Request to have main account inspected and possible ban reversal

Discus and support Request to have main account inspected and possible ban reversal in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; As per the ToU/CoC you agreed to the enforcement team are under no obligation to show you any evidence,proof or disclose the methods they use when... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by FangedPaladin87, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. Request to have main account inspected and possible ban reversal

    Of course they're not obligated to. Actually they are able to ban your account for whatever they want because you have next to no rights per the ToU/CoC. That's not what I'm talking about though, there's a difference in what you CAN do legally and what you
    SHOULD do to make your product and how it's managed as fair,informative, and open to human input as possible. You might hold this in accord strictly to what they HAVE TO DO legally, which case you'd be aligned with my second mentioned paradigm, but I think
    Xbox likes to grow and would like to grow their community to maintain their role as one of the most prominent gaming mediums. I see that your limit of input in this conversation has reached it's peak with not being able to help past the reiteration of "There's
    nothing you can do, stay banned, and try again next time" Mr./Mrs. Daft Badger, so I'd ask you please stop responding to this thread, as I have no want to go in circles with someone, thank you.

    FangedPaladin87, Aug 16, 2017
  2. Request ban reversal?

    It is possible, if I provide evidence showing that I have done nothing wrong on my account, can I request a ban reversal? My gamertag is: Short Sentence ; I am banned until 12/31/9999. I have a lot of purchased stuff on my account and would just enjoy
    having it back, since I did nothing wrong. Thanks!
    TangyBabyGravy, Aug 16, 2017
  3. WPAK
    WPAK Guest
    Request ban reversal?

    Hi there,

    any information on a ban can only be requested in the specific forums regarding banned accounts and suspensions. The XBLPET members are only browsing post there and answer them, you can find the forums here

    Create a post in the forums here:

    And keep in mind that a ban is only carried out when there is proof that the account did something that is not allowed/permitted.
  4. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest

    Request to have main account inspected and possible ban reversal

    I shall post wherever I like thanks.

    It's you who are not listening & going around in circles..You have been answered by several people but will not accept that answer even though it is the correct & only answer.

    Everything that has happened as a result of YOU violating the rules on multiple occasions is something you agreed to when you started your account.

    If you don't agree with the way xbox live is run & the rules in place then why did you agree to follow them?

    The moment you clicked "agree" on the ToU/CoC you made this legally binding & you agreed that you would be punished if you were caught breaking those rules.

    There's only one person to blame for your account being banned.

    I suggest you learn from your mistake & move on.
    Daft Badger, Aug 16, 2017
  5. This is why I asked you not to respond because you want to point out obvious truths which in turn I have to sit and defend now. Yes I'm to blame for what's happened to my account, yes I completely 100% undeniably unequivocally deserved it. Also you act as
    though to play xbox there's a third option as to either accept the terms, refuse the terms, or there being another option. I don't have to agree with everything they do, But I accept things I don't have control of, like this; I'd PREFER you not to keep posting,
    but I have no control on whether you choose to do so of course, I simply have to accept it but don't have to like it. THIS ENTIRE POST, for which the point seems to go up, down, and side to side past your head is finding a way to prove that I've changed and
    prove that I'm worthy of forgiveness. Or do you see it as there is no going back, that nobody can change, that a person who steals should be thrown in prison for life because he no doubt has no ability, no capacity to be anything other than a thief and he
    should be damned to scorn forever?
    FangedPaladin87, Aug 16, 2017
  6. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest
    It is not me who is missing the point.

    If you want to prove you have changed then create another account & don't violate the ToU/CoC again.

    The subject of this thread was you asking if you could get another chance on your old account.You have been told by several people that you can't & that the account is gone but you will not accept this answer.

    You were given several chances on your old account but carried on breaking the rules .

    If you want to carry on playing on xbox live then your only option is to create a new account.

    If you really do accept these things then why do you continue posting when you have been answered?
    Daft Badger, Aug 16, 2017
  7. If your car breaks, do you immediately set off and go buy a new one, or do you go and have it repaired? And this instance is not one where the car can't be repaired, because the account still exists, it has not been terminated, or
    has not been deleted from existence as licenses for games purchased are still intact, and when an account gets deleted you can't look up the gamertag as well as the profile, which it is still in the void of inaccessibility which shows it is not too far gone.
    Like I said ultimately it comes down to repressing that button that banned it in the first place. The ability is there, you just need to get into contact with the right person/people. If they reserve the right to ban at their own will then they reserve the
    decision to reverse it too. I don't see what you hope to gain by continuing discourse with me Badger, as we've both seen that you can't or won't in any way shape or form help me get from point A to B, but I'll answer your question Mr./ Mrs. Badger. You asked
    me why I keep posting about this, Why I continue down this seemingly hopeless trajectory? Remember that hypothetical I mentioned about somebody getting falsely banned? About what happens then? Unlike you, I can't accept that the answer to that question is
    "tough luck", and the protest of "much inspection gets done before a ban get's issued" is not an acceptable reason either, because that'd be accepting off the notion that the enforcement team is impervious to making mistakes, and the only failsafe to that
    is a one time, and one time only appeal. That's blatantly not acceptable and shows the exigence for needing to be able to converse with the enforcement team.
    FangedPaladin87, Aug 17, 2017
  8. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest

    Request to have main account inspected and possible ban reversal

    You can converse with the enforcement team via a case review which you have been told many many times.

    Your car breaking down has nothing to do with this.

    You have had several chances already,you did not change your behaviour so the only option left was a permanent ban.

    This was all entirely your fault.

    Your case was thoroughly investigated twice,most likely by 2 different people & your case review was upheld.Your account is gone & you will NOT get it back.

    I really don't see how any of this is not sinking in.

    Do you think that by constantly posting that your account will magically get unbanned? Sorry,not going to happen.

    Forget about your old account,learn from your mistake & move on.
    Daft Badger, Aug 17, 2017
  9. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest
    umm you can post as long as you don't have a forums ban
    ngocphi, Aug 18, 2017
  10. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest
    accounts forums is for account troubleshooting and support

    NOT enforcement issues

    Enforcement is not a support issue
    ngocphi, Aug 18, 2017
  11. 1. You act like Morse code and talking face to face are identical forms of conversation. You are not understanding my point to which I'm saying there needs to be an involved method of communicating and not just a one time click for case review appeal button.
    That and conversation are not the same thing. Why does this need to exist you might ask? Certainly I deserved what I got, and maybe whatever I continue to have, but you need to broaden your thinking to include what could happen, like my hypothetical. There
    is no actual system to deal with somebody getting banned falsely, how do you not see this as an issue?! Them claiming to thoroughly check the case is not covering every possible scenario, it's a mild justification for their methods, and this form of absolution
    only hurts the community and doesn't help. People I know have got permabanned for matchmaking into a modded lobby in various CoD games, something they should have no blame in and guess who dealt in absolution in banning consoles? Stop fighting something that
    helps just for the sake of argument, it's nonsensical. If you're going to sit and act like mistakes never get made you're lying to yourself.

    2. The car breaking down was an expression and since you didn't quite get it let me walk you through it. Broken car = original account, buying new one = making new account, fixing broken car= getting ban reversed, reason car is repairable = accounts aren't
    actually deleted when banned, just flagged which makes them inoperable(flag can be removed). Let me know if you need to help you out with that one further.

    3. Let me take blame for my actions again Badger, YES I DESERVED MY ACCOUNT GETTING BANNED, as I've must have said at least 5 times now. Make that at least 6. and now I'm asking for redemption, not on another account, on the one that matters. I believe I'm
    changed and want to appeal to prove I'm ready, but there's no spot to do so, and that is what I'm advocating for.

    4. The account is not gone, it is unusable at the moment, but not gone entirely.

    5. I comprehend everything you've said, most likely better than you've comprehended me. I still haven't been replied to by someone who has any pull with the enforcement team which is causing me to continue posting. and by me not ceasing to post, you see
    that as it "not sinking in" with me.

    6. I have to hope that some representative of Xbox will see this, Somebody who can actually help my case. Because there IS nowhere else to go. I mean this is the only place there is to get help, and apparently this one and only place is void of having any
    way of communicating with the branch of xbox I need to talk to, and if that's the case them I'm advocating that there needs to be a system to help with account bans.

    P.s Sorry for late responses, I was busy dealing with family issues.
    FangedPaladin87, Aug 20, 2017
  12. Dadwhite
    Dadwhite Guest
    To have your case reviewed you will need to communicate with the enforcement team to explain yourself to them by following these instructions: Xbox Enforcement | How Do I
    Dadwhite, Aug 20, 2017
  13. Request to have main account inspected and possible ban reversal

    Thank you, but as I mentioned earlier I used up my one time only case review, and when I did submit it, I used the available comment section to ask about a recently purchased subscription and how I would go about getting credit back for that rather than
    defend myself or explain the situation, but to be fair to me that was when it was listed as a temporary ban and was before they changed it into being a permanent ban which totally changed the gravity of the situation.
    FangedPaladin87, Aug 20, 2017
  14. KindGryphon
    KindGryphon Guest
    You wouldnt get a credit for that when you get banned anyway though since all subscriptions, etc are forfeit when that happens.
    KindGryphon, Aug 20, 2017
  15. Thanks for the heads up, but I'm not really worried about that expense in relation to my entire account, so that's what I want to focus on.
    FangedPaladin87, Aug 21, 2017

Request to have main account inspected and possible ban reversal