Sick of PC Gamers sticking their nose into the Console Wars.....

Discus and support Sick of PC Gamers sticking their nose into the Console Wars..... in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; @ - I also had a PC for MMO's and by MMO's I mean WOW... Your right, times have changed, bring on ESOL! Yea I actually just activated my WoW accounts... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by xCHEMISTx, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. xCHEMISTx
    xCHEMISTx Guest

    Sick of PC Gamers sticking their nose into the Console Wars.....

    Yea I actually just activated my WoW accounts tonight after years for the new Warlords of Draenor expansion. I honestly didn't think Blizzard would make another WoW expansion but they did. I only really use to play WoW and SWtOR on PC.

    xCHEMISTx, Jul 15, 2014
  2. ArmyMedic75
    ArmyMedic75 Guest
    Get Over It People

    I agree the 360 was truly innovative as far as consoles went. I have no intention of sticking with Microsoft if they don't listen to their consumers. I will switch to the ps4 as my pc just barely runs Star Wars The Old Republic lol.
    ArmyMedic75, Jul 15, 2014
  3. Payton Jones
    Payton Jones Guest
    Xbox 360 Elite life duration

    [quote user="NanoTechSoldier"]

    What is with you people... You don't like, when someone is technically minded & it puts your noses up..?? Get over it...

    Bunch of little kids crying, when their toy is taken away...

    What I said above is true & the Dreamcast failed terribly too..

    [/quote]But you routinely inject your 'technically minded' nose into every conversation trying to turn it into a tech convo when it isn't needed. You're the one sticking you're nose up when you bring up a bunch of stuff that isn't
    needed just to show how much you know... or to start yet another of your million flame wars. It gets annoying after a while... just sayin..

    Also, you're kids comment makes no sense and has no context here, and nice job completely avoiding mentioning/responding to any of his many valid points.
    Payton Jones, Jul 15, 2014
  4. Sick of PC Gamers sticking their nose into the Console Wars.....

    Well here comes a PC fanboy.

    First of all it is worth noting that when you buy a PC for gaming, gaming isn't all it can do. It will do everything that a console can do and more.

    Convenience. What convenience advantage does a console have these days? The only one I can think of is that the One can play a game while it is installing, which I'm happy to say I think is a fantastic feature.

    Automatic updates perhaps? My PC updates itself automatically, everything from sound to graphics drivers are provided without any input from me. Steam and Origin do the same, they keep themselves and the games automatically updated.

    Don't want the 'hassle' of building a PC. Then don't have it. Get a store or online site to build it for you.

    So the difference comes down to price and here you'll have me in agreement.

    A decent PC is going to be more expensive than a current gen console. Mine cost me $1,700, a significant price increase over a $500 console. That is hell of a jump.

    So then we jump to the price of games. More often than not the games on PC are $10 cheaper at release. As gamers we all likely spend more than we should on them, so a $10 saving per game can mount up very quickly.

    Then we have sites like Humble Currently you can get the Bioshock series, Mafia II, Spec Ops: The Line, and two XCom games (The Bureau and Declassified) all for $20.

    Another deal on there is Overlord (and Raising Hell DLC), Overlord 2, two Operation Flashpoint games (Red River and Flashpoint), Dirt 3 and Showdown, and Rise of the Argonauts. That's seven games you can get for $6.

    So for games, eight or nine times out of ten the PC is going to be winning on the price.

    Mods need to be mentioned. On the PC mods, don't carry the stigma they do on the consoles. You can get graphics mods to touch up old games. Mods to improve the controls and interface. Mods that add new characters, storylines, and quests to your game. Massive
    amounts of new content at no cost at all.

    Hackers and modders online? Can't say I've ever come across that many. Things like Punkbuster do an excellent job and many games wont even let you play online if you don't have the current version. The biggest problem you do come across is folk using trainers,
    little programs that modify a game 'on the fly', thankfully they tend to stand out and so a report gets them dealt with pretty quickly.

    So in the end it comes down to if you want to spend more money at the open and if that extra cash is worth the extra things a PC can do.

    Also I would like to add that anyone who mocks another person for choosing to game on a console is an idiot. Consoles are fabulous pieces of technology and can play some brilliant games.
    HarryPotter_isdead, Jul 15, 2014
  5. Eggnogga
    Eggnogga Guest
    Who cares?! Play what you want to play, and enjoy what you want to enjoy. Ignore the haters.
    Eggnogga, Jul 15, 2014
  6. GreyMittens
    GreyMittens Guest
    PCs are better from a processing perspective I believe. Not to mention a lot of games have mods available which typically aren't to be found on console gaming. In my 20s, I used to be one of those guys that upgraded my PC every two years to the next best
    video card etc. I still had an xbox but spent a lot of the pc too.

    However, as time went on I noticed a few things:

    1 - I enjoyed comfort more and regardless of how nice my computer chair was, it didnt beat the comfort and ability to stretch out on my couch and play the console.

    2 - playing local coop games on the computer is next to impossible and very dorky having two people hunched over a keyboard or in front of a computer monitor.

    3 - for the last 15 years or so I've had a projector screen and it was hard to go back to a pc monitor after playing on a 106" screen

    4 - Console graphics were not that bad even after the console was out for 4 years and it was a lot cheaper to play console gaming than it was PC.

    Not to mention, I spent most of my working day on a PC - I didn't want to come home and game on one too. So now my PC is barely used and I haven't done and upgrade to it in about 6 years. I think for entertainment now (for me at least) consoles win out.

    GreyMittens, Jul 15, 2014
  7. IceStorm III
    IceStorm III Guest
    [quote user="III Cujo III"]however do get sick of some of the shockingly inaccurate comparison[/quote]In this forum? Comparison threads are verboten here. Use the Moderate drop down next to every post to flag a post with the text "comparison thread". The
    thread will be reviewed and moved/deleted if it's found to be a comparison thread.
    on this forum? Why?

    There's a difference between pointing out that if you want control over resolution/frame rate/effects buying a PC is the sensible choice and lording a system over people. I personally make the former argument.
    You may want to give it a try again. It's come a long way in just the past few years.
    Eh, maybe. A proper 4k gaming
    system designed to last for a few years requires Tri- or Quad-SLI GTX Titan/GTX Titan Black cards. The video cards alone will run $3000 to $4800.
    When building a 4k gaming setup, "bang for the buck" gets
    checked at the door.
    Not this time around. Oh sure, they'll get better at 1080p, but the latest
    generation of consoles is starting with GPU capability that was state of the art on PC in late 2009/early 2010. You're not going to see the excessively long tail that the 360 and PS3 had.

    Keep in mind there are many of us who are platform-agnostic. We own all the platforms and game where appropriate. I find people who deliberately cut themselves off from a platform to be short-sighted. A decent gaming PC that does 1080p gaming well is not
    a huge expense and opens up the door to a whole range of games that aren't available on either next gen console.
    IceStorm III, Jul 15, 2014
  8. Azrael008uk
    Azrael008uk Guest

    Sick of PC Gamers sticking their nose into the Console Wars.....

    Who cares.

    The XBox ONE is better at everthing.

    Azrael said it.

    Now it's the law.

    (insert tirade of incredulous laughter here).

    Seriously though, this thread is essentially "There doesn't really seem to be too much animosity between XBox Gamers and PC Gamers so let's try and start some".

    Good luck with that OP.
    Azrael008uk, Jul 15, 2014
  9. Haters Gonna Hate... Just saying.
    Listed mia 510, Jul 15, 2014
  10. I use my PC for utility (surfing the net and working on projects), not for gaming. As of now, the ONLY games I have on my PC are Minecraft, Team Fortress 2, Terraria, and Mechwarrior Online - and I only play those games like once a month compared to the
    Xbox consoles, which I play every single day.
    Galactic Geek, Jul 15, 2014
  11. SigmaTheDJ
    SigmaTheDJ Guest
    If all of the games I wanted to play were available on PC and all of my friends gamed on PC, then I wouldn't own a console at all. The only reason I own consoles is because neither of those things is the case.

    A lot of the arguments against PC gaming seem to be based on unsound logic though. For instance, the "out of date" hardware comments. While it's true that I can buy a graphics card today and a better one will be out 3 months from now, that in no way makes
    PC gaming inferior to console gaming. Would you rather have the opportunity to upgrade your PC at any time, which improves the graphics of all the games you already own, or would you rather stick with the same hardware for nearly a decade until it starts to
    look incredibly long on the tooth? I know which I'd rather do. In terms of technology, the consoles are outdated before they're even launched. It's just that you have no option to upgrade or replace them until an entirely new console comes out to replace your
    existing one.

    Also, with PC gaming it's not a choice of spending thousands to game at 4K or nothing. You can game at 1080p with higher visual quality and better framerates than consoles offer on a PC that costs £600. You might argue "yes, but that's still more than a
    console", but then you can do a lot more with a PC, you can upgrade it whenever you feel like it, and cross-platform games are cheaper, so the extra money you've spent on the hardware is inconsequential really.
    SigmaTheDJ, Jul 15, 2014
  12. Chris238
    Chris238 Guest
    I used to be a PC fanatic, but have always had at least one of the consoles as well. A couple years back, I made the switch from being primarily a PC Gamer to primarily a Console Gamer. My two motivators were price, and "hassle".

    Consoles "Just work". You don't need to research errors, check for driver updates, etc. You just turn them on and play.

    I am working on computers for my job, both as a user, and a techie. I found that after working on computers all day, the last thing I wanted to do was take apart my PC at home to replace something, clean out dust, troubleshoot, etc.

    So, I went from a $2400 gaming tower, and occasionally playing on the 360, to a $500 laptop to play lower end Windows 8 games for acheivements, and both a 360 and an X1 for the more demanding games.

    I find I'm much more content this way.
    Chris238, Jul 15, 2014
  13. Sick of PC Gamers sticking their nose into the Console Wars.....

    I prefer console over PC, but I would like to get a decent gaming PC for all the cool indie games. I've spent about 50$ on games that I knew my PC wouldn't be able to handle, but I just want to be 100% sure because I really wanna play them Sick of PC Gamers sticking their nose into the Console Wars..... :p. Some of the
    games I bought were Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army, From Dust (later found out it was on xbox when it came up in a sale Sick of PC Gamers sticking their nose into the Console Wars..... :p) and The Forest. I bought and actually played other games like the first Amnesia and Killing Floor, but
    my computer can't even handle those at a playable rate anymore. I'm glad a good game like Outlast actually came to console, I just hope more of them come over too Sick of PC Gamers sticking their nose into the Console Wars..... :D I really want The Forest.

    Anyways... I absolutely hate any gaming fanboys, but PC fanboys are definitely the most annoying with their "PC master race" comments. This console war crap is stupid. Just play what you enjoy and leave others alone damn it...
    Dilbert88-C7E77089-2983-42D1-8713-6EFDCC9B48A9, Jul 15, 2014
  14. ShawnKneher
    ShawnKneher Guest
    "Frankly I am not impressed and couldn't care less about PC gaming."

    You care so little you created a thread on the topic?
    ShawnKneher, Jul 15, 2014
  15. DuFFuL
    DuFFuL Guest
    I own a great gaming pc, xbox 360, and an xbox one. Personally I think there should be a place in a gamers life for all. One thing I will say that pc has over consoles is the thing that always keeps me coming back. MODS! They can extend the life of most
    games over years and keep you coming back. Take farcry 3 for example. I originally bought it on the xbox 360, played it through and I was done. Got it on the pc and I'm still playing because of the great mods that have been created and are free to download.
    Look at the arma games. Great games in there own right but the mods that have been created by the community have kept those games going long after they would have died had they been on console. In fact I'm still playing games that came out back in 1998 that
    are almost like modern games because of mods. But at the end of it all I still love consoles aswell. But as far as freedom goes, pc will always win. Like you stated though. You have to be willing to pay for it!
    DuFFuL, Jul 15, 2014

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