Пропадает звук в играх [Translate] The sound in games disappears

Discus and support Пропадает звук в играх [Translate] The sound in games disappears in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Здравствуйте****4;а возникает вновь.Это происходит уже в течении 3х месяцев.Консоль на гарантии xbox one x,могу ли я обменять консоль на новую? Мой... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by ВладимирЧеркашин, Mar 8, 2019.

  1. Пропадает звук в играх [Translate] The sound in games disappears

    Здравствуйте****4;а возникает вновь.Это происходит уже в течении 3х месяцев.Консоль на гарантии xbox one x,могу ли я обменять консоль на новую? Мой телефон [Mod Removed]

    [Translate by Mod]

    Hello * * * * 4; and arises again. It has been going on for 3 months. Console on Xbox One x warranty, can I exchange the console for a new? My phone [Mod Removed]

    ВладимирЧеркашин, Mar 8, 2019
  2. WPAK Win User

    Пропадает звук в играх [Translate] The sound in games disappears

    Web translation:

    The sound disappears in games

    Hello **** 4; and it appears again. This has already happened within 3 months. Console on xbox one x warranty, can I exchange the console for a new one?
    My phone number is <Do not specify any personal information>.


    Hi there,

    can you specify a little more information about the issue you are experiencing, to be able to determine what steps you can try and if a repair request is needed or not.

    For example, what exactly is the issue with the console and when are you experiencing it.
  3. TalRasha321 Win User

    Forza horizon 4 нет звука. (google translate Forza horizon 4 no sound.)

    Через наушники пробовал, через колонки пробовал, через разные выходы пробовал(сзади зеленый, спереди зеленый)

    Недавно переключил звук на монитор(у меня на монике тоже есть выход под звук) появился звук, но кряхтение и треск, будто что-то сломано в ушах, но они рабочие, через колонки то же самое. Час назад звук пропал(Когда моник переставлял, всё отрубал)


    [Translation - Through the headphones tried, through the speakers tried, through different outputs tried (back green, front green) Recently switched the sound on the monitor (I have on the bridge, too, there is a sound), there was a sound, but the crack
    and crackling, as if something is broken in the ears, but they Workers, through the columns the same. An hour ago The sound disappeared (When the Monique rearranged, everything was cut off) ]
  4. EamannStifler Win User

    Звук [Sound]

    Да, пробовал все-равно не работает, как бы чат работает все нормально, а чтоб именно звук выводить по чему-то не может, или бокс в принципе так не может

    [Translation - Yes, I tried it all the same does not work, as if the chat is working everything is fine, but so that it can not output sound for something, or boxing, in principle, can not]
  5. XBF Amber M Win User

    Языки в играх [Translation - Languages in games ]

    Hi ильякухаренко,

    Thanks for reaching out to us in the forums with this question. In regards to changing the language for the game, you may wish to try changing the language via the in-game settings to see if it has a selection for Russian. Otherwise, if you purchased
    it in your region and it is not available in your preferred language, then it may not be available in that particular language. Another option would be to contact the developer of the game, Avalanche Studios, to find out if it is available in your preferred


    I hope that this information helps out!
  6. {Parity} Win User

    Языки в играх [Translation - Languages in games ]

    Not sure it can be but if you console is set the the correct region and it still isn't in Russian you can try contacting the developers.

Пропадает звук в играх [Translate] The sound in games disappears

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