Why can’t we just opt out of all these game updates! Or save to update at MY convenience?

Discus and support Why can’t we just opt out of all these game updates! Or save to update at MY convenience? in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; What is a little sad is that I have already read like 3 different threads addressing this VERY problem and for some reason when the “people in the... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by BlaznKane, Dec 8, 2021.

  1. BlaznKane
    BlaznKane Guest

    Why can’t we just opt out of all these game updates! Or save to update at MY convenience?

    What is a little sad is that I have already read like 3 different threads addressing this VERY problem and for some reason when the “people in the know” try to answer the question, they DON’T. The constant “go to” excuse never having anything to do with the question and sounds like they’re all reading from the same book of excuses talking about connection problems. This problem has nothing to do with connections so if another person who is “in the know” tries to answer this question using the SAME excuse, just to somehow get up votes, I’m telling you now your full of BS and it’s easy to see through the robotic answers your all seemingly reading off the same sheet. What I WANT TO KNOW IS why in the F do i gotta update games at the seemingly the “games convenience?”? Or is it the video game maker or something like that? THIS IS NOT A CONNECTION QUESTION! I want to know why i can’t just save the update until later like every other computer, or tablet or phone in THE WORLD when it is convenient for me. I am a busy person. When I get time to play my xbox console it is only for a few hours. I don’t know how many GD times I have sat down to play my console, dreaming of getting lost in a game and turning off my brain for an hour or so, just for me to turn on my game and have it say “sorry F-boy! I know you paid a ridiculous amount of money for this thing and it only has one use and for some reason lesser consoles from 30 years ago didn’t have this problem buuuuuuuuuuuut F U i gotta take two hours to update this game when i just had to update two weeks ago!! F-NO you can’t skip or pause or go offline. There’s NOTHING you can do! This ain’t your game anymore! For two hours, IT’S MINE! I stole it and theres nothing you can do! HA HA HA HAAAAAA!! Sorry fo ya!” What in the heck is so GD critical that the game needs to IMMEDIATELY update upon trying to play it??? Is it going to friggin EXPLODE if it doesn’t update or something? Will my console turn my entertainment center, TV and stereo into a steaming pile of liquid plastic, steel and circuit boards spewing poisonous putrid and toxic gases into my home, killing all that it comes into contact with? No? Not even a little? Coulda friggin fooled me! Cause once its started, theres no way around it like you just punched in the MFing nuclear codes or something! No way getting around it! You can only stop it or start over. There’s no ignoring it for when you have time to leave your TV and console on lwhen your doing something else. No way to PLAN for an update that with the convenience of the user like every other computer company on the planet has. That little bit of common sense is just too GD profound to possibly dig out of the bowls of the MS brain child think tank. But Im sure theres some sorta messed up excuse why it inconveniences you with these POP UP updates. Because its simply a computer right? A computer that is built specifically for playing games. It even has an operating system similar to the one on my laptop that runs windows which isn’t surprising being that windows computers and Xboxes are compatible in certain ways. But updating with the convenience of every other device that is even remotely considered a computer must be a huge leap for them to understand. Sometimes if feels like we are going backwards! If I seem upset it is because I AM. This has gotten to the point that it is always taking the little time I have to shut down and dictating what I want to do with my free time, for me. A machine I paid over half a grand for shouldn’t be able to be so friggin inconvenient!


    BlaznKane, Dec 8, 2021
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Why can’t we just opt out of all these game updates! Or save to update at MY convenience?