Update von X-Box Spielen wie z.B. Asphalt8/House of Fun etc. auf Windows 8.1. nicht möglich ...

Discus and support Update von X-Box Spielen wie z.B. Asphalt8/House of Fun etc. auf Windows 8.1. nicht möglich ... in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; Hallo lieber Support, ich versuche schon seit Monaten :-( Updates von auf meinem Windows 8.1. PC installierten Spielen wie z.b. Asphalt8/House of Fun... Discussion in 'XBoX on Windows' started by PumaBluete675, Nov 2, 2018.

  1. Update von X-Box Spielen wie z.B. Asphalt8/House of Fun etc. auf Windows 8.1. nicht möglich ...

    Hallo lieber Support, ich versuche schon seit Monaten :-( Updates von auf meinem Windows 8.1. PC installierten Spielen wie z.b. Asphalt8/House of Fun etc. runterzuladen. X-Box Store zeigt an, das 3 Updates vorhanden sind, allerdings wenn ich auf App-Updates
    gehe, werden keine Updates gefunden ?

    Meine an den Microsoft-Support gestellte Fragen wies mich an den X-Box-Support:

    Betreff SRX1445623595ID - Hilfe bei Updates bei 2 Spielen (Beilage)

    Microsoft Customer Support <*** Die E-Mail-Adresse wurde aus Datenschutzgründen entfernt. ***>

    Datum02.11.2018 11:13

    Sehr geehrter Kunde,

    vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht.

    Da Ihr Anliegen weitere und sorgfältige Klärung durch einen speziellen Support benötigt, empfehlen wir Ihnen, sich an den Microsoft Xbox Support zu wenden. Sie erreichen den erwähnten Support unter diesem Link.


    Wir wünschen Ihnen einen schönen Tag.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Microsoft Support

    Microsoft Deutschland GmbH | Walter-Gropius-Strasse 5 | 80807 München |



    Bin ich

    hier richtig bzw. kann mir hier jemand weiterhelfen - Unterlagen bzw. Dokumentation auf Wort hätte ich ?

    Vielen Dank.

    [Translated - Hello dear support, I have been trying for months :-( Updates of games installed on my Windows 8.1 PC such as Asphalt8 / House of Fun download etc. X-Box Store indicates that there are 3 updates, but if I am on
    App updates go, no updates are found?

    My questions to Microsoft support directed me to X-Box support:

    Subject SRX1445623595ID - Help with updates to 2 games (Supplement)


    Microsoft Customer Support <*** Die E-Mail-Adresse wurde aus Datenschutzgründen entfernt. ***>

    Date02.11.2018 11:13

    Dear customer,

    Thank you for your message.

    Since your request requires further and careful clarification through special support, we recommend that you contact Microsoft Xbox Support.
    You can reach the mentioned support under this link.

    Xbox One Support | Xbox 360 Support | Support für Xbox Live und Rechnungsstellung

    We wish you a nice day.

    Yours sincerely

    Microsoft support

    Microsoft Germany GmbH | Walter-Gropius-Strasse 5 |
    80807 Munich |



    I am

    right here or can someone help me here - documentation or documentation on word would I have?

    Many Thanks.]

    PumaBluete675, Nov 2, 2018
  2. RanadhirDN
    RanadhirDN Guest
    Game point not updating.

    I have completed the "Perfect Nitro"achievement in Asphalt 8 Airborne. But it is not updated in the Xbox games app in Windows Phone 8.1. Why?
    RanadhirDN, Nov 2, 2018
  3. utahman71
    utahman71 Guest
    Microsoft Solitaire Collection And Windows 8.1

    I really like to play tri peaks, but as soon as Windows 8.1 update or upgrade, whatever everyone calls it. It is sluggish and sound issues. It worked smoothly and perfect in Windows 8.0, but as soon as 8.1 was installed and even all the driver updates do
    nothing to fix the issues this game has. It is a App issue. This app needs a new update fix for Windows 8.1. I tried other games from XBOX like mahjong and others and they run fine in Windows 8.1. It is this App only. Until someone here from XBOX or Microsoft
    decides to fix this, then the game is never installed again or played by me. My mother won't even update or upgrade to Windows 8.1, because of this.

    I even contacted BestBuy and Toshiba, and they won't do anything, because it is an App issue. So far I see a lot complaining about this App not doing what it should be doing in Windows 8.1, but nothing is being done to fix it. Such a fun game ends up being
    no fun, when it is sluggish and no sound.
    utahman71, Nov 2, 2018
  4. Ackis
    Ackis Guest

    Update von X-Box Spielen wie z.B. Asphalt8/House of Fun etc. auf Windows 8.1. nicht möglich ...

    The updates are not up in the Windows Store?
    Ackis, Nov 2, 2018
  5. No, the store Shows me (3) updates available:

    but if i go to App-Updates and search:

    it Shows: no updates available:

    Can you help or know a possibility to get the updates ?
    PumaBluete675, Nov 2, 2018
  6. XBF Amber M
    XBF Amber M Guest
    Hi PumaBlue!

    Thanks for reaching out to us! If I understand correctly, you are having issues updating your PC games Asphalt 8 and House of Fun and they are directly downloaded to your PC, and they are not played via the Xbox App. If this is correct, then you would not
    be able to find updates for those games in the Xbox App since they are installed directly on to your PC. This being the case, you may wish to uninstall and reinstall the games to see if this allows them to fully take the 3 updates that are pending.

    What I would also recommend is checking out this
    post from our forums
    relating specifically to your issue since you are running Windows 8.1 and having issues Asphalt 8.

    Hope this helps out!
    XBF Amber M, Nov 4, 2018
  7. Many thanks for your reply. You understanded correctly, and I have already tried to uninstall and reinstall the games, but that doesn´t helped.

    But I didn´t saw the updates in the Xbox App, I saw the info in the Xbox Store and - for sure - in the games.

    Isn´t there another solution possible ?

    Many thanks in advance for further help and hints Update von X-Box Spielen wie z.B. Asphalt8/House of Fun etc. auf Windows 8.1. nicht möglich ... :)
    PumaBluete675, Nov 4, 2018
  8. Update von X-Box Spielen wie z.B. Asphalt8/House of Fun etc. auf Windows 8.1. nicht möglich ...

    Hi there!

    Thanks for reaching out! I'm sorry to hear about the issue with updating PC games Asphalt 8 and House of Fun. Corrupted
    data may cause the app to not to work properly.

    Here are two steps on how to isolate system issues:

    Method 1Update von X-Box Spielen wie z.B. Asphalt8/House of Fun etc. auf Windows 8.1. nicht möglich ... :perform a clean boot,
    this helps eliminate software conflicts that occur when you install a program or an update or when you run a program in Windows 10. Here is the
    link on
    how to perform a clean boot.

    Method 2:
    Here is a
    on how to download Apps Troubleshooter.

    Have you tried to uninstall/re-install the Xbox App?

    Hope this helps and lets us know the results.
    XBF Crystal P, Nov 9, 2018
  9. Dear Crystal P,

    many thanks for your reply.

    First of all, the issue was with Windows 8.1. and not with Windows 10.

    I have solved the issue myselve by uninstall/reinstall the Asphalt 8 game severall times Update von X-Box Spielen wie z.B. Asphalt8/House of Fun etc. auf Windows 8.1. nicht möglich ... :)

    But that should not be the solution for it - it takes a lot of time and space !!!!

    I will close the issue, but it´s not the perfect solution for all Gamers on Windows 8.1. to proceed in this matter - or what do you think ???

    Many thanks for trying to help .................
    PumaBluete675, Nov 5, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Update von X-Box Spielen wie z.B. Asphalt8/House of Fun etc. auf Windows 8.1. nicht möglich ...