Transferring my Demo Character?

Discus and support Transferring my Demo Character? in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; How do I transfer my Demo character? I saved through cloud. Got a disc of the full game, And I'm not sure how to transfer.... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by LonelyGalaxy9, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. Transferring my Demo Character?

    How do I transfer my Demo character? I saved through cloud. Got a disc of the full game, And I'm not sure how to transfer.

    LonelyGalaxy9, Dec 31, 2013
  2. Adamdust
    Adamdust Guest
    diablo 3 demo into full game bug

    Transferring progress from the demo to the full game renders some of the log books inactive (bestiary, lore, etc). Figuring I'd just get them the next time around in Nightmare mode I was surprised when the scribe tables in the cathedral only had coins. Even
    still, I got them in the demo and they don't appear in my challenges progress. This may. of render the game unplayable and therefore not be a major issue but it is still a bummer. Means I can't work toward certain things I wish I could accomplish.
    Adamdust, Dec 31, 2013
  3. JoshDelabra
    JoshDelabra Guest
    Transferring 360 saves

    I'm also having issues transferring my Xbox 360 save to my Xbox one. The weird thing is, I'm only having trouble transferring a specific map of mine.
    JoshDelabra, Dec 31, 2013
  4. Hybridizm
    Hybridizm Guest

    Transferring my Demo Character?

    Hey LonelyGalaxy9! If you have Cloud Storage enabled, upon starting up the game choose Cloud Storage as your main storage device. Your character should be ready and waiting for you as soon as it loads up. Also, from Xbox Home you can go to System > Storage
    > Cloud Storage and choose to transfer your save game from the cloud to the HDD via copying or moving the content over. Hope this helps!
    Hybridizm, Dec 31, 2013
  5. Hybridizm Win User

    Transferring my Demo Character?

    Hey LonelyGalaxy9! If you have Cloud Storage enabled, upon starting up the game choose Cloud Storage as your main storage device. Your character should be ready and waiting for you as soon as it loads up. Also, from Xbox Home you can go to System > Storage
    > Cloud Storage and choose to transfer your save game from the cloud to the HDD via copying or moving the content over. Hope this helps!
  6. Vinymac15 Win User

    lost a pre order character for gears of war 3

    i had two characters that shouldve been transferred over. one was aaron griffin when they had a facebook promotion to get the character and that transferred but my pre order character commondo dom transferred but now it is gone
  7. vader da slayer Win User

    2 questions about going from mass2 to mass 3

    yeah like Schuey said it was a demo character (or premeade character). a character made by the developers to be able to easily handle the shown demo easily to prevent slow downs/deaths. same was done in the Skyrim demo. if you notice Tod Howards character
    there had a destruction skill of 95 (out of 100).
  8. Dyscarnate Win User

    XP from demo didnt transfer!

  9. MaxJLees Win User

    Problem with transferring licenses.

    I've just noticed all my demos seem to have not transferred why not??

Transferring my Demo Character?

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