scalebound canceled

Discus and support scalebound canceled in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; During the announcement of scalebound, quantum break and recore I said to myself that I had to buy an xbox to play. Today it has just been canceled,... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by Gunner4life57, Jan 10, 2017.

  1. scalebound canceled

    During the announcement of scalebound, quantum break and recore I said to myself that I had to buy an xbox to play. Today it has just been canceled, there are no more interesting exclusives for this year. And I start to regret my purchase in view of the
    next games arrived, so thank you microsoft for this cancellation. By today I have finished two of the previously mentioned games, and they do not necessarily meet my expectations. Most of my games are cross platforms if I had known I would not have bought
    xbox but PS4.

    Gunner4life57, Jan 10, 2017
  2. Saeleth
    Saeleth Guest
    Dream collaboration

    I google Scalebound every so often because I am still holding out hope that it will be resurrected. Did they ever say specifically why it was canceled?
    Saeleth, Jan 10, 2017
  3. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest
    Daft Badger, Jan 10, 2017
  4. scalebound canceled

    I am interested in Sea of Thieves and Crackdown 3. Thing here is I can just get those 2 games on PC. I know what some might say but the thing is I am an Xbox games. I literally have 4 Xbox One consoles (2 S models). I will be selling 3 consoles and keeping
    1 S for 4k blu ray. No, I was not interested that much, yet, in Scalebound. But I do know that these games need to be given time as new IP and not just cancelled. It may be behind schedule but they need more diversity in games.

    Just for myself I can not see the Xbox being needed. I guess I am just moving on. PC/PS4 and soon to be Switch. I cancelled all my Xbox One orders. Moved ME:A to PC. Will pick up Crackdown 3 on PC. Then I will get the other games this year on PC/PS4
    that I want. I am not all about a little difference in power but might as well get console games on PS4 right now since MS just seems to not be doing much on the Xbox front. I know it has plenty of good games. But I can get those elsewhere with better performance.
    Currently PS4 vs One and the PS4 is way on top if I was buying new. I cannot see that being good for gaining any ground in terms of content. It makes it easy for a content maker to go PC/PS4 only. Not good as an Xbox fan. Maybe Scorpio will have something.
    Hopefully not a trick like Crackdown 3 requiring Scorpio/PC due to system power needs to run all that stuff.
    Guerrero Ultimo, Jan 10, 2017
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

scalebound canceled