Toxicity - Overload?

Discus and support Toxicity - Overload? in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Now I don't mind a bit of back and forth, but every now and then you get into an exchange with someone that's so absurd that the normal report... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by iPhantomSitter, Oct 15, 2018.

  1. Toxicity - Overload?

    Now I don't mind a bit of back and forth, but every now and then you get into an exchange with someone that's so absurd that the normal report functions seem insufficient.

    Enter, last night. I was on Smite, a game fairly infamous for it's levels of toxicity as it is. Now I'm no pro player myself, but this person was not a good Smite player. The fact I was having to babysit him constantly was having a negative effect on everyone
    else on our team. To cut a long story short, it was my last game of the evening; he was spamming in-game communication throughout and after a while, I just got tired of it. So rather than retaliate, I just left. Crazy, right?

    I've attached screenshots of the messages I received as a result. I played it off, of course, but the fact that this person went from 0-100 this quick is concerning. You can see that he offered payment for my details, used racist and aggressive language
    and even used mis-spelling and punctuation as ways to try and circumvent actually swearing.

    I have filed a complaint against him with Xbox, both on console and via live chat. Next up is Youtube because as you can see, this person is a content creator!! I visited their YT and that term is used loosely, but I digress.

    Share your own experiences of toxicity on XBL, let this be a place to vent!

    [Mod Removed]

    iPhantomSitter, Oct 15, 2018
  2. Toxicity

    While this can clearly be frustrating, it's important to let enforcement do their jobs and leave the 'calling out' to them. As someone else stated, just report and move on and don't be afraid to mute/block/report at the first signs of TOS violations.
    MarsNeedsTacos, Oct 15, 2018
  3. XBF Jeremy Z
    XBF Jeremy Z Guest

    Hey there Xbox Fans!

    I will be closing this thread as it is linked to a post from over a year ago. You are more than welcomed to start your own, I am pretty sure other gamers would like to bring their ideas into the subject. Toxicity - Overload? :)

    Thank you! (ノ≥∇≤)ノ
    XBF Jeremy Z, Oct 15, 2018
  4. Toxicity - Overload?

    Hi, you shouldn't call out another gamer on the forums, it is a violation. You shouls d use the report feature on Xbox for each message that violates the code of conduct. Then mute and block the player. Let enforcement deal with this.
    Njal the Blue, Oct 15, 2018
  5. Hi Njal, I did just that and I've spoken to someone through Live Chat; they actually told me to post the messages on the forum so other people were aware of it...should I remove the discussion?
    iPhantomSitter, Oct 16, 2018
  6. Whilst I fully understand the reasoning, you were given wrong advice. If you can edit out the gamertag all is fine. Don't want you getting any actions against you.
    Njal the Blue, Oct 16, 2018
  7. Noted. I don't think I can amend the post as it has comments on it. Can you remove yours and I'll just delete it.

    iPhantomSitter, Oct 16, 2018
  8. Toxicity - Overload?

    He thinks he is clever, messaging you as he has. Probably thinks he has found a way round enforcement action but he will get a shock. Using special characters, acronyms or missing letters out, does not avoid action.
    Njal the Blue, Oct 16, 2018
  9. Oh he knew exactly what he was doing!

    I've made some adjustments Njal. Any better?
    iPhantomSitter, Oct 16, 2018
  10. You just needed to report him and block him why didn't you did that after the 1st message?
    ForzaDrift Girl, Oct 16, 2018
  11. I actually blocked him after the second but messages kept coming through. His profile then only had the option to 'unblock him'.
    iPhantomSitter, Oct 16, 2018
  12. Tormaz
    Tormaz Guest
    I find it best to ignore people like this. Report the player for harassment and block him, report every single message they sent.
    Tormaz, Oct 16, 2018
  13. Toxicity - Overload?

    Yes, that keeps you safe.

    Enforcement will catch up with him, if they haven't already it will be soon. I hope you reported all the messages.
    Njal the Blue, Oct 16, 2018
  14. Saeleth
    Saeleth Guest
    You did the right thing reporting this player. MS will make sure that they are dealt with appropriately.
    Saeleth, Nov 2, 2018
  15. Njal the Blue Win User

    Toxicity - Overload?

    Yes, that keeps you safe.

    Enforcement will catch up with him, if they haven't already it will be soon. I hope you reported all the messages.
  16. Tormaz Win User

    Toxicity - Overload?

    I find it best to ignore people like this. Report the player for harassment and block him, report every single message they sent.
  17. iPhantomSitter Win User

    Toxicity - Overload?

    I actually blocked him after the second but messages kept coming through. His profile then only had the option to 'unblock him'.
  18. ForzaDrift Girl Win User

    Toxicity - Overload?

    You just needed to report him and block him why didn't you did that after the 1st message?
  19. iPhantomSitter Win User

    Toxicity - Overload?

    Hi Njal, I did just that and I've spoken to someone through Live Chat; they actually told me to post the messages on the forum so other people were aware of it...should I remove the discussion?

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