Weird Sounf of Xbox One fan

Discus and support Weird Sounf of Xbox One fan in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Hi, i hope im posting this in the right category. Well, to contextualize the situation, let me tell you that i had a problem with my first xbox one,... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by DoWn x RoONykUZ, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Weird Sounf of Xbox One fan

    Hi, i hope im posting this in the right category.

    Well, to contextualize the situation, let me tell you that i had a problem with my first xbox one, anyway, it had to be changed, and this second one sounds weird, the fan sounds like a soft drilling sound. Im sure of this because my first xbox one
    never sound like that, was in complete silence, and the apps and dashboard ran very soft in my first one, but in this second xbox sometimes get freeze and very slow.

    i HOPE if you can help me with your opinion. because i think that if i send my xbox to microsoft they will send it back to me telling me its functioning well, obviously they wont play 2 or 3 hours like me, .

    Thx for any help and opinion.

    DoWn x RoONykUZ, Feb 27, 2014
  2. Xbox One Weird Fan Noise

    I've had this same issue. It was lower a few months ago (the noise) then it went away over time, and with recent updates It's back with a vengeance. I'd hate to go without a X1 during the next two months so I'm just going to wait it out. Probably wait it
    out as long as possible considering I use a headset so I can't hear the noise at all with my headset on, but can hear it at low volume in the house without a headset.
    Jagr-629C77A0-3A2B-4CAC-8E44-1D8CFFD08E2B, Feb 27, 2014
  3. Xbox One Weird Fan Noise

    My xbox was working fine then one day it just starting making this loud noise no matter what i did play games, sit on the dash etc, sounds like all the recording you can here online at the mo.

    Spoke to support and they said it wasn't right and if i send it off they will send me a new one. So that was cool but.....after sending it off i noticed online that it was down for repair so i messaged them again and told them what the other support worker
    told me and i showed them the transcript of the chat, they wouldn't do anything so i asked to speak to a manager to cut a long story short the arranged for my xbox to be sent back then i could arrange a advanced exchange.

    Well its come back today, in a new box etc. Its the same one and ive plugged it in, well it works and its dead quiet for now woo hoo!!

    What they did i don't know. they must of done something as it was all reset and i had to start from scratch. There is a letter just saying sorry for any inconvenience and gave me 1month free xbox live.

    This isn't a complaint im just happy to have my xbox back. I will say the only time i hear the noise is when installing a game so to me that means its a HDD fault or disk drive.

    So to all of you how have the noise get it looked at or take your xbox back to the shop what ever is easier for you!

    Fingers crossed you get it sorted and i hope my xbox lasts now.
    Wintersmith81, Feb 27, 2014
  4. Weird Sounf of Xbox One fan

    I forgot and couldnt edit the post:

    I took a video to show you what im talking about. >>>

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (no spaces>>) ?v=1NPCDvz5hNU
    DoWn x RoONykUZ, Feb 27, 2014
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Weird Sounf of Xbox One fan