this is getting old and im getting tired of xbox/microsoft...fix your broken preorder and ...

Discus and support this is getting old and im getting tired of xbox/microsoft...fix your broken preorder and ... in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; First it was BF4 having issues with the digital download but that’s just the start. Preorder the digital version and once again this broken system has... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by ELITE CMDR 666, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. this is getting old and im getting tired of xbox/microsoft...fix your broken preorder and ...

    First it was BF4 having issues with the digital download but that’s just the start. Preorder the digital version and once again this broken system has me ***, not only did I wait to play but once I started playing I found that I did not have items that were
    part of the preorder. well before I contacted Microsoft I decide to delete the game and reinstall which I’m fine but now with its mediocre hard drive and speed it takes forever @120mb download nothing for me take that long yet it does for this game. If this
    is going to be a habit where your pushing digital downloads at least make sure we get everything that we are paying for. I don’t get your business model or lack of true support.

    I been at it with activision now for 2 hours and in a wait for Xbox tech for 30 minutes, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE, you don’t takes people’s money and give them a broken game. you don’t go to a dealer and pay good money for a car then have the car break
    down a few miles from the dealer because if it did happen you be ***, SO WHY quality control doesn’t test these games thoroughly so that customers don’t have to bother you, because we all know that customer service at Xbox is not all that great. It’s come
    a long way but you have learned from the mistakes of Xbox 360 yet have not applied it towards Xbox one. I’m furious that I pay all this money to get a game and all its perks, to make use of the double up all to find that now I CANT PLAY THE GAME. so thank
    you for the awesome’s at times like this I wish I got another console due to all the headaches I have gone through with the Xbox one and tech...

    ELITE CMDR 666, Nov 3, 2014
  2. Battlefield 4 Premium problem

    it be nice if someone from microsoft would say something, im getting tired of the run around, spending my hard limited money to buy a digital game all to have it not work and wait more than a week to get a fix to this issues... if your going to start pushing
    digital download the least you can do is put some effort into making sure everyone has a smooth transaction in which we are not.
    ELITE CMDR 666, Nov 3, 2014
  3. Mafia III - Family Kick Back Pack problem

    Same here getting tired of this happening with xbox/Microsoft Store stop giving excuses and fix your crap store PS4 MAFIA DLC WORKS FINE... support says Un install blah blah hard reset blah blah just stop stalling and fix your problem
    bipolerZombie, Nov 3, 2014
  4. this is getting old and im getting tired of xbox/microsoft...fix your broken preorder and ...

    so spent a few minutes with xbox tech all to be told to delete the game and reinstall it funny thing is i was already doing that then they went on to telling me the servers were not up yet -_- really? not only are they lost but dont know whats going on and
    uninstalling and installing again will not always fix the issue. even after i did uninstall and install it took 5 hours to install which to me is bad but i guess others are a bit worst. still no weapons and collectors gear for me...think it may be time to
    talk to BBB...
    ELITE CMDR 666, Nov 3, 2014
  5. ELITE CMDR 666 Win User

    this is getting old and im getting tired of xbox/microsoft...fix your broken preorder and digital download system.

    so spent a few minutes with xbox tech all to be told to delete the game and reinstall it funny thing is i was already doing that then they went on to telling me the servers were not up yet -_- really? not only are they lost but dont know whats going on and
    uninstalling and installing again will not always fix the issue. even after i did uninstall and install it took 5 hours to install which to me is bad but i guess others are a bit worst. still no weapons and collectors gear for me...think it may be time to
    talk to BBB...
  6. goyetusinc Win User

    I'm unable to login to Xbox LIVE when I play Pac-Man Championship Edition DX for Windows 8

    Any way to get a refund of the game?

    Im tired of waiting to Microsoft to FIX the problem. 5 days now.
  7. Salatiouskrumb Win User

    Gamerscore Glitched

    It wont "fix itself" i unlocked 4 or 5 achievements in san andreas about 6 days ago and none of them are showing as unlocked and when I go to my feed on another profile, it wont show some achievements. Im not appearing offline and i tried deleting and redownloading
    my profile on both 360 and xb1. The activity feed is broken and im extremely angry at Microsoft. This shouldn't even be a problem. Im tired of wasting my time getting this to work and im about to cancel my xbox service and get a ps4.
  8. vvvvkennyvvvv Win User

    Unable to pre-order Destiny Rise of Iron

    im having the same problem right now i preorder it threw gamestop and activated the code and now it wont let me preorder the dlc my friend did it today and it worked for him i have hopped on the website and it also says unavailable im going to be *** if
    i cant get my preorder bonuses because the xbox store is broken
  9. brickstoflip Win User


    This is why Microsoft sucks I'm boycotting them from here on out I'm returning my preorder and I'm goin apple and sony from here on out I'm tired of false ads. I'm tired of you MICROSOFT. Get your *** together.

this is getting old and im getting tired of xbox/microsoft...fix your broken preorder and ...

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