Upload your qualifying sales receipt and get a $5 promotional Xbox Gift Card?!

Discus and support Upload your qualifying sales receipt and get a $5 promotional Xbox Gift Card?! in XBoX Sales and Promo to solve the problem; I haven't had a single problem with microsoft. I've received everything accordingly. motzaeli perhaps just give it a week, i had to wait a few days as... Discussion in 'XBoX Sales and Promo' started by motzaeli-0BCA5A50-3A01-4778-BBDC-38B50B0B44BE, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Upload your qualifying sales receipt and get a $5 promotional Xbox Gift Card?!

    I haven't had a single problem with microsoft. I've received everything accordingly. motzaeli perhaps just give it a week, i had to wait a few days as well. Mister Fizzle doesn't have to help us even if he is support. He could simply go about the private
    message route but instead he takes a deep interest and tries to help you so i would highly suggest not bitting the hand that feeds, nor slapping the hand that offers the help that they can. if you have the receipt keep it handy and take a screen shot of you
    uploading the pictures and then e-mail the support or even call in showing your evidence (in the case that the offer expires and you still haven't received your perfect price discrimination hurdles pay off) there. problem is solved. complexly ^_^
    MasterXploder7, May 22, 2014
  2. Well nice words BUT wrong place and let me explain:

    1.I was refer to this site after over 10 phone calls and chats with MS rep's who failed to assist.

    2.I do expect from a company like MS to solve all open issues as they immerge as they are by simply checking this web site and the internet as well.

    3.I have followed all the instructions including direct emails to *** Die E-Mail-Adresse wurde aus Datenschutzgründen entfernt. *** but no solution.

    4.So now I really don’t know what else can I and many others can do.

    5.My personal view is that MS should inquire and investigate this issue as its their name and reputation that will be heart.

    6.Hope that I made myself clear.

    ***Thanks in advance for all those that are trying to help and assist BUT its MS official business and that is their job to come up with an answer***
    motzaeli-0BCA5A50-3A01-4778-BBDC-38B50B0B44BE, May 25, 2014
  3. Just a quick update – follow your instructions I have directed an email for :

    1. Check out the promo's FAQ and fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

    1. Select "Where's my gift card?" from the dropdown.

    2. Send an email direct to *** Die E-Mail-Adresse wurde aus Datenschutzgründen entfernt. ***.

    Their replay - Thank you for your email. Please reply with the approximate date you uploaded your submission and we will check the status.

    Now is it really the way to take care of loyal customers?

    I would expect MS to step in now.
    motzaeli-0BCA5A50-3A01-4778-BBDC-38B50B0B44BE, May 28, 2014
  4. Upload your qualifying sales receipt and get a $5 promotional Xbox Gift Card?!

    here is their answer :


    Thank you for contacting us. All submissions have been received and reviewed.

    We did not find any approved submissions associated with your email address. Please be advised the promotion has ended, May 31, 2014 at 9:00 p.m. PT

    We are unable to upload any more submissions. We apologize for any inconvenience.



    [You used to know us as ePrize.]

    One ePrize Drive

    Pleasant Ridge, MI 48069

    MS - wake up and take a stand this is not the way.
    motzaeli-0BCA5A50-3A01-4778-BBDC-38B50B0B44BE, Jun 3, 2014
  5. my answer -


    This is not the way to treat your loyal customers.

    Do escalate it to your supervisors per their review as I will also take it to MS per their review and to the commissioner of commerce in the USA per their review as well.

    It looks and feel like a scam.

    motzaeli-0BCA5A50-3A01-4778-BBDC-38B50B0B44BE, Jun 3, 2014
  6. I got the same submissions are now over excuse. Sorry to read you got the same. I really hope they can resolve this.
    Albert S Hood I, Jun 10, 2014
  7. something is wrong here verr wrong i am still waiting on MS to take care of it!
    motzaeli-0BCA5A50-3A01-4778-BBDC-38B50B0B44BE, Jun 10, 2014
  8. Upload your qualifying sales receipt and get a $5 promotional Xbox Gift Card?!

    I just got a final message from Hello World.

    They are giving me one last $5 code, but the other seven I wanted don't qualify because I had one code on the receipt to make up for the remaining purchases on my receipt. Apparently I needed 7 more unique codes from the website. What I thought was a misread
    on my part, was the actual rules for the thing.

    A bit lame to hide behind policy, but I can't get too mad at them about it. I hope everyone that participated in this promo is able to get their issue resolved better than I did. If that happens, then that last $35 I'm missing won't matter if the rest of
    y'all are taken care of.

    Good Luck and God Bless!
    Albert S Hood I, Jun 14, 2014
  9. KienZan
    KienZan Guest
    I am having the same issue. I submitted 3 receipts each with a $15 xbox live card on them with everything they asked for in the time they allowed the promotion. I know that this is not an issue with Microsoft (because this is done by a third party company)
    but it sure does make them look bad and I am not doing this ever again lol.
    KienZan, Jun 18, 2014
  10. to all,

    i am happy to let you know that i have got the promotional Xbox Gift Card today.

    motzaeli-0BCA5A50-3A01-4778-BBDC-38B50B0B44BE, Jun 20, 2014
  11. Viper827
    Viper827 Guest
    the 2 times I've contacted microsoft chat support, they have been completely clueless to this whole promotion, and just like previous comments, they just try to pass it off to someone else. I'm glad microsoft can afford to pay their support people to talk
    to me for over an hour, over a $5 gift card scam.
    Viper827, Jun 20, 2014
  12. Viper827
    Viper827 Guest
    Maybe if Microsoft can scam $5 from enough people they can make up some of the money lost to Sony?
    Viper827, Jun 20, 2014
  13. Upload your qualifying sales receipt and get a $5 promotional Xbox Gift Card?!

    I'm having the same issue as everybody else. Purchased 4 cards at Best Buy on 5/31 and submitted the receipts well before the 9pm PT cutoff. The promotion company is saying "Thank you for contacting us. All submissions have been received and reviewed.
    We did not find any approved submissions associated with your email address, which means it it may have been uploaded and received but was not approved."

    I know of one other person who is also getting the run-around by this company.

    What's our recourse?
    Toad-74C3B705-694F-4A02-BDA9-A0F747301CFF, Jun 20, 2014
  14. This is my 7th inquiry to ePrize where my $5 gift-card codes are ... I submitted 10 receipts on May 31st (all before 8pm PDT), and was told on June 10th that 8 receipts were read and credited on June 1st. I was then told by ePrize on June 12th that there
    was a technical issue, and that I should see my codes within 24 hours. I was then told by ePrize on June 17th that there was a technical problem, and that I should see my codes within 24 hours. It's now June 22nd, and I've received NO email to my Hotmail
    address (and nothing in my spam/junk folder) from ePrize, other than these canned responses. So I'll ask again ... what is the status for generating the correct number of $5 gift-card codes for me ... which is 10?

    Sure I can send email to ePrize/HelloWorld, but I'm wagering that MS has paid their final check on this promo to HelloWorld, and emails are just going into the "Deleted Email" folder. :-(
    yukon-cornelius, Nov 3, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Upload your qualifying sales receipt and get a $5 promotional Xbox Gift Card?!