Unbelievable Lag.

Discus and support Unbelievable Lag. in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Hi to all. Since I bought my xbox one I had a LOT of problems with connection. I had lot of lag at the start and thought it was my modem so I bought a... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by pNp iPe7eR 10, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Unbelievable Lag.

    Hi to all. Since I bought my xbox one I had a LOT of problems with connection. I had lot of lag at the start and thought it was my modem so I bought a brand new one but it didn't solve the problem. Recently the lag was becoming terrible to the point that
    my latency was 500-600 when my xbox was on and if it was off my connection will run smoothly and I had my 20ms of latency back. So I restored the console to factory default (Third time I had to do it) and latency when XB1 was on was back to normal.Then I reinstalled
    all my games and I went on NBA.

    The Sync with the cloud thing came up but it won't go away and it was loading to infinity so I interrupted it and went on playing and the connection was ok (not lag free but it was much better than before). When I came back after shutting the xbox off the
    sync thing came up again on NBA and this time it worked but...BAM the lag was back and no matter what I tried (disconnecting modem,shutting off xbox,changing IP on xbox) it won't go away. So I restored AGAIN to default settings. The lag was gone again but
    everytime I go on a game the sync thing comes up and it goes on and on and on and I have to interrupt it or it won't go away. So tonight I went to play BF4 and the sync thing worked and guess what?

    LAG AGAIN. I don't know what's up with my xbox but it's really starting to annoy me. I tried almost everything but and I'm pretty desperate right now.

    pNp iPe7eR 10, Jan 16, 2014
  2. king henrik
    king henrik Guest
    Brink Stinks...

    Don’t even bother trying to play online... unbelievable lag leave it unplayable. Quickest Trade-in ever... 2 hours.
    king henrik, Jan 16, 2014
  3. Titanfall Digital Deluxe

    why is there such an unbelievable amount of lag and stutter when I play this but I get none of that when I play the 360 version?
    Knighthawk3759, Jan 16, 2014
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Unbelievable Lag.