自动关机 [Translation - Auto shutdown]

Discus and support 自动关机 [Translation - Auto shutdown] in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; 新买的XBOXONES一玩游戏就自动关机 [Translated - The newly bought Xboxones automatically shuts down as soon as he plays the game] 04bd759f-958b-43ea-a581-d447a6ee2883 Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by 忠星饶, Nov 7, 2018.

  1. 忠星饶
    忠星饶 Guest

    自动关机 [Translation - Auto shutdown]


    [Translated - The newly bought Xboxones automatically shuts down as soon as he plays the game]

    忠星饶, Nov 7, 2018
  2. 汪挺凯
    汪挺凯 Guest

    我在使用xbox的录制NBA2k18时,一旦开始录制,按d键和l键都会自动调到桌面,并且接下来关闭录制,按d和l都会自动返回桌面。其他游戏不会出现这 的问题,而且如果刚开始不安录制也不会有问题。望告知解决办法
    汪挺凯, Nov 7, 2018
  3. Julian_
    Julian_ Guest
    Julian_, Nov 7, 2018
  4. XBF Amber M
    XBF Amber M Guest

    自动关机 [Translation - Auto shutdown]

    Hi 星饶 !

    Thanks for reaching out to us! Since your Xbox One S is shutting down randomly, you may want to try out our support page about

    troubleshooting the console turning off unexpectedly
    . You would also want to make sure that your console is plugged directly into a wall socket rather than a power strip/surge protector.

    Hope this helps out and please let us know the results!
    XBF Amber M, Nov 7, 2018
  5. XBF Nestor S
    XBF Nestor S Guest
    Hey bud thanks for keeping in touch!

    First things first, yes, feel free to post in the native language since we have a good translator. Now the problem is that the console

    Unexpectedly Shuts Off
    , we have a page on our website with some steps to follow to get this issue resolved! Go ahead and check it out and let us know if we can further assist in this or any other matter!
    XBF Nestor S, Nov 7, 2018
  6. XBF Erick C
    XBF Erick C Guest

    Sorry to hear that the Troubleshooting provided above has not worked with much success. If the console is still running into the same problems I would advise looking into possibly a Repair for the console. You can always set one up through the

    Self Service Repair
    website, or by
    Contacting Xbox Customer Support
    to get assistance setting up the repair.

    I hope this helps!
    XBF Erick C, Nov 7, 2018
  7. 忠星饶
    忠星饶 Guest
    OK . Thanks for your help! i will try .✧٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧
    忠星饶, Nov 2, 2018
  8. 忠星饶 Win User

    自动关机 [Translation - Auto shutdown]

    OK . Thanks for your help! i will try .✧٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧
  9. XBF Amber M Win User

    自动关机 [Translation - Auto shutdown]

    Hi 星饶 !

    Thanks for reaching out to us! Since your Xbox One S is shutting down randomly, you may want to try out our support page about

    troubleshooting the console turning off unexpectedly
    . You would also want to make sure that your console is plugged directly into a wall socket rather than a power strip/surge protector.

    Hope this helps out and please let us know the results!
  10. 忠星饶 Win User

    自动关机 [Translation - Auto shutdown]

    回信回的真快,那说明 是个好人,乐于帮助我 。

    给我发的那个网页我早就看过了,上面的方法都试过了,但仍然不能解决我的问题。我实在找不到解决办法才来这里碰碰运气,看看有没人能够帮助我。 我现在怀疑是不是电压的问题, 为我在玩一些小型游戏的时候就不会自动关机,然而玩一些大型游戏(像刺客信条这 的)就会像没电了一 自动关机! 我的xboxones是新买的,所以应该不会是它自身的问题,会不会是 为我们学 的电压问题呢? xboxones对电压有什么要求吗?特别是它在运行大型游戏的时候。


    You wrote back so fast that you were a good man and willing to help me. I've seen that page you sent me, and all the methods above have been tried, but it still doesn't solve my problem. I can't really find a solution to come here and try my luck to see
    if anyone can help me. I now wonder if it's a voltage problem because I don't turn it off automatically when I'm playing some small games, but playing some big games (like Assassin's Creed) will shut down automatically like no power! My xboxones is a new
    buy, so it shouldn't be its own problem, will it be because of the voltage problem in our school?

    Xboxones do you have any requirements for voltage? Especially when it's running a big game.
  11. XBF Erick C Win User

    自动关机 [Translation - Auto shutdown]


    Sorry to hear that the Troubleshooting provided above has not worked with much success. If the console is still running into the same problems I would advise looking into possibly a Repair for the console. You can always set one up through the

    Self Service Repair
    website, or by
    Contacting Xbox Customer Support
    to get assistance setting up the repair.

    I hope this helps!
  12. XBF Nestor S Win User

    自动关机 [Translation - Auto shutdown]

    Hey bud thanks for keeping in touch!

    First things first, yes, feel free to post in the native language since we have a good translator. Now the problem is that the console

    Unexpectedly Shuts Off
    , we have a page on our website with some steps to follow to get this issue resolved! Go ahead and check it out and let us know if we can further assist in this or any other matter!

自动关机 [Translation - Auto shutdown]

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