Round in circles - and really fed up with it......

Discus and support Round in circles - and really fed up with it...... in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; My kids cannot sign in to Xbox Live! through family Gold account and I have just spent 3 hours going around in circles..... 1/ Signing into kids... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Titch2k6, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Titch2k6
    Titch2k6 Guest

    Round in circles - and really fed up with it......

    My kids cannot sign in to Xbox Live! through family Gold account and I have just spent 3 hours going around in circles.....

    1/ Signing into kids accounts email with password - need parent to sign in

    2/ Sign myself in to give permission - name and DOB missing please amend account details, but nothing wrong with account because it has worked fine for the past 6 years I have held it.........

    3/ So, download profile to xbox - Remember email and password for account checked.

    4/ Cannot sign into account until you have signed in at

    5/ Go to and sign in - parent has to sign in............


    This is a service we have paid Microsoft for and yet my children can not use it. How do I go about getting a refund on monies paid for a service I can no longer receive? Or is this an issue I should take up directly with UK trading standards under The Supply
    of Goods and Services Act 1982, Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 or Consumer Protection from unfair Trading regulations 2008?

    Titch2k6, Feb 5, 2014
  2. child acount problems

    I'm having the same problem...son cannot get onto x box live even tho he has gold membership...have been going round in circles for hours and waiting for some one to contact me....seriously fed up
    CravenUrchin83, Feb 5, 2014
    J3RS3Y DEVIL Guest
    Round in circles.

    That's not how enforcement actions work.

    It takes more than a single report from someone to warrant a suspension.

    Multiple complaints from various players who meet specific criteria (i.e. all of the complaints came from a group of players who are not all on a friends list).

    Advise your son to serve his suspension and inform him that further offenses will increase the length of the suspension or worse, removal from the service altogether.

    Good luck.
    J3RS3Y DEVIL, Feb 5, 2014
  4. Klokkwork
    Klokkwork Guest

    Round in circles - and really fed up with it......

    Sounds like you need to contact Xbox Customer Support to work out just which email is the actual parental account. From what you described, it doesn't sound like the account you think is the parental account is actually it. Once the actual account is discovered,
    it should be the only one needed to log in at to provide adult consent for a child account to connect to Live, and/or accept Terms of Use.
    Klokkwork, Feb 5, 2014
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Round in circles - and really fed up with it......