Who is that genius who cam up with the idea not to support 360 games on One???

Discus and support Who is that genius who cam up with the idea not to support 360 games on One??? in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Xbox One marketing and dev teams, you guys better to come up with a patch to start supporting 360 games and remote controls...... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by badadim, May 6, 2014.

  1. badadim
    badadim Guest

    Who is that genius who cam up with the idea not to support 360 games on One???

    Xbox One marketing and dev teams, you guys better to come up with a patch to start supporting 360 games and remote controls...

    badadim, May 6, 2014
  2. Cannot download Black Imporium DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition on Xbox One

    I have the same problem with another free gold membership game offer , mickey 2 ... for 360, it says free for gold members and available for Xbox one, it doesn't specify that you have to have 360 console. Is that mean that i have to spend $100.00 to buy
    360 in order to get $ 20.. game. who came up with that is genius - - helping the bottom line of "struggling" MS.

    Good job Xbox. please post disclaimer on the site explaining the limitations of the offer.

    I have Xbox one.
    ResonantWheat5, May 6, 2014
  3. UnyoBro
    UnyoBro Guest
    Mass Effect 3 is

    Neither came up with the idea, not even close. The whole "point" about copying came from someone who is unbelievably uninformed about gaming in general, not need to keep bringing it up.
    UnyoBro, May 6, 2014
  4. bigbenx88
    bigbenx88 Guest

    Who is that genius who cam up with the idea not to support 360 games on One???

    Short answer: Not going to happen.

    Short answer why: Different hardware platforms and publishers don't want to recode their games.
    bigbenx88, May 6, 2014
  5. Jaymo1978
    Jaymo1978 Guest
    MS is currently considering a feature to enable streaming Xbox 360 games through the cloud, much like PS4's solution. However, there will be no patch to allow the Xbox One to play 360 discs. This isn't actually a matter of someone deciding to exclude it;
    rather, the hardware architecture and programming of all new systems is incompatible with the last generation of games. Games programmed to work on 360 cannot work on X1.

    Simply put, to play a last gen disc on any new console would actually require all of the old hardware crammed inside the same console case as the new systems - twice the size, twice the O/S programming, twice the heat output, etc.

    Streaming, however, will work because it essentially allows a user to run a game remotely on a Cloud Server, and stream it to their console via an app or some program compatible with the current system. This is much like a "client" computer on a network
    being able to log into a "virtual desktop" running any Operating System, with minimal hardware constraints.

    Theoretically, this offers a much cooler possibility than a direct interface between the hardware and software - the Xbox One would basically be the "client" machine, and it could log into a "virtual desktop" running any console O/S - 360, original Xbox,
    even retro gaming with now defunct company's systems. For example, SEGA, Neo Geo, or Dreamcast would no longer have to release retro compilation discs of classic hits which would require complete reprogramming to work on the new hardware); instead they could
    have whole systems streaming as virtual desktops - all possible in the Cloud!
    Jaymo1978, May 6, 2014
  6. badadim
    badadim Guest
    with all that super powerful hardware: can microsoft just release a software 360 emulator running on x1 to support 360 games. so far my transition is quite painful and i even thinking to return x1...
    badadim, May 7, 2014
  7. Jaymo1978
    Jaymo1978 Guest
    Not feasibly, no, and neither can PS4, which is why it has to stream games rather than play them locally on the system. It would be a shame to return your system because it can't do what other systems also can't do....

    From an article on TotalXbox:

    "There are, broadly speaking, two ways of bringing about backwards compatibility on a console - incorporating the older console's components into the new hardware, as was the case with PS2 and PS1, or running a 'virtual machine' that mimics the capabilities
    of the older console.

    The first of these solutions can be prohibitively expensive, even when you allow for a fall in the price of the components in question. The second idea sounds more plausible on paper - surely, a console as advanced as the Xbox One should have no trouble
    simulating the eight year old Xbox 360? In practice, however, there simply isn't enough CPU power available - a limitation that's also apparently true of PS3 emulation on PS4."


    This is what I was talking about in my post last night. Incorporating components is impossible because the new systems don't share any components with the old systems, making it necessary to include the entire hardware of two completely different systems
    in one box. "Emulating" the performance is top-heavy and would require too much CPU power for both X1 and PS4, which makes sense when you think about it - modern PCs still can't properly emulate 360 or PS3, so the idea of having a console with enough processing
    power to run both systems is a non-starter.
    Jaymo1978, May 7, 2014
  8. janan77
    janan77 Guest

    Who is that genius who cam up with the idea not to support 360 games on One???

    another easy solution , do what i do , use your x1 for x1 games and your 360 for 360 games simples
    janan77, May 7, 2014
  9. Koop10010
    Koop10010 Guest
    I don't think I'll ever understand all the complaining about lacking backwards compatibility. It would be totally impractical and I doubt Sony or Microsoft ever considered it for more than 5 minutes. Don't people remember the launch PS3? Would anyone
    really want a PS4 that costs $600 and took up twice as much space? Or an ever bigger Xbox One that cost $700? I guarantee neither console would be selling as well as it is now.

    It's not as if by having an Xbox One your Xbox 360 now no longer functions. Use both for what they're intended. Why pay $500 just to be able to play the same games you've been playing? I paid $500 to be able to play new games.

    Using the cloud to stream old games is interesting, but not something I think I'd take advantage of very often. I'll always have my old hardware and I think playing games on the original hardware would be a better experience. It seems most useful to people
    who weren't gaming when the old games came out. If cloud streaming leads to another generation of gamers experiencing games like BioShock and Assassin's Creed II, then I'm all for it. But since I was gaming throughout the entire Xbox 360, PS3 era, I don't
    think I'll benefit that much.
    Koop10010, May 7, 2014
  10. FatalUnicycle49, May 7, 2014
  11. Koop10010
    Koop10010 Guest
    It's kind of hard to tell exactly what kind of backwards compatibility Microsoft is talking about in that article, but it doesn't sound like true backwards compatibility, which is having the 360 hardware inside the One. That's what the launch PS3 did and
    why it was so expensive and large, but it also made playing PS1 and PS2 games as smooth as possible. That's the type of backwards compatibility that I'm sure Microsoft and Sony never considered.

    The article seems to mostly be talking about software emulation and cloud streaming. Software emulation is tricky and is how the 360 plays original Xbox games. It's why most games work, but some don't and not all games play as smoothly as they did on their
    intended console. Emulating 360 games on the One would be a very intensive task and I wouldn't be surprised if it were practically impossible.

    Cloud streaming is the most likely form of backwards compatibility to come the Xbox One. It is going to be coming to the PS4 later this year. It has the advantage of requiring essentially no processing power compared to running the game on your own console.
    In fact, Sony even has plans to bring its streaming service to other devices, like smart TVs. But it introduces its own set of problems, primarily lag. It is going to take time for your console to communicate with the server and when combined with lag from
    other sources, namely input lag on a lot of TVs, many people may find the gaming experience quite degraded.

    I just don't see a great way to have backwards compatibility. All options come with significant trade-offs. I am opposed to the first option, putting 360 hardware inside the One, because it would make the console too expensive and large. I have nothing
    against Microsoft introducing either software emulation or cloud streaming. But I also don't see either as a must have feature that I would use with any regularity. I can't see either way being sufficient to replace having an actual Xbox 360.
    Koop10010, May 7, 2014
  12. Jaymo1978
    Jaymo1978 Guest
    No hate, Unicycle, just telling it like it is, is all. I'd love to see some type of emulation as retro gaming is a very valid niche, but Cloud streaming (in a client machine/virtual desktop type of setup) is really the only viable solution.

    If you remember, emulation was a nightmare to program on the 360, which is why it ran into so many issues. It wasn't simply a matter of the original Xbox's entire programming being emulated on the 360, they actually had to program a separate piece of emulation
    for each game, which is why it didn't all happen at once. Imagine if the devs had to do that with 360 games, which are about 10 times as sophisticated as original Xbox games. It would take way too much time and effort that would take away from their focus
    on current and future games.
    Jaymo1978, May 7, 2014
  13. CMUchippewa
    CMUchippewa Guest

    Who is that genius who cam up with the idea not to support 360 games on One???

    I don't get why people complain about this issue. If you want to play 360 games, BUY an Xbox 360!!!!
    CMUchippewa, May 8, 2014
  14. badadim
    badadim Guest
    Everyone has own reason why to complain. My is very simple: there is no single word in the marketing sales pitch of X1 that I need to be ready to dump my collection of 360 games or keep the old hardware before I spent 500$ on X1.
    badadim, May 8, 2014
  15. Jaymo1978
    Jaymo1978 Guest
    Actually, MS has been very up front and vocal about the Xbox One not being backwards compatible, from early on. Marc Whitten, in an interview with The Verge on May 21 of last year said that Xbox One would have no b-c of any traditional kind and it was widely
    publicized that your 360 discs and arcade games would not work.

    "No, there's not," said Whitten, when we posed the question. "The system is based on a different core architecture, so back-compat doesn't really work from that perspective."


    He also told the Wall Street Journal the next day (5/22) that it wasn't feasible from a financial standpoint.


    They've actually shifted policy a bit by even considering a cloud-streamed backwards compatibility, something they had no plans to do originally.

    Bottom line, it was well publicized, and we need to make sure we do our homework before assuming something is going to work when it's been confirmed early on that it won't. I'm sorry, I know that's not the answer you want to hear.
    Jaymo1978, May 8, 2014

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