Profile hacked and gamertag changed and need help. I'm broke and have no money to fix this.

Discus and support Profile hacked and gamertag changed and need help. I'm broke and have no money to fix this. in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I made my account a while ago and didn't change the gamertag so I finnaly log into my account and my gamertag has changed to something I do not like... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Oreo Panda Juan, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Profile hacked and gamertag changed and need help. I'm broke and have no money to fix this.

    I made my account a while ago and didn't change the gamertag so I finnaly log into my account and my gamertag has changed to something I do not like and I want to change it but I have no money to do so and I have reason to believe my account was hacked.
    I also was wondering if you could help me remove my billing address and my debit card

    Oreo Panda Juan, Jan 22, 2014
  2. To Enforcement

    Hello i'm here to talk to you about how my profile got hacked and the changed my gamertag to something undesirable. It was solved by the advocacy team with SR#[Mod Removed] and i still need assistance changing my gamertag back to normal.
    Thank You!
    BoRo x Pugh66, Jan 22, 2014
  3. Friends deleted on my list

    I am in need of help. Can I be messaged by a moderator? Basically during this error, I deleted my profile thinking it was glitched(I did not know servers were acting up) I re-downloaded my profile, and everything was normal... However my gamertag was changed
    back to a generic name. I paid to have a changed gamertag([Mod Removed]) However, my Gamertag is now '' ... This is on Xbox 360. Can I please get some help? I'm not really happy about this
    SlickJoey917853, Jan 22, 2014
  4. iNb4 Ownage
    iNb4 Ownage Guest

    Profile hacked and gamertag changed and need help. I'm broke and have no money to fix this.

    Hey there Oreo!


    If your account has been compromised, you will need to reach out to Xbox Phone Support to open up a UA claim by clicking the link below. Profile hacked and gamertag changed and need help. I'm broke and have no money to fix this. :)
    iNb4 Ownage, Jan 22, 2014
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Profile hacked and gamertag changed and need help. I'm broke and have no money to fix this.