Utterly sick and tired of this. Cant play my games, constant updates, games uninstalled.

Discus and support Utterly sick and tired of this. Cant play my games, constant updates, games uninstalled. in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Is there ANY chance of me being able to use MY console when i like, how i like? I live on a boat so updating is a major pain in the [mod... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by RichardBudd1, Jun 19, 2020.

  1. RichardBudd1
    RichardBudd1 Guest

    Utterly sick and tired of this. Cant play my games, constant updates, games uninstalled.

    Is there ANY chance of me being able to use MY console when i like, how i like?

    I live on a boat so updating is a major pain in the [mod removed-profanity] over marina wifi. No problems though, i rarely use it but before i moved out of my house the console was fully updated with all the games id ever want to play installed.
    I used to be a major online player, COD gold star, WOT top 100 blah blah blah.

    Yet EVERY SINGLE TIME i go to my xbox one x on the boat there is some crappy update (or ghey emoji update) i dont even want that means i have to wait 3 hours for the useless update to complete for. Utterly sick and (insert word) tired of it! MY CONSOLE! I PAID
    FOR IT! I DONT WANT YOUR UPDATES! LET ME PLAY MY GAMES! Sorry but i thought the ad went "for the gamers"?? Gaming is the last thing i ever get to do with pile of dung console.

    Ive now been sat here for over an hour while Red Dead Redemtion II reinstalls from scratch (because MS thought it would be a laugh to unistall it yet again), same thing happened with Assasins Creed Origins. Took almost half a day to reinstall that (even
    though it was installed to begin with).

    I went to play Red Dead tonight and noticed it thought downloading 7.8GB!!!! would be a fun thing to do, so i cancelled the update and thought id just go offline to play my god damn game. I never play online anymore (i refuse to pay MS to play on MY console,
    on MY internet, that I PAY FOR). I dont give a fluffy carrot about your updates, "new features" or any other pointless
    [mod removed-profanity] thats stopping me from using MY CONSOLE. Jesus! Too much to ask to be able (on the odd occasion i want to) fire up my console and just freekin use it?!?!?! I gave up trying to play games on my games console for a while
    and thought id just watch a dvd instead... guess what... ? A FREAKIN UPDATE NEEDED BEFORE I COULD PLAY A DVD!!!! omg.

    Tried contacting "support" but lets be honest MS dont give a flying truffle, its nigh on impossible to raise an official complaint or even speak to one of their evil minions.

    Even their own backward compatibility page doesnt work with their own MS Edge browser (another pile of steaming sherbet). I went to play Forza 4, then Rocksmith, then Skyrim only to be told it wont work on Xbox one x, are you even serious??! (Out of the hundreds
    of titles i used to own, i brought FIVE with me on the boat to play and left the rest behind - Rocksmith, Skyrim, RED Dead, Assassins Creed and FORZA_. One of the THE most influencial games ever after COD but FORZA4 doesnt work on this useless xbox one x?!
    (should have kept my old xbox - or never have left Sony in the first place! and yes, i only swapped from Playstation for FORZA anyway).

    There is literallly NOTHING good about this console. Complete and utter garbage. MS knows best. Ive now been sat over an hour waiting for red dead which was already installed to reinstall because no doubt MS thought it funny to uninstall it because i cancelled
    the 8GB update (which no doubt was only for online game play which i refuse to do any way now).

    I will NEVER, and i do mean NEVER, like NEVER, NEVER EVER, buy another piece of MS anything ever again. I know the 'M' in MS stands for Mega but cant think what the 'S' stands for.

    I still have my Windows7 gaming PC that i built ages ago on board the boat, naturally i edited the registry to prevent MS installing their utterly garbage Windows10, but dont really have the room to set up a full gaming rig on a boat, so because i do quite
    a bit of video editing of my sailing adventures i needed something powerful enough to cope with 4k editing. So i bought this laptop im using right now, great little Leveno L340 for not a lot of money, copes ok with 4k editing, flys through 1080, but of course
    comes with the dreaded Windows10, but can i uninstall their useless Edge browser? Of course not, MS knows best, and rams it down my thought every time i browse, cant even open a new tab without it defaulting to their own
    [mod removed-profanity] BING search engine. Oh and nice try frying all my data with your recent forced updates that wiped everyone files (for SOME reason i dont trust you useless incompetent morons and always have all my data backed up to external
    hard drive and then again to my mirrored NAS - just as well as it turns out).

    MS you are a disease to the world of technology, a virus to innovation and usability.

    2 hours on, and yes, im STILL waiting for Read Dead Redemtion II to install (that was already installed anyway), 29.8% through the second disc. Is there a P.O Box where i can send my request for refund please MS and this steaming pile of potatoes is clearly
    not fit for purpose?


    RichardBudd1, Jun 19, 2020
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Utterly sick and tired of this. Cant play my games, constant updates, games uninstalled.