Why I can't buy Game Pass Ultimate for 1$

Discus and support Why I can't buy Game Pass Ultimate for 1$ in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Like the name of the topic. I can't make a purchase of Game Pass Ultimate for 1$, every time I am trying it jumps to 16$. What is the problem?... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by yeloneck23, Dec 22, 2020.

  1. yeloneck23
    yeloneck23 Guest

    Why I can't buy Game Pass Ultimate for 1$

    Like the name of the topic. I can't make a purchase of Game Pass Ultimate for 1$, every time I am trying it jumps to 16$. What is the problem?

    yeloneck23, Dec 22, 2020
  2. Smwutches Win User

    Why I can't buy the 1 dollar ultimate game pass?

    Have you previously had Game Pass? The offer is only available for new subscribers.
  3. stanlyko25 Win User

    Xbox Game Pass for PC

    so it will not give me 1month more if i buy ultimate after game pass PC?

    it wil only upgrade? yes pointless but if its only for 1€ im asking for this....if i have pc game pass and buy ultimate for 1€ now so if its will give me 1MONTH MORE or ONLY upgrade from pc game pass to ultimate?

    or better was buy first ultimate and then pc game pass then shoudl give me 2months for 2€? or how...
  4. Smwutches Win User

    Game Pass

    You would either just buy a standard Game Pass subscription as well or buy Game Pass Ultimate. If you buy Ultimate, it'll convert the remainder of your 1 year Gold to Ultimate as well.
  5. stanlyko25 Win User

    Xbox Game Pass for PC

    hm..and i have one more question...i bought PC game pass for 1€...if u buy now ultimate for 1€ it will give me +1 month MORE ? or it will only upgrade my game pass PC to ULTIMATE??

    maybe i should first buy ultimate and then pc game pass to get 2month for 2€ ...idk im ne where so im asking
  6. PanaitCristian Win User

    Subscription problems

    Thanks for replying.... i tried the support and unfortunately the only thing they could help with was refunding that 1£....to bad i can't reactivate the gold subscription... it would have been nice if the membership does not change automatically when you
    have gold and buy the ultimate game pass....well, with all of this i learned something new and i hope nobody does the mistake i did....the bright side is that i can buys ultimate games pass with 1£ again, for one month.....

Why I can't buy Game Pass Ultimate for 1$

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