Random network disconnect on Xbox Live

Discus and support Random network disconnect on Xbox Live in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; [img] can anyone advise why Xbox live keeps disconnecting 5 minutes into game play on all games, advised it was due to signal strength by my ISP,... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by JoeyMoore2, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. JoeyMoore2
    JoeyMoore2 Guest

    Random network disconnect on Xbox Live

    Random network disconnect on Xbox Live [​IMG]

    can anyone advise why Xbox live keeps disconnecting 5 minutes into game play on all games, advised it was due to signal strength by my ISP, however this started happening after renewing live membership ,see diagnostics in photos. Thanks

    Random network disconnect on Xbox Live [​IMG]

    JoeyMoore2, Jan 23, 2017
  2. worst service EVER

    Hi there dreadedwayne419, sorry to hear about the frustration.

    If you're experiencing
    random disconnections from Xbox Live
    on your Xbox One console, we recommend trying those steps.

    Also, can you please send us your Detailed Network Stats (Settings>Network>Network Settings>Detailed Network Statistics) as seen on your Xbox One console?
    Mister Cazador, Jan 23, 2017
  3. MisterFizzle
    MisterFizzle Guest
    Odd Disconnections

    Hey Lurkuld,

    Really sorry to hear you're having issues with your connection dropping.

    Helix may have a good idea with trying
    Port Forwarding
    on your network. I would also highly recommend trying our
    Random Disconnect Troubleshooter
    . It has several different suggestions based on what you're seeing.

    Please keep us posted on how everything goes.
    MisterFizzle, Jan 23, 2017
  4. Random network disconnect on Xbox Live

    Hey, Joey!

    Sorry to see any disconnection issues! I can definitely see that your wireless strength is good with the Xbox One, so that's set there. However, your ping is a little high.

    Based on your screenshot for your speeds on your phone, it appears you might be in the UK? I know it says "Vodaphone UK", but I don't want to assume anything. Random network disconnect on Xbox Live ;) We are aware of some disconnect issues with Virgin Media. If you are with them, then I suggest
    either going to 5 GHz wireless on your router, or going wired. There is an issue with the firmware on the Superhub 2 device they give out that could be causing your issue.

    However, if you are with any other ISPs out there, then please post back with the following details:

    • Modem manufacturer and model number
    • Router manufacturer and model number (if you have a separate one)
    • ISP

    Since you already gave us your detailed statistics, we won't need that. But we can see if we can improve your latency there and get those disconnects a distant memory for you. Random network disconnect on Xbox Live :) We look forward to working with you!


    Xbox Forums Staff

    Be sure to check out the Xbox Forum Guidelines for the Do's and Don'ts as well as the Xbox
    Insider Program Forums
    for help with Xbox Insider Program troubleshooting.
    Misses Quinzel, Jan 24, 2017
  5. JoeyMoore2
    JoeyMoore2 Guest
    Hi Misses Quinzel

    Thanks for your reply, your correct I am in the U.K. What seems very strange or perhaps coincidence is that the disconnection issue seemed to start just after my Xbox live membership was renewed, I have never had this issue since I purchased the Xbox and
    as far as I can see nothing has changed with the service from my ISP Virgin, it has always been on wireless 5ghz. I have had to move it from a different room to connect the ethernet cable, which now works perfect but this is not an ideal situ as it could really
    do with being wireless in the other room, any ideas would be great.


    JoeyMoore2, Jan 26, 2017
  6. taidara
    taidara Guest

    Appreciate if you could post up the make and model of your wireless router, along with your modem (if this is not a single device).

    You said that you haven't experiencing any issues with your console being connected to your WLAN, until recently. Have there been any changes that could have an impact on this behaviour. For example, after an update of your console, or networking equipment.

    Is your console speaking directly with your wireless router, or does it have to pass through an extender?

    Is it the same behaviour if you choose to connect your console to the 2.4 GHz RF band?

    Thanks in advance
    taidara, Jan 26, 2017
  7. You can post back with what taidara is looking for (trust him, he's probably the best Ambassador we have when it comes to networking issues), but it sounds to me like you do have the Superhub 2 if wired is working. While nothing had changed that you might
    have seen, there was an update that Virgin pushed out to their devices that caused this issue. We've had a couple of issues like that out here in the US (Comcast and Verizon both have similar issues with devices they put out), but this is the first we've found
    in the UK.

    Taidara might be able to help you out further outside of this, so let him know what devices you have if you have multiple. Random network disconnect on Xbox Live :)


    Xbox Forums Staff

    Be sure to check out the Xbox Forum Guidelines for the Do's and Don'ts as well as the Xbox Insider
    Program Forums
    for help with Xbox Insider Program troubleshooting.
    Misses Quinzel, Jan 27, 2017
  8. JoeyMoore2
    JoeyMoore2 Guest

    Random network disconnect on Xbox Live


    Many thanks for your help, I have changed from 5ghz to 2.4 ghz and it seems to be working well.

    I have added some info into your message in CAPITALS as it may help you help someone else also.

    If I have anymore problems I will message you.

    Thanks very much, appreciated
    JoeyMoore2, Feb 1, 2017
  9. JoeyMoore2
    JoeyMoore2 Guest
    Thanks for your help he has seemed to have found the issue. Now running off 2.4ghz
    JoeyMoore2, Feb 1, 2017
  10. Mister Beep
    Mister Beep Guest
    Right on! Keep us in the loop if there's anything else we can assist with. Random network disconnect on Xbox Live :)
    Mister Beep, Oct 31, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Random network disconnect on Xbox Live