Skradziono mi konto Microsoft!! -[Translation - Microsoft account stolen from me !!]

Discus and support Skradziono mi konto Microsoft!! -[Translation - Microsoft account stolen from me !!] in XBoX Accessibility to solve the problem; Witam bardzo serdecznie! Mam ogromny problem otóż chodzi o to że za każdym razem jak włączałem konsolę byłem od razu zalogowany. Dziś kiedy... Discussion in 'XBoX Accessibility' started by GrzegorzZeplin, Jan 7, 2019.

  1. Skradziono mi konto Microsoft!! -[Translation - Microsoft account stolen from me !!]

    Witam bardzo serdecznie!

    Mam ogromny problem otóż chodzi o to że za każdym razem jak włączałem konsolę byłem od razu zalogowany.

    Dziś kiedy włączyłem konsolę pokazało mi że jestem wylogowany i prosi mnie o zalogowanie się do konta, po wpisaniu hasła piszę że nieprawidłowe gdzie na 100% jestem pewny co do mojego hasła.

    Kiedy wchodzę na moją pocztę powiązaną z kontem [Mod Removed -Personal Information] próbuję się zalogować też nie mogę wejść.

    Czy to może oznaczać że ktoś włamał mi się na konto microsoft i zmienił hasło?

    Bardzo proszę o pomoc.

    -[Translation - Welcome! I have a huge problem, so it means that every time I turned on the console I was logged in right away. Today when I turned on the console, it showed me that I am logged out and asks me to log in to
    my account, after entering my password I write that I am not 100% sure about my password. When I enter my e-mail account linked to my account [Mod Removed -Personal Information] I am trying to log in too, I can not enter. Does this mean that someone has broken
    into my microsoft account and changed my password?]

    GrzegorzZeplin, Jan 7, 2019
  2. XBF Amber M Win User

    Skradziono mi konto Microsoft!! -[Translation - Microsoft account stolen from me !!]

    Hi there!

    Thanks for replying to keep us updated. Sadly, we are unable to check any information regarding the logging in or changing of passwords here on the forums. If you believe that your account has been hacked/stolen, then you'll need to use the Compromised
    Account Solution
    which will take you through steps to recover your account and make it more secure for the future, as previously recommended by XBF Jasmine.

    I hope that this helps a bit more!
  3. GrzegorzZeplin Win User

    Skradziono mi konto Microsoft!! -[Translation - Microsoft account stolen from me !!]


    Nie mogę zmienić hasła ponieważ nie mogę się zalogować na konto które zostało mi skradzione. Tak że prośba z mojej strony żebyście sprawdzili log z ostatnich dni kto zmienił hasło i gdzie


    [Mod Translation - Hello!

    I can not change my password because I can not log in to the account that has been stolen from me.
    So that's a request from my side that you check the log of the last days who changed the password and where]
  4. XBF Jasmine Z Win User

    Skradziono mi konto Microsoft!! -[Translation - Microsoft account stolen from me !!]

    Hi GrzegorzZeplin,

    Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Forums! We understand this is concerning considering your password is not working and the account was logged out.

    I would recommend signing in on After that select Forgot password and select either the security information you set up to recover the account or fill out the
    account recovery form. This will help you regain access to the account.

    Afterwards, you should be able to see if there was another Xbox accessing the account or even find another IP address that the account was signed into. To check if there was another Xbox accessing the account, go to

    Microsoft Devices
    . To check the IP address go to
    Microsoft Security
    and view the recent Activity.

    I hope this helps. Also, it would be best to update the security information if the account was accessed by someone other than yourself.
  5. wolfheart517 Win User

    skradziono mi konto i kupiono gry [I was stolen from my account and bought games]

    contact support they can help you recover your account
  6. JakubKopczynski Win User

    skradziono mi konto i kupiono gry [I was stolen from my account and bought games]



Skradziono mi konto Microsoft!! -[Translation - Microsoft account stolen from me !!]

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