Upload Studio Clip Delayed Access After Publishing (6 Days)

Discus and support Upload Studio Clip Delayed Access After Publishing (6 Days) in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; There is currently an issue that is increasing the amount of time before a clip becomes available for sharing/viewing by anyone other than the original... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Richard Sticky, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. Upload Studio Clip Delayed Access After Publishing (6 Days)

    There is currently an issue that is increasing the amount of time before a clip becomes available for sharing/viewing by anyone other than the original creator. In my case, the last three I've published took 6 days before appearing on the activity feed
    and becoming available for others to view.

    I've ran a few tests myself and I've come to the conclusion that it appears to be primarily affecting Upload Studio clips that have custom audio such as voice overs. Which is frustration because, I love doing my own original voice overs, sound effects,
    and music.

    We must also take into consideration the possibility of bugs/flawed functionality within the Enforcement system itself. Is it at all possible that this is related to The Enforcement Team and their quest to filter out content on the communities behalf rather
    than allow the community to police itself? They have told me personally that they "view all videos" before, they are made public so it stands to reason that they would either attempt to automate this impossible task or hold up everyones clips for several
    days while they chip away at the exponentially increasing mass of user generated content. As far as I have seen, all things enforcement are off the table so, if a bug did exist within the enforcement system it would likely be very difficult to get addressed
    due to the way in which the team has walled itself off.

    These uncertainties exist because, there is little to no transparency regarding the functionality of the systems that have been put in place and systems currently in development, especially the enforcement system. Are there any detailed patch notes/change
    logs available for any of these systems?

    Thank you for your continued commitment to customer service Official Support Staff.

    Richard Sticky, Feb 12, 2016
  2. Message saying "Failed to upload clip to xbox live/OneDrive"

    Thought I'd answer this myself (if it helps)

    When I try to upload the clip, everything is fine except when it comes time to upload to OneDrive where it instantly fails.

    Yes, Upload Studio is being used.

    No, no error messages being seen.

    So far the only game I've been using it with (& it worked fine up to a couple of days ago) is Forza Motorsport 6.
    SRASC-[xboxvenue], Feb 12, 2016
  3. Kyle fer
    Kyle fer Guest
    Upload Studio/Game DVR won't work!!

    Upload Studio seems to have been broken for about 2 weeks now, I am unable to upload a clip of any kind thru the Upload Studio, I have to upload them thru my clip manager.
    Kyle fer, Feb 12, 2016
  4. Upload Studio Clip Delayed Access After Publishing (6 Days)

    Hey, Richard! I know we've been talking about this for about a week now. I appreciate you making this post so that we can get down to this.

    I went to go share the clip that I had made last week that I mentioned to you, and was able to share it. To try to do this again, I created a clip without voice over, but with text. This was available immediately. However, trying a voice over on the clip
    does not give me the option to share immediately after saving.

    Basically, I confirmed exactly what you are saying. Voice over edits take longer to go through to be able to share than text edits do. This is generally normal, however the time frame itself is definitely longer than I remember.

    I've reached out to the appropriate people to dig a bit more into this. Once I have more information, I'll post back here for you. Upload Studio Clip Delayed Access After Publishing (6 Days) :)
    Misses Quinzel, Feb 15, 2016
  5. Hey, Richard! I finally got a response from the people that I reached out to. "To ensure the safety of all Xbox Live members and maintain a high quality of service, game clips are subject to review for compliance with the Microsoft Services Agreement. This
    can result in a delay before others can view your content. While we strive to allow other players to quickly view your clips, at periods of high volume there may be a slightly longer delay. We apologize for any inconvenience and sincerely thank you for your
    continued patience!"

    Enforcement has a higher than normal volume right now, and that is what's currently affecting this. We can't do anything but wait patiently for them to approve them, so keep trying daily to share. They are working to reduce this length of time, but do not
    want to give an ETA for how long it takes so that they are not setting up false expectations. Thanks for understanding and helping me nail this one down!
    Misses Quinzel, Feb 17, 2016
  6. Thank you for you continued commitment to maintaining a high quality of service.

    Unfortunately, what I've found over the course of the past year is that The Enforcement Team has in fact done the opposite of their claims. They have consistently decreased the quality of service and done little to protect anyone from real threats such
    as harassment, copyright infringement, and privacy. They truly lack the level of professionalism and objectivity required to carry out judgment on customers accounts.

    They are not only inconveniencing customers. they are the face of something more sinister that is, devaluing freedom of speech on the internet. Quite frankly as a Combat Veteran of the United States Army I find that incredibly troubling. Again, I can understand
    reasonable punishments for legitimate offenses, but the majority of the time what we see is good people getting punished while The Enforcement Team is used a pawn in sick game of methodical harassment.

    People have realized that the most effective form of revenge or harassment is to use the complaint system against their enemies and I'm beginning to see it almost daily. I'm here to tell you with 100% certainty that The Enforcement Team does significantly
    more harm than good to the credibility and integrity of Xbox Live service.

    The question is, where to go from here? Surely the customers voice should matter especially when it comes to a team who subjectively and inconsistency enforces the code of conduct on behalf of the community with little to no input from the community. They've
    continually walled themselves off from customers preventing themselves from the need to have to personally answer for their actions. This is why we regularly see angered misplaced posts on the support forums directed at the enforcement team. Customers are
    basically hung out to dry by that group and it is very disappointing in deed.

    After all it appears that the speculation that was introduced before the launch of the Xbox One was true. They do wish to control speech and the ability to access the hardware and software that consumers have purchased based on that speech.

    One must question the mental state of the head of such a team who believes that they can and should actively hold up user generated content in effort to prevent the community from being able to decide for themselves if something is offensive. Not to mention
    that it is nearly impossible to pre screen an exponentially increasing amount of user generated content. This system should have never been implemented and it is beginning to destroy the quality of the features that customers actually love about this service
    such as Upload Studio.

    Xbox Live Policy Enforcement Team = A true embarrassment to Xbox Live and an enemy to the movement of free speech on the internet.

    I do find it quite ironic however, that a man who is proud that his official job title is the Xbox Live Policy Enforcement Unicorn Ninja does not support the idea of freedom of expression in user generated content. Care for lunch? I'll buy.

    None of this is directed at Official Support as they have been a beacon of light with their responsiveness and willingness to investigate potential issues that affect customers on Xbox Live. Sadly, we can not say the same for The Enforcement TEam who attempt
    to wave the banner of "Maintaining High Quality of Service".

    Again, I sincerely thank you for your objectivity and professionalism Misses Quinzel.

    You'll have to excuse me, I'm a little passionate about the service I've been a part of for 10 years that was completely altered unnecessarily under a year ago by this incredibly flawed enforcement system/complaint/reputation system.

    Oh and by the way I can still answer support chats even though I've had ridiculous enforcement actions cast upon me. There's a little proof that real flaws/bugs exist in the functionality of the system. That bug report is on the house, should I file it
    in JIRA?

    TLDR: From one reasonable person to another, The Enforcement Team diminishes QoS.

    Peace and love to all.
    Richard Sticky, Feb 17, 2016
  7. Misses Quinzel,

    To help continue comments on this thread, I completely support Richards points and arguments to what the Enforcement team have imposed on Gamer's using game content for their creative videos.

    I am an xbox gamer with two kids on xbox. What i have found to be a sticking point is that parents let their kids play mature games and do not exercise parental control. I feel that the enforcement team should be looking into the validity of complaints
    prior to enacting any restrictions, to verify the ages and remind parents about their own responsibility and game warnings. Its not for xbox to correct parents but to represent their paying legitimate clients who do not step outside the gaming capabilities.

    However if xbox chooses to put more responsibility on teh user making video gaming content then we would ask that they program in tools for us to use to help with the restrictions and proper notification of its content. Even gaming companies put the part
    in where you enter your birth date so you can watch their trailer on the internet. My goodness anybody can enter a date that works.

    Meanwhile your enforcement team is policing what? What is their SOP? Does this SOP need to be reorganized to help smooth the process? Does the SOP need to shift focus? All we see on the console side is that we are greatly impacted. Does this seam fair,
    we are only using game content that has been reviewed and determined to be usable content by the gaming industry with their fair warnings.

    In summary, I feel that microsoft/Xbox should really be focused on following the guide lines of the gaming content by Parental control enforcement and limiting access. Leave the playing field alone for your paying customers to enjoy the games. Help build
    the tool complaining customers need to avoid the mature game content built into the games that others pay for to enjoy.
    AirierCactus19, Feb 18, 2016
  8. Philem Up 82
    Philem Up 82 Guest

    Upload Studio Clip Delayed Access After Publishing (6 Days)

    People who create and upload videos on XBL can be passionate about it as you can see from Mr.Sticky. There are also some who go to the lentghs of creating multiple accounts to report people they dont like. There is one person who has been known to have at
    least 32 different accounts. I had a video taken down a couple weeks ago that had no violence, no nudity, no drug use, no foul language..etc and I couldnt understand why. Anybody who didnt know me wouldnt have looked twice at it in terms of violations..yet
    somehow it was removed.

    The only prerequisite to participate in the enforcement program beta (not sure exactly what it is called) is that you are 18 years of age. Thats it. I'm a member. I have just been suspended for my content and its still all systems go for me to judge other
    videos. What if because im in a bad mood i just red flag everything i see? I don't see how this system is fair to anyone. If a video gets 10,000 views and a ton of likes, why is it that the complaints of a few outweigh the enjoyment and entertainment value
    that the vast majority of people experienced? This is not a good buisness model. How will a venture of any kind succeed when what is popular and in demand is being removed to cater to a small minority? If Microsoft had decided they should discontinue production
    of Windows because people loved it..but a small minority didnt approve of it, I wouldnt be here spending my time writting a rant that maybe 3 people in the world will ever read.

    90% of videos can be deemed offensive in some way and are a breach of the code of conduct. The depiction of the killing of police officers in GTA, mass murder in every FPS game, the murdering of certain racial denominations in certain levels of certain
    games, drug use and inuendo..etc. Can all be deemed violations. If they were deemed violations though upload would cease to exist.

    The enforcement powers that be turn a blind eye to the status quo violations in almost every clip recorded and instead go after people who create art and entertainment on software that was provided for that exact purpose. People who create art and entertainment
    are generaly very "real" people for lack of a better word..and have a hard time holding back (like Mr. Sticky) and expressing themselves in a manner that isnt true to them, and are being punished for it. People know "Real" when they see it. If you were to
    stub your toe really hard on your coffee table the next thing out of your mouth wouldnt be "oh gosh darn it", it would be words that would get your video removed and handed a suspension. That is "real" thats how people are and react and they know when they
    are just watching a talking head or one of them..a person. If major nelson was replaced with somebody who came off as more of a real person with more entertainment value than a box of crackers (unsalted) then views for his segment would go through the roof.
    The majority would be on board and be advertised to $$. No offence to the Major, but buisness is buisness.

    If there is any interest on the part of microsoft to make upload a success and a place where people go for entertainment, then let people create. Let what is popular flourish instead of being stamped out. Children are some of the most foul mouthed people
    on xbl and are present in every M rated game i have ever played. Most dont need protecting from reality. There can easily be disclaimers or child locks for videos that might be offensive to the precious youth. If somebody watches a video and at the begining
    it says..you might find some of this content offencive..then thats on them if they watch it and have lost the right to report and protect the rest of the world from what they deem inapropriate. None of this is to say let upload turn into some seedy red light
    district of videos, its just to allow creators to be themselves and hopefully help to make upload grow. Which is what i think everyone actualy really wants. It worked with youtube.

    Ummm..thats it i guess. My thumbs hurt. Sorry for my crappy spelling and shi*y grammar...but what can i say..im an idiot.

    P.s anybody know how i find out when my suspension is up or exactly why i was suspended in the first place?
    Philem Up 82, Feb 18, 2016
  9. Blunkett
    Blunkett Guest
    I did not think that anything could be added to the original post, however Cactus and Phil have eloquently added to an already persuasive argument.

    I can only endorse these comments in the hope of Xbox realising that it is not a minority of their customers that are having problems, it affects the whole roster of Xbox Live subscribers. Would it not be acceptable to suggest that the Enforcement Team is
    actually hindering the ideal that everyone in the Live community has a safe and fun time? The dog-slow speed of the Enforcement Team and its inability to create a level playing field for all means that it is not fit for purpose. An alternative route of community
    policing needs to be suggested and implemented.

    I would be happy to discuss alternatives, as would a good number of other subscribers. That we would give up our free time to help you enforce your principles should show our (as gamers) serious commitment to helping build a safe and fun community.
    Blunkett, Feb 20, 2016
  10. SweetBolin
    SweetBolin Guest
    I personally have twice had clips delayed for 6 days before becoming available. At the moment I have now decided to stop using Upload Studio, for fear of being wrongly accused/reported/banned/suspended by this utterly despised 'Enforcement Team', who are
    routinely and regularly clearly handing out unjustified suspensions to PAYING CUSTOMERS for reasons unknown. I started my journey with Xbox Live 8 years ago, and have always preferred it as a platform over the PlayStation. I have owned the original Xbox, the
    360, and now the 'One'. What is incredulous to me is that I started my Xbox Live journey with 15 friends, and since then in the past 2 years that has grown to 300+ friends and 700+ followers. So clearly I consider myself a part of the community, well liked,
    not offensive, not a troublemaker, and someone who is courteous and considerate of others. But, since 2014 I have received 11 enforcement warnings, 10 of which I can honestly say I have no idea why I received them. The one I am aware of is for typing the word
    '***', in response to a question from a friend on a public feed. It was a legitimate answer and is in fact a medical term, NOT a swear word. I have witnessed friend after friend receive warnings/suspensions for no legitimate reason whatsoever. My question
    is this. So far in excess of 735 Xbox Live members consider me ' not offensive'. CAN you tell me how many Xbox Live members it takes to report me rightly or wrongly before I would receive a suspension? Is it in excess of 735, because if it's not, your system
    is totally flawed, clearly run extremely unprofessionally and it is common knowledge that the Enforcement Team themselves utilize hundreds of fake gamertags to report paying customers. .
    SweetBolin, Feb 20, 2016
  11. Hey, guys! I understand your frustrations with this, however this is not the proper forum to give suggestions on how the Enforcement team should run their system. You will want to post this kind of stuff on the

    Feedback site
    , as that is where Enforcement collects the feedback for their team.

    Because the original issue is resolved (they are under high volumes right now, it takes longer than normal to approve them, and they are working on fixing that) and because this has turned into a thread offering feedback instead of a support thread, I'm
    locking this down. Any feedback you would like to provide to the Enforcement site needs to go through the link I provided above. Thanks for understanding.
    Misses Quinzel, Oct 31, 2018
  12. SweetBolin Win User

    Upload Studio Clip Delayed Access After Publishing (6 Days)

    I personally have twice had clips delayed for 6 days before becoming available. At the moment I have now decided to stop using Upload Studio, for fear of being wrongly accused/reported/banned/suspended by this utterly despised 'Enforcement Team', who are
    routinely and regularly clearly handing out unjustified suspensions to PAYING CUSTOMERS for reasons unknown. I started my journey with Xbox Live 8 years ago, and have always preferred it as a platform over the PlayStation. I have owned the original Xbox, the
    360, and now the 'One'. What is incredulous to me is that I started my Xbox Live journey with 15 friends, and since then in the past 2 years that has grown to 300+ friends and 700+ followers. So clearly I consider myself a part of the community, well liked,
    not offensive, not a troublemaker, and someone who is courteous and considerate of others. But, since 2014 I have received 11 enforcement warnings, 10 of which I can honestly say I have no idea why I received them. The one I am aware of is for typing the word
    '***', in response to a question from a friend on a public feed. It was a legitimate answer and is in fact a medical term, NOT a swear word. I have witnessed friend after friend receive warnings/suspensions for no legitimate reason whatsoever. My question
    is this. So far in excess of 735 Xbox Live members consider me ' not offensive'. CAN you tell me how many Xbox Live members it takes to report me rightly or wrongly before I would receive a suspension? Is it in excess of 735, because if it's not, your system
    is totally flawed, clearly run extremely unprofessionally and it is common knowledge that the Enforcement Team themselves utilize hundreds of fake gamertags to report paying customers. .
  13. Misses Quinzel Win User

    Upload Studio Clip Delayed Access After Publishing (6 Days)

    Hey, Richard! I finally got a response from the people that I reached out to. "To ensure the safety of all Xbox Live members and maintain a high quality of service, game clips are subject to review for compliance with the Microsoft Services Agreement. This
    can result in a delay before others can view your content. While we strive to allow other players to quickly view your clips, at periods of high volume there may be a slightly longer delay. We apologize for any inconvenience and sincerely thank you for your
    continued patience!"

    Enforcement has a higher than normal volume right now, and that is what's currently affecting this. We can't do anything but wait patiently for them to approve them, so keep trying daily to share. They are working to reduce this length of time, but do not
    want to give an ETA for how long it takes so that they are not setting up false expectations. Thanks for understanding and helping me nail this one down!
  14. AirierCactus19 Win User

    Upload Studio Clip Delayed Access After Publishing (6 Days)

    Misses Quinzel,

    To help continue comments on this thread, I completely support Richards points and arguments to what the Enforcement team have imposed on Gamer's using game content for their creative videos.

    I am an xbox gamer with two kids on xbox. What i have found to be a sticking point is that parents let their kids play mature games and do not exercise parental control. I feel that the enforcement team should be looking into the validity of complaints
    prior to enacting any restrictions, to verify the ages and remind parents about their own responsibility and game warnings. Its not for xbox to correct parents but to represent their paying legitimate clients who do not step outside the gaming capabilities.

    However if xbox chooses to put more responsibility on teh user making video gaming content then we would ask that they program in tools for us to use to help with the restrictions and proper notification of its content. Even gaming companies put the part
    in where you enter your birth date so you can watch their trailer on the internet. My goodness anybody can enter a date that works.

    Meanwhile your enforcement team is policing what? What is their SOP? Does this SOP need to be reorganized to help smooth the process? Does the SOP need to shift focus? All we see on the console side is that we are greatly impacted. Does this seam fair,
    we are only using game content that has been reviewed and determined to be usable content by the gaming industry with their fair warnings.

    In summary, I feel that microsoft/Xbox should really be focused on following the guide lines of the gaming content by Parental control enforcement and limiting access. Leave the playing field alone for your paying customers to enjoy the games. Help build
    the tool complaining customers need to avoid the mature game content built into the games that others pay for to enjoy.
  15. Richard Sticky Win User

    Upload Studio Clip Delayed Access After Publishing (6 Days)

    Thank you for you continued commitment to maintaining a high quality of service.

    Unfortunately, what I've found over the course of the past year is that The Enforcement Team has in fact done the opposite of their claims. They have consistently decreased the quality of service and done little to protect anyone from real threats such
    as harassment, copyright infringement, and privacy. They truly lack the level of professionalism and objectivity required to carry out judgment on customers accounts.

    They are not only inconveniencing customers. they are the face of something more sinister that is, devaluing freedom of speech on the internet. Quite frankly as a Combat Veteran of the United States Army I find that incredibly troubling. Again, I can understand
    reasonable punishments for legitimate offenses, but the majority of the time what we see is good people getting punished while The Enforcement Team is used a pawn in sick game of methodical harassment.

    People have realized that the most effective form of revenge or harassment is to use the complaint system against their enemies and I'm beginning to see it almost daily. I'm here to tell you with 100% certainty that The Enforcement Team does significantly
    more harm than good to the credibility and integrity of Xbox Live service.

    The question is, where to go from here? Surely the customers voice should matter especially when it comes to a team who subjectively and inconsistency enforces the code of conduct on behalf of the community with little to no input from the community. They've
    continually walled themselves off from customers preventing themselves from the need to have to personally answer for their actions. This is why we regularly see angered misplaced posts on the support forums directed at the enforcement team. Customers are
    basically hung out to dry by that group and it is very disappointing in deed.

    After all it appears that the speculation that was introduced before the launch of the Xbox One was true. They do wish to control speech and the ability to access the hardware and software that consumers have purchased based on that speech.

    One must question the mental state of the head of such a team who believes that they can and should actively hold up user generated content in effort to prevent the community from being able to decide for themselves if something is offensive. Not to mention
    that it is nearly impossible to pre screen an exponentially increasing amount of user generated content. This system should have never been implemented and it is beginning to destroy the quality of the features that customers actually love about this service
    such as Upload Studio.

    Xbox Live Policy Enforcement Team = A true embarrassment to Xbox Live and an enemy to the movement of free speech on the internet.

    I do find it quite ironic however, that a man who is proud that his official job title is the Xbox Live Policy Enforcement Unicorn Ninja does not support the idea of freedom of expression in user generated content. Care for lunch? I'll buy.

    None of this is directed at Official Support as they have been a beacon of light with their responsiveness and willingness to investigate potential issues that affect customers on Xbox Live. Sadly, we can not say the same for The Enforcement TEam who attempt
    to wave the banner of "Maintaining High Quality of Service".

    Again, I sincerely thank you for your objectivity and professionalism Misses Quinzel.

    You'll have to excuse me, I'm a little passionate about the service I've been a part of for 10 years that was completely altered unnecessarily under a year ago by this incredibly flawed enforcement system/complaint/reputation system.

    Oh and by the way I can still answer support chats even though I've had ridiculous enforcement actions cast upon me. There's a little proof that real flaws/bugs exist in the functionality of the system. That bug report is on the house, should I file it
    in JIRA?

    TLDR: From one reasonable person to another, The Enforcement Team diminishes QoS.

    Peace and love to all.
  16. Blunkett Win User

    Upload Studio Clip Delayed Access After Publishing (6 Days)

    I did not think that anything could be added to the original post, however Cactus and Phil have eloquently added to an already persuasive argument.

    I can only endorse these comments in the hope of Xbox realising that it is not a minority of their customers that are having problems, it affects the whole roster of Xbox Live subscribers. Would it not be acceptable to suggest that the Enforcement Team is
    actually hindering the ideal that everyone in the Live community has a safe and fun time? The dog-slow speed of the Enforcement Team and its inability to create a level playing field for all means that it is not fit for purpose. An alternative route of community
    policing needs to be suggested and implemented.

    I would be happy to discuss alternatives, as would a good number of other subscribers. That we would give up our free time to help you enforce your principles should show our (as gamers) serious commitment to helping build a safe and fun community.

Upload Studio Clip Delayed Access After Publishing (6 Days)

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