Status do Live. ALERTA DE SERVIÇO. -[Translation - Live Status. SERVICE ALERT.]

Discus and support Status do Live. ALERTA DE SERVIÇO. -[Translation - Live Status. SERVICE ALERT.] in XboX Networking Hardware to solve the problem; Status do Live. ALERTA DE SERVIÇO. -[Translation - Live Status. SERVICE ALERT.] Hello Thalles Albuquerque, Thank you for posting on the Xbox forums.... Discussion in 'XboX Networking Hardware' started by Thalles Albuquerque, Jul 15, 2019.

  1. Status do Live. ALERTA DE SERVIÇO. -[Translation - Live Status. SERVICE ALERT.]

    Status do Live. ALERTA DE SERVIÇO. -[Translation - Live Status. SERVICE ALERT.]
    Hello Thalles Albuquerque,

    Thank you for posting on the Xbox forums. We understand that you are getting a message from your console that there is a service alert even though it does not reflect that way

    on our website
    . This is a known issue that we are trying to resolve internally. Are you able to access other channels in Twitch or launch other applications like YouTube and Netflix? Does an error code appear when you try to access these applactions or
    Twitch channels? We will be providing updates for this issue as they come. Be sure to let us know the results!

    Thalles Albuquerque, Jul 15, 2019
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Status do Live. ALERTA DE SERVIÇO. -[Translation - Live Status. SERVICE ALERT.]