Two month waiting for advance exchange

Discus and support Two month waiting for advance exchange in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I received my Xbox One in week 47 last year. I immediately called the suppot because the fan of my Xbox One is quite noisy. I was offered an advance... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Wunderschlegl, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. Two month waiting for advance exchange

    I received my Xbox One in week 47 last year. I immediately called the suppot because the fan of my Xbox One is quite noisy. I was offered an advance exchange. I gave my credit card information to the support. One week later I got a call from the support
    that there was a problem with my credit card. We did the same procedure again and since then I am waiting for a new Xbox. I already called the support several time because I get no answer what is the problem. I always just get the answer that I will be called
    within the next seven days but until now I got no call. So I am now waiting for almost eight weeks to get a new console which is working propery. Honestly, that is the worst support I ever had to deal with! If I knew that before I would have done the exchange
    with Amazon. For shure I would already have received a new console and would have less reasons to be annoyed...

    Wunderschlegl, Jan 11, 2014
  2. Still waiting for my advance exchange

    Mine took 30 days to get my exchange controller
    WhyS0Seri0us11, Jan 11, 2014
  3. Sir Bunalot
    Sir Bunalot Guest
    Still waiting for my advance exchange

    On the 10th of December I ordered an advance exchange because my xbox one had the disk drive issues, this was just the start of my problems! UPS had failed to deliver my replacement so I contacted xbox customer support, who told me to contact UPS. I did
    this only to be told that as the package hadn't been scanned in over 48 hours, they could only assume that it had been lost in transit and that I would have to contact the account holder ( Microsoft) to report a grievence. So I contacted xbox customer support
    again, I was told that the issue would be eculated and that someone from the Advocacy team would contact me within 5-7 days, they also told me not to worry about my card being charged as the 14 days to return my non working xbox only started from when the
    replacement console would be delivered. On the 16th of December a UPS guy turned up and told me he delivered the package on the 12th and forgot to get a signature, so would I sign for it now,I refused and he left. I contacted both Xbox support and UPS to explain
    what had just happened. On the 17th of December a manager from the UPS depot where my package was last scanned called to ask why I refused to sign for delivery. I told her it was because I hadn't received a delivery. She then explained to me that they needed
    a signature from me to show that I hadn't received the delivery ( which makes no sense). On the 24th of December I received an email from the advocacy team telling me the had contacted all the relevant departments to try and sort out my issue and they would
    have my CONTROLLER with me as soon as possible and if I had any questions I could reply to the email, which I did to explain that it wasn't an issue with the controller but the actual console itself. On the 28th of December I received an email from xbox customer
    support stating that they had confirmation from the carrier that my replacement xbox had been delivered and as I had failed to return my non working xbox, my card would now be charged and if there was a problem I was to contact customer support. I called customer
    support and asked for a copy of the proof of delivery (as I was told that the 14 days started from when the xbox had been delivered) only to be told the it was an automated charge and that I would have to wait for the Advocacy team to contact me in regards
    to a refund. They also told me they would call me back at 7pm that day to make sure the advocacy team had contacted me. Neither did. So on the 29th of December I called again, to be told again that I had to wait for the advocacy team to contact me, but the
    good news was she could tell by the system that they would contact me that same day. She also said she would personally call me back at 7pm to make sure the had contacted me. Neither did. On the 30th of December I once again contacted support to ask why I
    hadn't been contacted by the advocacy team only to be told that it was because they don't work weekends!!! But not to worry as they would contact me within 2-3 days. On the 3rd of January I again contacted customer support, who told me they would look into
    the matter and that they would contact back by 7pm with any news. To my surprise, he did call me back and told me he had good news. He had checked on the UPS tracking website and my delivery would arrive on that very same day. I explained to him that I had
    also checked the website and that it had stated EVERYDAY since the 12th of December that my package was on a vehical and would be delivered but that it never turns up. I also explained how I also had been in contact with with UPS and that as far as they where
    concerned there was no delivery on its way to me. The customer support agent then told me that if it was not delivered that day, I had to call back on the 6th of January and someone from Microsoft would have to contact UPS. So after all this time no one from
    Microsoft had even bothered to contact UPS!!! As things stand I have currently paid for 2 Xbox Ones and only have 1 broken Xbox one to show for it. I have told Microsoft numerous times that this needs to get sorted as a matter of urgency as I have 2 kids to
    support and that by taking the money from my account (even though I was told that they wouldn't) they are causing me real financial stress and the only answer I keep being told is that I will just have to be patient and wait. Well I'm sorry Microsoft, I've
    been a big fan for a long time but I can't afford to wait and sadly I think this will sour our relationship forever.
    Sir Bunalot, Jan 11, 2014
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Two month waiting for advance exchange