Very unfair reputation system! (Been put in avoid me!)

Discus and support Very unfair reputation system! (Been put in avoid me!) in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I got the 'avoid player' status about two days ago and it's was totally not warranted. I pretty much inky play Overwatch and I'm pretty sure I only get... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Fresco34, Mar 18, 2017.

  1. Fresco34
    Fresco34 Guest

    Very unfair reputation system! (Been put in avoid me!)

    I got the 'avoid player' status about two days ago and it's was totally not warranted. I pretty much inky play Overwatch and I'm pretty sure I only get reported by salty losers who my team beats or people on my team who get angry when we lose. Thanks to
    this FLAWED system I can now no longer play the game I have put over 500 hours into. I've been onto the enforcement site to see my reports and they are completely false/not true. I have 5 for cheating (don't even know how you could cheat on console!), 2 for
    voice communications (I only use this with my friends) and one for my profile picture (seriously??). The rest are all unsporting behaviour which is absolutely ridiculous as I don't troll, leave , throw or anything else. Yet, thanks to the awful system in place
    I am now stuck in a time where all I can do is play World of Tanks for hours on end in the hopes that when I check my profile it has changed back. It never has Very unfair reputation system! (Been put in avoid me!) :(.

    I really want to know why Xbox and Microsoft think an average, casual gamer deserves to be put through **** just to play a game they want to play. The system for reputation is absolutely broken and I want something done about it. I pay for gold and this
    happens to me... I've read loads of other threads like this all over the Internet and nothing seems to get done! I've contacted support and got told to contact the enforcement team with a ticket but then they told me I need to be suspended for this - which
    I'm not. Really helpful! I would really appreciate my rep being reset as I'm wasting money on gold membership and cannot play the games I bou because players liberally report people for being too good, too bad, too competitive, too casual, to talkative, picking
    certain characters. It's absurd.

    Fresco34, Mar 18, 2017
  2. Broken Reputation System Put Me in "Avoid Me"

    you dont understand, I do play with the team, im always in game chat,and I play these characters well, I get a medal for elims almost every game I play. but they see a junkrat or a widow and instantly think that i'm doing terrible and blame it on me when
    I am doing as much if not more than everyone else on my team.

    But maybe I don't get it because from what you're saying to me is that i'm not a team player when I pick heros that I am good at? that doesn't make much sense now does it?

    Why does my behavior need changing? since when is playing a hero and playing that hero well mean that you are promoting "unsportsmanlike behavior"????
    cravegoobyPLZ, Mar 18, 2017
  3. Broken Reputation System Put Me in "Avoid Me"

    The reputation system NEEDS a change.

    I play a lot of Overwatch competitive on Xbox and a few of the characters that I like to play are Widowmaker, Junkrat, and sometimes Sombra. These characters aren't meta and are seen as "troll picks" so I have people on my team yelling at me to switch and
    I could have a gold or silver for elims and if we lose they will still be yelling at me, blaming me for the loss and get the whole team to report me. I even had a game where a dude on my team messaged the entire enemy team to report me, and told me that he
    was gonna get everyone on his friend list to report me too.

    Very unfair reputation system! (Been put in avoid me!) [​IMG]
    you can even see that my reputation has been good except for the start of march which was the beginning of season 4 for Overwatch. And all of my reports happened
    on March and it is only the 7th of March right now and I got to avoid me on the 3rd or 4th.I've talked to some Xbox reps and they've all told me that I just need to play multiplayer games to get my reputation up. Well I cant play Overwatch because my reputation
    is avoid me so I read some forums and people said that World Of Tanks would get you out of it. I've played over 100 games of World Of Tanks and have found at least over 900 people with W.O.T. having around 10 people on each team every game (sometimes 15).This
    system is very flawed and I don't know if I need to make a new account just to play Overwatch but i'm losing 338 hours of progress on that game and I don't want to lose it all due to some broken report system, please help.
    cravegoobyPLZ, Mar 18, 2017
  4. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest

    Very unfair reputation system! (Been put in avoid me!)

    There's nothing anyone here can do as rep is not a support issue.

    No one will reset your rep for you.

    You can read about the rep system & how it works here

    Playing free games like Neverwinter,Star Trek Online,World of Tanks etc. will help improve your rep but it will take time.
    Daft Badger, Mar 19, 2017
  5. Fresco34
    Fresco34 Guest
    I know this but with now nearly 14 hours on world of tanks with 29 players a match and each match averaging 2-3 minutes that's theoretically 8120 players and yet nothing's budged. Having that many players play with you without being reported (when you're
    in avoid me for no reason in the first place) is outright disgusting on microsofts end. Especially when I pay to use this service and I've payed for the games I can no longer play...

    I would care if I deserved to be there and there was a reason but there isn't. I've also read loads of threads online about this and all seem to have varying results. Some get out playing world of tanks for a mere few hours. Others aren't out months later.
    The system is seriously flawed in the way things are calculated and the ability to prevent other players from playing because you disagreed on something they did, said or anything else.

    I'm fed up of the same feedback with no results. Why should I play world of tanks when there is no sign that anything is happening. If I've played with nearly that many players then how can a few reports warrant me to be avoid me status? I would like some
    serious answers please.
    Fresco34, Mar 19, 2017
  6. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest
    because you aren't fixing the problem

    If you are getting further reports in wot

    Then the issue is your behaviour

    Stop being unsportmanlike

    Complaining about feedback by others is unsportmanlike you must respect the community
    ngocphi, Mar 19, 2017
  7. Fresco34
    Fresco34 Guest
    I'm not!!! I've not been reported once since I started playing world of tanks (been watching Xbox enforcement closely) and now have over 14 hours in the game, ammassing to around 1820 players who I've played with without being reported. The fact I'm in avoid
    me in the first first place isn't for unsportsmanlike behaviour anyway. People in Overwatch report you if you beat them. They also report you in competitive play if you pick an unfavourable or off meta hero, despite the fact that you perform better than them.
    The system is outright broken. I'm the sort of person that doesn't even reply to salty comments, doesn't start arguments with trolls, does use voice chat in games or blame/berate others on the team even if they are appalling. I have over 500 hours in the game
    and can no longer play it, I'm not a teabagger just too good for other players. So yes I will complain about feedback purely because the punishment that comes with it is harsh when the majority of players I play with send me complementary messages and a lot
    even add me as a friend
    Fresco34, Oct 31, 2018
  8. Fresco34 Win User

    Very unfair reputation system! (Been put in avoid me!)

    because you aren't fixing the problem

    If you are getting further reports in wot

    Then the issue is your behaviour

    Stop being unsportmanlike

    Complaining about feedback by others is unsportmanlike you must respect the community
    I'm not!!! I've not been reported once since I started playing world of tanks (been watching Xbox enforcement closely) and now have over 14 hours in the game, ammassing to around 1820 players who I've played with without being reported. The fact I'm in avoid
    me in the first first place isn't for unsportsmanlike behaviour anyway. People in Overwatch report you if you beat them. They also report you in competitive play if you pick an unfavourable or off meta hero, despite the fact that you perform better than them.
    The system is outright broken. I'm the sort of person that doesn't even reply to salty comments, doesn't start arguments with trolls, does use voice chat in games or blame/berate others on the team even if they are appalling. I have over 500 hours in the game
    and can no longer play it, I'm not a teabagger just too good for other players. So yes I will complain about feedback purely because the punishment that comes with it is harsh when the majority of players I play with send me complementary messages and a lot
    even add me as a friend
  9. Daft Badger Win User

    Very unfair reputation system! (Been put in avoid me!)

    There's nothing anyone here can do as rep is not a support issue.

    No one will reset your rep for you.

    You can read about the rep system & how it works here

    Playing free games like Neverwinter,Star Trek Online,World of Tanks etc. will help improve your rep but it will take time.
  10. Fresco34 Win User

    Very unfair reputation system! (Been put in avoid me!)

    I know this but with now nearly 14 hours on world of tanks with 29 players a match and each match averaging 2-3 minutes that's theoretically 8120 players and yet nothing's budged. Having that many players play with you without being reported (when you're
    in avoid me for no reason in the first place) is outright disgusting on microsofts end. Especially when I pay to use this service and I've payed for the games I can no longer play...

    I would care if I deserved to be there and there was a reason but there isn't. I've also read loads of threads online about this and all seem to have varying results. Some get out playing world of tanks for a mere few hours. Others aren't out months later.
    The system is seriously flawed in the way things are calculated and the ability to prevent other players from playing because you disagreed on something they did, said or anything else.

    I'm fed up of the same feedback with no results. Why should I play world of tanks when there is no sign that anything is happening. If I've played with nearly that many players then how can a few reports warrant me to be avoid me status? I would like some
    serious answers please.
  11. ngocphi Win User

    Very unfair reputation system! (Been put in avoid me!)

    because you aren't fixing the problem

    If you are getting further reports in wot

    Then the issue is your behaviour

    Stop being unsportmanlike

    Complaining about feedback by others is unsportmanlike you must respect the community
  12. Malacath Win User

    Why is the reputation message "avoid me" even a thing?

    I thought those with avoid me reputations were only supposed to be put in games with others of that reputation.

    If that's not the case then the reputation system might as well be discontinued

Very unfair reputation system! (Been put in avoid me!)

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