
Discus and support Scalebound in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; So I recently heard that the game Scalebound was cancelled and I don't see a real reason why. A lot of people wanted that game to come out and it... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by DeathOnWheels 0, Jan 11, 2017.

  1. Scalebound

    So I recently heard that the game Scalebound was cancelled and I don't see a real reason why. A lot of people wanted that game to come out and it seemed like everyone was very excited about it. The next thing we know is that Scalebound is cancelled and now
    everyone that has been patiently waiting for such a unique game is now highly upset that Microsoft decided to cancel the game. This was a poor decision on Microsoft's part and if Sony decides to scoop this up, then Microsoft is going to start off the year
    in a bad way when it comes to games. This just my opinion and I am curious on what is going to be next for Platinum Games.

    DeathOnWheels 0, Jan 11, 2017
  2. FeedBra1n1ac
    FeedBra1n1ac Guest

    I just Heard that a title called Scalebound is being canceled or is canceled i am surprised to here this because that was a title that i was really forward too. It was one that a lot of gamers were looking forward to so canceling it in the year it supposed
    to come out is an outrage. I just think that Microsoft should continue ScaleBound Production and Not think about the (Scorpio) for a bit it they really want to keep the fans happy they need to keep bringing out new titles instead of a new console. Besides
    that the Xbox one S just came out like 6 months ago not even a year yet and they already are wanting to bring out another console. In my opinion They should continue to make new titles for the One Until they get a little more in depth with the Scorpio and
    its soft and hardware.
    FeedBra1n1ac, Jan 11, 2017
  3. BeavisBob
    BeavisBob Guest
    Scalebound has been delayed till 2017. What are your most anticipated games for 2016?

    Official Scalebound announcement today:

    I am wondering how Quantum Break will do, as they are trying to blend video clips (20 or so minutes at a time) and an action game. Footage looks good and the action is appealing.
    BeavisBob, Jan 11, 2017
  4. pn_taylor
    pn_taylor Guest


    It sad when it happens but it seems that's the nature of game development. From what I've read Microsoft and Platinum Games have parted ways and so I'm sure, at some point, they'll work on their own IP and release something in the future. As for its cancellation,
    there's many reasons why and I'd imagine a lot of behind the scenes machinations we will not be privy too for legal and privacy reasons.
    pn_taylor, Jan 11, 2017
  5. SkaRobot21
    SkaRobot21 Guest
    Seriously why is it that Microsoft is so clueless when it comes to their games department. They rely too much on old outdated franchises and they seem super adverse to developing new IP's. It was a smart move to cancel Fable Legends because that franchise
    was super stale and a lot of people have come to view Fable 2 and 3 in bad light retrospectively but Scalebound seemed to be a great new idea that I seemed right up my alley as not just another shooter or sports game or whatever. And Microsofts justification
    is 3 underwhelming sequels that weren't really that much asked for. Microsoft get your head out of your **** and start investing in a serious games portfolio. I'm a life long xbox gamer but if they don't have at least 3 new ip reveals by the end of e3 this
    year I'm switching to Playstation
    SkaRobot21, Jan 11, 2017
  6. I know right and if Microsoft really does keep going down then Xbox one will become a less popular console than its predecessor and believe me as a person who owns both consoles. I really do like Xbox as same with my ps4 but i mean it really is starting
    to boil down to well which console will be getting more of the games and exclusives and if i have to i may as well get rid of Xbox one and keep my ps4 but i am hoping that they can make more exclusives later on as i am patient enough to wait for games but
    i really do hope they can come up with something pretty sad really though.
    XlDragonCurselX, Jan 11, 2017
  7. OakDrop64
    OakDrop64 Guest
    Scalebound was one of the major reason why I chose to buy an Xbox over a Playstation. I'm definitely annoyed at this one. There really aren't a lot of good dragon games out there. Scalebound showed a looked promising.
    OakDrop64, Jan 21, 2017
  8. M1ghtyM4x81
    M1ghtyM4x81 Guest


    The reason is understandable in a way apparently the studio making the game couldnt hit their deadlines and at the end of the day Microsoft is a business set on making money if the company just keeps delaying it it wont be worth it. But don't get me wrong
    I NEEDED THIS GAME. I got on board with the xbox one for several reason when it first debuted, scalebound was one of those reasons, a few others to list (fable legends, project spark...) does anyone see where I'm going with this? I have a ton of games linked
    to my account but if I don't get some DAMN good exclusives soon I might just cry.
    M1ghtyM4x81, Jan 21, 2017
  9. joeyc138
    joeyc138 Guest
    What's so screwed up too is that Scalebound looked like a finished product before it was cancelled. Not sure what's going on there between Microsoft and Platinum Games but Halo Wars 2 being the headliner for exclusive content isn't a good sign for 2017.
    Sony definitely has them beat in the games department this year with their abundance of exclusive games.
    joeyc138, Jan 24, 2017
  10. BADCP
    BADCP Guest
    I agree with you guys and Scalebound was one of the reasons I also bought an Xbox One, and now I look and see no exclusives like it...and almost no exclusives at all.

    Microsoft: Why, why, why would you guys cancel an exclusive when you really, really need them?! Yes, those of us who do not buy your machines for Halo or Forza do exist. We buy your machines for exclusives. Dead Rising 3 got me to buy and Xbox One, and I have
    preordered and paid full-price for Dead Rising 4 and Gears of War 4. Next on my list is Raiden V.

    Microsoft, you could be making more money off me (and others with the same buying habits) if you actually had games for us to buy. I'll out it in caps so that hopefully someone in marketing will see it:



    BADCP, Jan 27, 2017
  11. BADCP
    BADCP Guest
    I agree. Scalebound looked more interesting and fun than any of the first party stuff shown with it. Then, they got Rare, but still no new Battletoads...
    BADCP, Nov 2, 2018
  12. BeavisBob Win User

    Scalebound has been delayed till 2017. What are your most anticipated games for 2016?

  13. zmaster2XXX Win User

    Looking forward to e3 and new games.

    Scalebound revived? no? too soon? :'(
  14. Ambassador Kingz Win User

    Inactive IP you'd like to see make a comback?

    Rune Factory Series or Scalebound
  15. Guerrero Ultimo Win User


    I fully understand if the game was not coming along. I can understand if the game looked like it could never be viable. But they did show some promising stuff that looked fairly decent not a real long time like e3 2016. I would think that a better thing
    would be a delay. Sure, you could argue that these things cannot take forever. The thing is, I have heard that MS was pushing some tough deadlines. IF, big IF, that is the case MS needed to back up a little and give this team some more time with less pressure.
    They need more diversity in games.

    Take my case. I am an Xbox fan. I have way more time on Xbox than PC and then very occasionally PS4/WiiU/etc. That has changed now. I may not have been big on Scalebound but I see that I can get the 2-3 MS games on my PC. And then PC/PS4 the rest until
    Switch which will also get some game time. I am done with the Xbox console for a while. I would take some real new IP that pull me in. And I could see those being 2018-2019 out. Some maybe even requiring Scorpio. Sure, you could argue that many games
    are Xbox/PS4/PC. But in that case I would be nuts at this point to buy them on Xbox the way I see it. I have the option so just buy them either on PS4 if I want the best console version or get PC. I had ME:A ordered for the Xbox. Now, that is PC. Cancelled
    Halo Wars 2 disc version, probably just get it on PC, and will pick up Sea of Thieves and Crackdown 3 on PC. That leaves all console gaming to PS4 for a long while. Sold one of my Xbox One consoles. Will sell 2 others and keep 1 of the S models for 4k Blu-ray.

    Really I just cannot understand the path. Like I said, Scalebound was not on my list. If just seems to me that MS has a lack of commitment to anything other than Gears, Halo, Forza. I see Crackdown might hit this year but we have not seen a lot from that
    at all for a long while. Still wondering if Sea of Thieves ends up being this year or not. Given that all games from MS are supposedly cross buy I have to wonder about Scorpio. It would be easy to make Scorpio an Xbox branded PC. The PC comes with a fixed
    configuration sure. But it also has an Xbox dash interface. Then they could offer a desktop option so you could actually go to the desktop. No reason that could not be a thing and given that the UWP would make this work I just wonder if they could go that

    Why not even have this Windows/Xbox store work on all titles. You buy on the Windows Store and it works on either device on all games. It would be a platform. You make for Xbox and it works with Xbox PC/Xbox Console.
  16. BADCP Win User


    I agree with you guys and Scalebound was one of the reasons I also bought an Xbox One, and now I look and see no exclusives like it...and almost no exclusives at all.

    Microsoft: Why, why, why would you guys cancel an exclusive when you really, really need them?! Yes, those of us who do not buy your machines for Halo or Forza do exist. We buy your machines for exclusives. Dead Rising 3 got me to buy and Xbox One, and I have
    preordered and paid full-price for Dead Rising 4 and Gears of War 4. Next on my list is Raiden V.

    Microsoft, you could be making more money off me (and others with the same buying habits) if you actually had games for us to buy. I'll out it in caps so that hopefully someone in marketing will see it:





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