Why is Microsoft Support so abysmally awful?

Discus and support Why is Microsoft Support so abysmally awful? in XBoX Accessibility to solve the problem; Several weeks ago i redeemed all my Microsoft rewards points for 1 month of Game Pass. I never received the reward! I contacted Microsoft support who... Discussion in 'XBoX Accessibility' started by xxdmh, Nov 9, 2023.

  1. xxdmh
    xxdmh Guest

    Why is Microsoft Support so abysmally awful?

    Several weeks ago i redeemed all my Microsoft rewards points for 1 month of Game Pass. I never received the reward!

    I contacted Microsoft support who directed me to the rewards team. I told them that 2 weeks ago I had redeemed my points for a reward that I never received. I supplied them with every conceivable detail possible! They responded by asking me for a screen shot and more information. I responded by saying I could not give them a screen shot of something that happened 2 weeks ago and that I had no more information to give as I had already supplied it.

    I never heard back from them!

    A few weeks later I contacted Microsoft support again. I told them what had happened and after 20 minutes in the chat - because if you’re in the UK it is impossible to speak to anyone on the phone! If you actually call the support number they simply refer you to the website and the call disconnects. Once you’re there all roads lead to you NOT speaking to an actual person and invariably suggest answers already in existence that DON’T solve your problem! Even the God awful “chat support” option is hidden beneath layers and layers of BS menus! Get a problem with your iPhone, you launch the Apple support app. Apple support call you within a minute or so. Talk to you & resolve your issue. All done in 5 minutes. Get a problem with something related to Microsoft and you’re screwed!) - Anyway after 20 minutes they simply passed me back to the Rewards team that had let me down in the first place.

    So I logged another ticket with the Rewards team. I quoted the first reference number, told them exactly what had happened - basically everything I’d said previously and more. They responded by ……wait for it…… asking me for a screen shot and more information! I replied yet again, saying I couldn’t give them a screenshot of something that had happened weeks ago! And added that I have NO MORE INFORMATION TO GIVE! That I had lost 6500 reward points and had nothing to show for it!

    I never heard back from them! Yes, AGAIN!!!

    Several days later I thought I’d try one last time with Microsoft support. I reiterated EVERYTHING to them yet again and told them how disappointed I was with Microsoft support. I added that I am a pensioner and that the reward is only worth about £10, but for me it was the principal of the thing. That a multi-billion dollar company had ripped me off then wasted my time over and over again and was guilty of delivering THE MOST ABYSMAL SUPPORT known to man. The person I was talking to - someone called David Carl - was VERY sympathetic. Said he would pass everything along and escalate things and that he would get back to me before close of play that day! Guess what….?

    I never heard back from him!


    Oh and in order to stop me having to go through anything like this again. I have disabled the Rewards points total on my Xbox Home Screen and any associated messages and opted out of the scheme completely!

    xxdmh, Nov 9, 2023
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Why is Microsoft Support so abysmally awful?