The Dreaded GSOD

Discus and support The Dreaded GSOD in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I've been a loyal MS Xbox player for coming on 10 years now. I was an early adopter of the 360 and paid my dues. I went through 6 or 7 consoles that... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Ricemanstm, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. Ricemanstm
    Ricemanstm Guest

    The Dreaded GSOD

    I've been a loyal MS Xbox player for coming on 10 years now. I was an early adopter of the 360 and paid my dues. I went through 6 or 7 consoles that all RROD'd at some point. It happened so often that I bought a second console just so I wouldn't be down
    for a long period of time. In fact, I think Nintendo and Sony owe Microsoft a bit of thanks because I also bought their consoles "just in case".

    Anyway, as soon as I heard about the Xbox One, I immediately yelled "TAKE MY MONEY MICROSOFT!!" and pre-ordered the console. After anxiously waiting for for launch day...I finally came home with our new family addition on November 25th. We carefully unboxed
    and set it up, went through the Day One update and then settled in for many long hours of gaming nirvana.

    Then stories and articles started to surface regarding console failures. Scattered at first...but then they became more and more widespread. I noted all this with concern and curiosity, but I figured I was safe. Lightning doesn't hit the same spot twice.

    Last week I was in the mood for some Battlefield 4 so with a hearty "Xbox...ON!" I fired everything up. Went through the requisite menu selections and settled down for some multiplayer bliss. But it was not to be. Apparently EA was still having server issues
    because I couldn't get into any cues that had fewer than 5 fellow gamers ahead of me. Oh well, no big deal...I'll just switch over to Ghosts. I went back to the dashboard, ejected BF4 and popped in COD Ghosts...well...tried to anyway.

    The drive wouldn't accept the disc. I though I had perhaps not ejected BF4, but was in it's case. I tried a couple of different angles..gently pushing but to no avail. Not a good sign. Well I'm sure we all know the simplest and most common Microsoft
    fix...REBOOT IT!! So I shut everything down, waited a few moments and then powered everything on. This time the Xbox greedily sucked down my Ghosts disc. WOOHOO!...oh...wait...although the disc was in...I was still on the greenbackgrounded Xbox One logo screen.

    I waited a minute...then a couple of more...nothing. Okay...REBOOT IT AGAIN!!!...nope. I let it sit for 15 minutes. No change. N O T G O O D. Yup...apparently lightning does strike twice...I had just GSOD'd....

    Well I went though all the troubleshooting, both online and offline. I'm happy to say that Microsoft is living up to their promise of an advance exchange (credit card required) and my new XB1 should be here on Friday. I will say that I'm really disappointed
    that MS isn't offering up a game to those of us who chose to be early adopters and ended up having our consoles die. From what I was told, had my console died just 4 days earlier...a mere 96 hours...I would have received a "game token" for my troubles.

    I'm hoping if enough people are having this issue and RESPECTFULLY request that Microsoft extend their "free game" period from 30 days to 60 or 90 days, for those of us who took a chance with their Launch Day One consoles, perhaps they'll come through for

    Ricemanstm, Jan 9, 2014
  2. GSOD

    I bought my son a used xbox one for christmas. We tried it out prior to wrapping and it worked perfect. Now we plugged it in and all it does is stay on a green screen.... forever. I am extremely upset and him as well that this is not working. the green screen
    is the first and only thing that comes up and I have tried the usb version to fix this screen and also you tubed for the last 2 hours trying to fix this. I am trying to also fiind an email to voice my concerns and all the microsoft site does is re route me
    to chat which no one is on. So frustrated. Someone please help.


    AversiveDrop29, Jan 9, 2014
  3. ChrisMilhon
    ChrisMilhon Guest

    Green Screen of Delay?

    Have had my x1 for a month. And up until the update a few days ago, it's worked pretty well. Minus the official play and charge kit being a dud, and the Memory flushing issue, it's run fairly well. Anyway, since the update last week, I have encountered two
    instances when turning on the xbox yields a green screen. The top of the screen is green and the bottom of the screen is heavily scrambled pixels. It reminds me of when a graphics card on a pc is having issues. Is this part of a larger problem? Or something
    that the software update did? Is anyone else having this issue?

    I should mention that a restart of the console fixes it, it is not something I can replicate as it is completely random when it does it. It also only does it on start-up. Thanks in advance.
    ChrisMilhon, Jan 9, 2014
  4. GregJerauld
    GregJerauld Guest

    The Dreaded GSOD

    Happened to me yesterday. Seems to be a trend with the unit not accepting disc to ultimately gsod or in my case bsod. I've tried everything waiting on my new machine to show up.
    GregJerauld, Jan 16, 2014
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

The Dreaded GSOD