The Future is Xbox is Actually Now 2024 and Beyond

Discus and support The Future is Xbox is Actually Now 2024 and Beyond in XboX Insiders to solve the problem; Something recently dawned on me. Years ago I have put aside my Xbox. The Playstation during the PS4 Era was really in high gear by its 4th year. I... Discussion in 'XboX Insiders' started by /u/LoneTruthfinder, Sep 5, 2023.

  1. The Future is Xbox is Actually Now 2024 and Beyond

    Something recently dawned on me.

    Years ago I have put aside my Xbox. The Playstation during the PS4 Era was really in high gear by its 4th year. I recall wondering why xbox fell out of my world and honestly it had to do with the fact I owned most of the major releases for the years ahead of PS4. So when Xbox released the series X I figured things were gonna turn around but still titles were slow to churn out. With PC sales having quite few xbox games I jusy didn't think about staying much into the ecosystem.

    I have a younger son who wanted to play some titles so I decided to give the xbox game pass a shot. It is still pricey for me however I am truly blown away by how insanely awesome that one service is.

    Downloading games directly. Playing games in the cloud. Playing games on my phone either local or cloud seemless.

    With Sony raising their prices for online to another level of stupidity its dawned on me that companies like Sony just really cares to make money. (DUH) They really are totally content taking a squat on their fans for a boost to make up for revenue during the corona. Sony is throwing everything at their ecosystem with new gear. Sony is raising their prices thinking "hey we got a world wide grip on gamers." In total I only bought 1 ps5 game. (Ratchet and clank) 70 bucks for a game. Making fan feel captive to their universe. All the while offering little incentive to stick around. NO, Spiderman 2 won't mean a damn thing for them beyond making some buzz for a couple years.

    Now we got Nintendo Switch with their upcoming console. Nintendo made sure to let us know they will keep gouging their fans for 70 dollars games. Literally everything that'll come out of nintendo will be at a premium price. They'll release the new console and despite there being a giant fan base I forsee it not selling well for a while. The reason is simple. EXPENSIVE GAMES. Not only expensive games but how are they gonna justify the prices they seek when their own hardware won't even be pressed for its power.

    Between Sony and Nintendo these guys are only gonna make it if their fan base is soo loyal they forgo any other alternatives for gaming.

    I own all the systems. Between them all the PS5 feels to me like a buyers remorse situation. I can't buy more than a 70 dollar game in 6 months. They hyped the this system soo bad, lying to our faces with that BS ray tracing, 60 FPS, immediate load times garbage!

    Nintendo still doesn't offer any real discounts on their games but with the holidays as the exception. With the Switch everyone was accepting of it's performance for what games it does play well, 1st party mostly.


    Regular discounts. Better online experience. Better network functions. Backward compatibility. Huge library. Series X having soo many feautures PS5 promised. Amazing game pass integration. Amazing cloud setup. Xbox hardware is interoperable with other hardware. Xbox Dev mode (emulation) Disk and digital based games cheaper. XBOX prices Are FAIR.

    If things go on like this. I'm 100 percent positive I'm not going to ever spend a dollar on any other console or games BUT Xbox.

    I feel many are going to one day say WTH THIS IS STUPID!

    Xbox is primed for the next 10 years. They don't have to compete directly anymore. The service is beyond what you'll get from Any other console. The only way to get the most out of Sony or even Nintendo is if you sink all your cash into them. This is gonna make alot of gamers resentful when they can't really pay to keep up with what Xbox has already been offering.

    So to Microsoft (Xbox) I want to thank you for making me see the light. THANK YOU.

    as for the rest, good luck with all that gouging. Legit all the games will get released in one way or another thanks to Xbox forcing these others to come up woth new ways to make ypu spend on them, I'm talking abouy PC and even emulation.

    The only thing Xbox can do to elevate themselves is to make the PC interchangeable with the native games. Some pc games are available yes. I cam forsee Xbox stomping on the competition by leveraging the PC aspect.

    I actually think in 2 years the order of dominance will be Xbox, Nintendo and Then Sony. After this PS5 pro, Sony is gonna eat all those dollars. What's the point in a PS5 Pro that plays a majority of PS4 games? Sure sure, it's double the power - BUT ALSO DOUBLE THE PRICE IN ITS END.

    SO, Xbox its time to not play nice. Destroy them. And this is not coming from a Fanboy. I love games, all of them.

    I just don't see Xbox losing. As a matter of fact. They can actually crush the competition if they wanted. I'm all for it.

    Kudos to Xbox.

    submitted by /u/LoneTruthfinder
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    /u/LoneTruthfinder, Sep 5, 2023
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The Future is Xbox is Actually Now 2024 and Beyond