Scalebound has been delayed till 2017. What are your most anticipated games for 2016?

Discus and support Scalebound has been delayed till 2017. What are your most anticipated games for 2016? in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Really was looking forward to Scalebound but there are others that I think will kep my attention till is drops in 2017. A few that I am looking forward... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by BeavisBob, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. BeavisBob
    BeavisBob Guest

    Scalebound has been delayed till 2017. What are your most anticipated games for 2016?

    Really was looking forward to Scalebound but there are others that I think will kep my attention till is drops in 2017. A few that I am looking forward to are:

    • Far Cry Primal
    • Dishonored 2
    • Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
    • Mirror's Edge Catalyst
    • Quantum Break
    • ReCore
    • Unravel
    Of course, CES is this week so maybe we will see more to add to our lists!

    BeavisBob, Jan 4, 2016
  2. Want some light shined on this topic along with truth

    Some of us had no interest in Scalebound what so ever so calling it the #1 most anticipated game is kinda kwazy. (for those whom are new to these forums, spells it with a k... because she's kwazy like that) That's like saying Project
    Scorpio is the most anticipated console of 2017. Scalebound has been delayed till 2017. What are your most anticipated games for 2016? :p (for those whom are still new to these forums, is also never sarcastic)
    Goth Vampirella, Jan 4, 2016
  3. Cha1ky
    Cha1ky Guest
    Cha1ky, Jan 4, 2016
  4. Zero Divided
    Zero Divided Guest

    Scalebound has been delayed till 2017. What are your most anticipated games for 2016?

    The Division

    Quantum Break

    Mirror's Edge

    i'm still on the fence about Scalebound, waiting for more information and gameplay about ReCore.
    Zero Divided, Jan 4, 2016
  5. Azrael008uk
    Azrael008uk Guest
    Do we have an official link to the "Scalebound" delay?

    These are the guys who made "Bayonetta", arguably the greatest game on the XBox 360.

    If they get the time to do everything right it should be a beautiful game... but 2017 is a huge knockback.
    Azrael008uk, Jan 4, 2016
  6. R1CH5TER
    R1CH5TER Guest
    Not to bothered by the delay hadn't decided it whether it was something I wanted, I'm looking forward to the Resident evil zero remake that's out in a couple of weeks
    R1CH5TER, Jan 4, 2016
  7. Of the games announced that are exclusive to the x1 only Quantum Break I'm interested in at this point. I'm gonna wait to get on The Division wagon.
    MonsterGuy2014, Jan 4, 2016
  8. BeavisBob
    BeavisBob Guest

    Scalebound has been delayed till 2017. What are your most anticipated games for 2016?

    BeavisBob, Jan 4, 2016
  9. Azrael008uk
    Azrael008uk Guest
    Oh well.

    Naruto is out in February and should keep me going for a good long while.
    Azrael008uk, Jan 4, 2016
  10. Dark souls 3 will be out soon, and what happened to quantum break?
    RedEye Expr3ss, Jan 4, 2016
  11. smileskybird
    smileskybird Guest

    Anyways so far most anticipated game I'm waiting for this year so far, is only ReCore. It's the summer school holidays for NZ and Australia. I've played Minecraft Story Mode Episode 1, but haven't played the other episodes so might do that. I think they
    announced Quantum Break about a month after Xbox 1 launched November 2013 yet it still ain't out yet. Final Fantasy XV was announced in 2006 to but it still hasn't come out. Minecraft Xbox 1 edition got delayed like 3 times too. Game developers may need much
    more time to complete there games. At least I'm enjoying my summer. I heard Cities Skylines will be coming to Xbox 1, but the release date is TBA. I got the game late last year on PC.
    smileskybird, Jan 4, 2016
  12. iBakez
    iBakez Guest
    ^ Exactly - looks terrible (my opinion)

    The Division

    Gears 4

    Quantum Break


    Lego Marvel Avengers


    Constructor HD

    Ghost recon wildlands

    South Park - the fractured but whole

    Mass Effect Andromeda

    and im sure more will crop up, hopefully a new battlefield
    iBakez, Jan 4, 2016
  13. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest

    Scalebound has been delayed till 2017. What are your most anticipated games for 2016?

    Was looking forward to Scalebound but knew it wouldn't be out this year.

    Plenty of games out this year i'm looking forward to,most have already been mentioned.

    First game this year will probably be The Banna Saga on the 12th.
    Daft Badger, Jan 4, 2016
  14. Ragnarok5000
    Ragnarok5000 Guest
    Remember, a delayed but longer developed game is better than a rushed quickly developed game so I'm not really bothered about Scalebound getting pushed back to 2017.

    My most anticipated games of 2016:

    -Far Cry Primal

    -Quantum Break



    -Gears of War 4

    -Shadow Warrior 2

    -The Division

    -For Honor


    -Mirror's Edge Catalyst

    -PvZ Garden Warfare 2
    Ragnarok5000, Jan 5, 2016
  15. BeavisBob
    BeavisBob Guest
    How could I have forgotten PvZ GW2?! That is on my short list!
    BeavisBob, Jan 5, 2016

Scalebound has been delayed till 2017. What are your most anticipated games for 2016?