quitar control parental [Remove Parental control]

Discus and support quitar control parental [Remove Parental control] in XBoX Accessibility to solve the problem; acabo de comprar un xbox de segunda mano y trae control parental pero el muchacho no me dio la clave y no me deja jugar, podian ayudarme? [Translation... Discussion in 'XBoX Accessibility' started by takocontreras1, Sep 24, 2018.

  1. quitar control parental [Remove Parental control]

    acabo de comprar un xbox de segunda mano y trae control parental pero el muchacho no me dio la clave y no me deja jugar, podian ayudarme?

    [Translation - I just bought a second hand Xbox and brings parental control but the boy did not give me the key and not let me play, could help?]

    takocontreras1, Sep 24, 2018
  2. como quitar control parenta -[Translation - How to remove parenting control]

    no puedo quitar el control parental como e hago

    -[Translation - I can't remove parental control as I do]
    GustavoIglesias-linkcoy, Sep 24, 2018
  3. quitar control parental [Remove parental control]

    problema como quitar control parental


    Problem removing parental control
    PaternalCrib386, Sep 24, 2018
  4. quitar control parental [Remove Parental control]

    Debes borrarlo de factoria pq si no te dio la clave no hay forma de quitarlo sin ella para poder quitarla debes borrar la consola como de fabrica

    [Edit - Translation] - You must delete it from factory pq if you did not give the key there is no way to remove it without it to remove it you must delete the console as
    HyperVenom523, Sep 24, 2018
  5. XBF Chris J
    XBF Chris J Guest
    Hi Tako,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Please
    review this article
    in order to remove the family passcode from the Xbox 360. For further guidance please
    contact us here.

    Hope this helps!
    XBF Chris J, Nov 5, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

quitar control parental [Remove Parental control]