Rumour: Microsoft to remove paywall for streaming service

Discus and support Rumour: Microsoft to remove paywall for streaming service in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Mind your own business, no-one was talking to you. Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Ooh im good, May 13, 2014.

  1. Rumour: Microsoft to remove paywall for streaming service

    Mind your own business, no-one was talking to you.
    TROLL OF HORROR, May 15, 2014
  2. Lofty Who
    Lofty Who Guest
    @ Troll,

    The only point I see is that "you" and not no one else made the choice to buy something you were not happy with, see my point? you do realise "you" had a choice to part with your cash or not? so it's down to you, not anyone else.
    Lofty Who, May 15, 2014
  3. John Dowding
    John Dowding Guest
    No one was talking to me? LOL! your on a forum you absolute fool, if you want private conversation email a mate or phone the Samaritans with you xbox woes. Grow up and go cry somewhere else.
    John Dowding, May 15, 2014
  4. Rumour: Microsoft to remove paywall for streaming service

    Its no wonder these forums died, trying to read the actual thread between the small minority of posters who have it in for each other on a daily basis gets tiresome.

    I wish they would take this to PM and stop derailing thread with this petty nonsense.
    The Omega m4n, May 15, 2014
  5. John Dowding
    John Dowding Guest
    If your referring to me (maybe not) I was replying to a post, which is the point of the forum, I was then told to mind my own business etc, which given its a chat forum provoked my response. Apart from that I havnt commented on anything Troll has had
    to say for some time.
    John Dowding, May 15, 2014
  6. Lofty Who
    Lofty Who Guest
    And I have to ask you Mr Troll, you have said on a number of occasions you thought that at some point Microsoft would drop Kinect/make it optional so why if you really don't like it or didn't want it, did you not wait it out?

    I just struggle with all the people I see that purchased XB1 + Kinect and then complain about it when from the start they had a choice, I just don't understand it. I know it's a stupid comparison but I love the sandwiches/rolls you can get a Subways but
    I detest their mustard/mayo sauce, so if I went in and ordered my favourite roll and this disgusting sauce and then complained about it, what would people say to me? I think we know.

    Of it I'm shopping for a new TV, phone, laptop, car but it has some feature on it that I really don't like/want/need, why would I even dream of parting with my cash?
    Lofty Who, May 15, 2014
  7. I see your point of the argument and appreciate you were challenging my opinion because you thought it was wrong. The other person (let's call chimp) butted in when i clearly was replying to you.

    Anyway, MS were the ones that said xbone would never be kinect-less and they would it was integral for developers and consumers to embrace such a poor concept. It simply does nothing for the gamer, maybe people who watch tv or like talking to electrical
    devices with 40% success rate of it understanding. I and many others don't.

    We supported MS from the start and with all these price cuts to the console and now a kinect-less bundle officially announced we have been kicked in the groin, so it begs the question... why have the ones that paid for everything at full price not seeing
    any gratification?

    Nintendo for example, gave early 3ds adopters tons of free games just for paying extra at launch after they announced a price cut. We get nothing like that from MS but people on here just brown nose MS with every single decision they make without agreeing
    with anyone that disputes it.
    TROLL OF HORROR, May 15, 2014
  8. John Dowding
    John Dowding Guest

    Rumour: Microsoft to remove paywall for streaming service

    What dont you get about you cant "butt in" on a public forum. if you want a private conversation your in the wrong place. I do however appreciate that its difficult for you to grasp these simple concepts.
    John Dowding, May 15, 2014
  9. Love my kinect its an awesome piece of kit and makes operating the UI a breeze. I feel for anyone who purchases a kinect less console using the controller to operate the UI must feel so clunky. So many voice short cuts that work a lot faster than drilling
    down through menus to find what you want. Also controller less streaming is great aswell
    The Viral Cyrix, May 15, 2014
  10. Lofty Who
    Lofty Who Guest
    I can't say myself but from what I've read on a few sites today, apparently Microsoft were clever in their wording, according to some they never said .... "We will never sell XB1 without Kinect", it was worded more like, "We have no plans or intentions to
    sell it without" ..

    Again, I can't remember exactly what they said but this is what I've read today.

    I'm not quite sure what you mean by your comment, "Why have the ones that paid for everything at full price not seeing any gratification?" .. If you mean we are not happy? I'm personally happy with the XB1, it's not perfect, it has a few niggles but I buy
    a console for games and so far I've not been disappointed. Apologies if I've misunderstood what you meant by this though.

    As for the "brown nose" comment! Not sure how you get to this, some people like Microsoft, others don't, we all just have difference of opinions. Not wanting to start another debate on "XB1 vs PS4" but for me Sony are famous for "smoke and mirrors" it's
    just my opinion though, for those that like what Sony are doing, I wouldn't call them "brown nosers" it's a simple case of they like them and, well I won't say I don't like them but I have little trust/faith in them.
    Lofty Who, May 15, 2014
  11. "Its no wonder these forums died, trying to read the actual thread between the small minority of posters who have it in for each other on a daily basis gets tiresome.

    I wish they would take this to PM and stop derailing thread with this petty nonsense."

    Fanboys and petty arguments are nothing new. I wish people would stop acting like everyone was nice and civilised and it was all just a big friendly circlejerk once upon a time. Gaming forums have always been a wretched hive of scum and villainy.
    superSnausages, May 15, 2014
  12. Inapplicable
    Inapplicable Guest
    People bickering has been a part of this forum since probably forever(has been since I started posting anyway). When some really smart higher-ups decided to ban game discussion threads + the horrible redesigns this place has seen
    had a much bigger impact on how active this forum is, it's pretty much a clique now.

    On topic: It's about time this happened, that is all.
    Inapplicable, May 15, 2014
  13. voteDC
    voteDC Guest

    Rumour: Microsoft to remove paywall for streaming service

    [quote user="Daft Badger"]Just says June,no actual date.If you only have gold to use apps you can get a refund on any remaining membership.[/quote]Good luck getting a refund on a pre-paid code you bought from Amazon or ShopTo for example.

    Five will get you ten that these refunds will only be for people who bought direct from Microsoft. After all, those folk are the only ones Microsoft know how much to refund.
    voteDC, May 15, 2014
  14. @zfair899

    Keeping a thread on topic are all that people ask, not that big a wish is it, the same few who seem to have a personal issues with each other from thread to thread need to take it to PM and stop derailing threads with petty public attacks at each other,
    its supposed to be the Xbox community, not a primary school playground.
    The Omega m4n, May 15, 2014
  15. PrimoFuSion
    PrimoFuSion Guest
    I'm surprised Ryse 2 even got the go ahead after the feedback from from the 1st one
    PrimoFuSion, May 17, 2014

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