    Pro X1 Plants among us?

    Hell this is getting annoying. Mako think what you want.

    Why would I spend my time explaining you things?

    I am not the Explain-box.

    I look for people who actually know what I talk about.

    @ Silent

    You are fun :D

    @ Bizarro I have Fable already you should know :p

why is there no chat box in-game robox i want to know what my friends are talking about but...

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