选择本地或云端档案,误丢失游戏档案 [Translate] Choose a local or cloud profile and lose your game profile by...

Discus and support 选择本地或云端档案,误丢失游戏档案 [Translate] Choose a local or cloud profile and lose your game profile by... in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Xbox one地平线4打开时,窗口让选择本地或云端档案,选了时间最新但进度空白的本地档案,之后让创建玩家信息。有办法找回吗? [Translate by Mod] When Xbox one Horizon 4 opens, the window lets you select a local... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Xie Yifan14, Oct 6, 2019.

  1. Xie Yifan14
    Xie Yifan14 Guest

    选择本地或云端档案,误丢失游戏档案 [Translate] Choose a local or cloud profile and lose your game profile by...

    Xbox one地平线4打开时,窗口让选择本地或云端档案,选了时间最新但进度空白的本地档案,之后让创建玩家信息。有办法找回吗?

    [Translate by Mod]

    When Xbox one Horizon 4 opens, the window lets you select a local or cloud profile, select a local profile with the latest time but a blank schedule, and then let the player information be created. Is there a way to get it back?

    Xie Yifan14, Oct 6, 2019
  2. WPAK Win User

    选择本地或云端档案,误丢失游戏档案 [Translate] Choose a local or cloud profile and lose your game profile by mistake

    Web translation:

    Select local or cloud files and accidentally lose game files

    When Xbox one Horizon 4 is open, the window allows you to select a local or cloud file, select the local file with the latest time but the progress is blank, and then create the player information.
    Is there a way to get it back?


    Hi there,

    the only option you could try is to contact Xbox Support via Phone (or Chat) to see if they can bring back the save file.

    You can contact Xbox Support via Phone (or Chat) via
  3. SuperLuckyYang Win User

    极限竞速:地平线4 存档丢失 [Extreme Racing: Horizon 4 Archive Lost]

    游戏开始提示需要同步数据,然后同步数据到99%不动,我点了关闭,提示本地存档比云端存档更新,是否使用本地存档,我选了是,之后进游戏发现之前玩的车辆以及全部数据没有了,变成了第一次进游戏的 子,我立刻卸载了游戏重新下载了一遍,但是下载好之后进游戏游戏存档没有了并且云端存档也没有了

    [Translation-The game starts to prompt the need to sync the data, and then sync the data to 99% do not move, I click off, prompt the local archive than the cloud archive update, whether to use the local archive, I chose yes, and
    then into the game found before playing the vehicle and all the data is gone, become the first into the game look, I immediately uninstalled the game and downloaded it again, but after downloading it went into the game archive there was no and the cloud archive
    was gone. ]
  4. ngocphi Win User

    I'm subscribing to "gamepass ultimate" on mac, but can't I play local multiplayer?

    No as you are using cloud not local installed games as cloud games are signing in online and only subscriber can roam

    You would have to install Windows thru bootcamp and install the games

    Mac os doesn't support other game services unless it's a big one like steam or Mac game services

    Other support only applies to mobile iOS and only in europe

    It is Mac's walled off garden

    P不可以, 为 使用的是云游戏,而不是本地安装的游戏, 为云游戏是在线登录的,只有订阅者才能漫游

    必须通过 bootcamp 安装 Windows 并安装游戏

    Mac OS 不支持其他游戏服务,除非是像 Steam 或 Mac 游戏服务这 的大服务

    其他支持仅适用于移动 iOS,并且仅在欧洲提供
  5. Jason Guer Win User


    此响应已自动翻译。 此,可能存在语法错误或奇异的措辞。



    我知道您在计算机中找不到您的 Minecraft Java 版游戏时遇到问题。让我们共同努力,找到这个问题的最佳解决方案。

    为了让我更好地理解这个问题,我想问 个问题:

    • 如何登录 的我的世界游戏?
    • 您是否在 Minecraft 游戏中使用 Microsoft 或 Mojang 帐户?
    如果您使用的是Microsoft帐户到您的Minecraft游戏,那么您需要选择带有黄色突出显示的选项,如果Mojang帐户,请选择绿色选项。就像下图一 。




    杰森· 尔

  6. 贺健 Win User



选择本地或云端档案,误丢失游戏档案 [Translate] Choose a local or cloud profile and lose your game profile by...

  1. 选择本地或云端档案,误丢失游戏档案 [Translate] Choose a local or cloud profile and lose your game profile by... - Similar Threads - 选择本地或云端档案,误丢失游戏档案 Translate Choose

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