SR 300N: Xbox not turning on

Discus and support SR 300N: Xbox not turning on in XboX Networking Hardware to solve the problem; SR 300N: Xbox not turning on Have you noticed if it's hot at all? It could be a ventilation issue and may require repairs. Also, have you checked to... Discussion in 'XboX Networking Hardware' started by RabeetMemon, Oct 22, 2019.

  1. RabeetMemon
    RabeetMemon Guest

    SR 300N: Xbox not turning on

    SR 300N: Xbox not turning on
    Have you noticed if it's hot at all? It could be a ventilation issue and may require repairs. Also, have you checked to make sure its plugged in correctly and not sitting precariously in the outlet?

    RabeetMemon, Oct 22, 2019
  2. H3PA80R Win User

    SR 300N: Xbox sign in

    I would try a factory reset (with the option to keep your games and apps) after this you could also clear the local cache and if there is a account on your console where you know the log in Details delete that and redownload it after restarting the console
    or add the new account.

    Also try this link:

    If all these soloutions not work and your console is still in warranty I would recommend to set it up for an repair.

    Hope that helps.
  3. LowkeyDripin559 Win User

    SR 300N: Wrong mac address

    But do I use the Mac address on the router or..
  4. G v zauBerBerg Win User

    SR 300N: Ipv4 para IPv6

    ISP = Internet Service Provider = Provedor de serviços de Internet

    Hope this helps and please keep us informed
  5. XBF George L Win User

    SR 300N: Mike won’t connect to my Xbox

  6. Arminator Win User

    ClearAccess SR 300N: How to filter a MAC address

    If you check the configuration of your router, you might find a setting where you can set up the WiFi network to only allow certain devices according to their MAC address.

    Depending on your router model, you might find that setting under the WiFi settings or the security settings.

    I recommend to disable MAC filtering.

    If you didn't have MAC filtering enabled in your router, the console might erroneously detect that. Try to connect the console through an ethernet cable for testing purposes. If that works, disconnect the cable, and try to search for WiFi networks again.

    Make sure that you enter the passphrase for your WiFi correctly, as this is not a password that denies you access to the WiFi, but is instead a passphrase used to decrypt the encrypted WiFi traffic. So you could still connect to your WiFi with a wrong passphrase
    on some routers, but the console will only receive encrypted data garbage.

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