Someone was racist and offensive towards me over a game

Discus and support Someone was racist and offensive towards me over a game in XBoX Accessibility to solve the problem; I was messaged about half an hour ago some may call it deserved I don’t think so he messaged me bcuz I killed him back on gta I decided to have a laugh... Discussion in 'XBoX Accessibility' started by Bob Bob_57354, Dec 14, 2023.

  1. Someone was racist and offensive towards me over a game

    I was messaged about half an hour ago some may call it deserved I don’t think so he messaged me bcuz I killed him back on gta I decided to have a laugh with it with harmless responses such as “awww am I supposed to be hurt” which they proceeded to automatically jumped straight into calling me racial and offensive slurs also wishing cancer rape and death on my whole family I myself want to report it to the police because I have his full name and account name and I have screenshots I’ve already reported it to Xbox twice but this was disgusting and vile responses I’m just wondering if anyone knows what I should do I’ve blocked and reported but I can’t help but feel like I should call the police anyway I just don’t want to waste time

    Bob Bob_57354, Dec 14, 2023
  2. Smwutches Win User

    Someone was racist and offensive towards me over a game

    Report and block is all you need to do as far as Xbox is concerned. If you feel threatened in real life, contact the police.
  3. The Viral Cyrix Win User


    He is not trolling you he is playing the game. If he was using racist and sexual language towards you report him for that however simply killing you over and over would be classed as part of the game.
  4. G3NESYS Win User

    Racial Profiling

    As other have said, it's the internet guys... it'll be ok.


    Do you guys report other offensive images? Like ones offensive to Christians? Or Buddhists? Do you report ones that are racists towards white people? Of course not.


    You really tried to get someone to possibly lose their job over comments on XBox? I can't imagine caring enough about what someone else said/expressed to go through the effort to try to make them lose their job. Especially when they had done nothing illegal...
    just something you disagreed with. Wow...


    It's freedom of speech guys. The most important part of Freedom of Speech is allowing the opinions you don't agree with to be expressed. I don't agree with racists, and think they are offensive, rude, and immature. But having said that, I don't try to
    get them silenced just because I don't agree with them.


    Please don't allow yourself to be indoctrinated by the politically correct brainwashing you likely receive everyday, all day in school and on TV. And don't try to silence others just because you don't agree with them. Live and let live guys.
  5. I want justice Win User

    Why is it that a player is being racist towards me, and when I report them, nothing happens and the message is allowed to stand?

    No. They are literally choosing not to censor this racist message. I know this because I made a second account tonight and messaged first account and made a racist statement towards Jews and it was taken down. But this racist comment towards black people is allowed to stand.
  6. Squid Calamari Win User

    Gamertag No Longer Allowed?

    Gollywog is considered a racist and offensive name...simple!

Someone was racist and offensive towards me over a game

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