Problem z kontem/grą (Mod Translation) Problem with Account/game

Discus and support Problem z kontem/grą (Mod Translation) Problem with Account/game in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; Witam, kilka dni temu zakupiłem grę Forza Horizon 4 i na początku myślałem, że to błąd jednak bo tych kilku dniach problem nie ustaje a wręcz zaczyna... Discussion in 'XBoX on Windows' started by NEXTJZS, Oct 6, 2018.

    NEXTJZS Guest

    Problem z kontem/grą (Mod Translation) Problem with Account/game

    Witam, kilka dni temu zakupiłem grę Forza Horizon 4 i na początku myślałem, że to błąd jednak bo tych kilku dniach problem nie ustaje a wręcz zaczyna mnie coraz bardziej irytować, a mianowicie nie mogę uczestniczyć w aukcjach oraz
    pobierać malowań pojazdów, ponieważ wyskakuje błąd "Ta funkcja jest zablokowana z powodu ustawień kontroli rodzicielskiej w usłudze Xbox Live". Nie wiem w jaki sposób się tego pozbyć, ponieważ ogranicza to rozgrywkę. Dodam jeszcze, że jest
    to moja pierwsza styczność z Microsoft Store oraz pierwszy zakup na tej platformie. Proszę o kontakt oraz udzielnie pomocy. Pozdrawiam!

    (Mod Translation)

    hi, a few days ago I bought the game Forza Horizon 4 and at first I thought it was a mistake, however, because these few days the problem is not terminated and even begins to increasingly anger, namely, I can not participate in the auctions orazpobierać
    liveries vehicles, because Error pops up "this feature is blocked due to parental control settings on Xbox Live ". I don't know how to get rid of this, because it limits the gameplay. I would add that jestto my first contact with the Microsoft Store and the
    first purchase on this platform. Please contact us and provide assistance. Best regards!

    NEXTJZS, Oct 6, 2018
  2. CrazY1985
    CrazY1985 Guest
    Mam problem z grą!

    Please write in English so more people are able to help you with your problem.
    CrazY1985, Oct 6, 2018
  3. Mam problem z grą!


    Po świętach bożego narodzenia kupilem grę Mnecraft Xbox One Edition jakiś tydzień po zakupie wyskoczylo mi okienko w którym pisało coś o tym że jeśli ma się przegrane 5h lub kupiony dodatek w wersji płytkowej dostanie się Grę Minecraft Pięta ula dźga sade
    wrze sewer okres km wadą nowszą podobną do wersji pc lecz po wejściu w dane miejsce sklepu nic nie dostałem co mam zrobić by dostać tą grę? Dziękuje za poświęcony czas Problem z kontem/grą (Mod Translation) Problem with Account/game :)
    CraftyThunder31, Oct 6, 2018
  4. XBF George L
    XBF George L Guest

    Problem z kontem/grą (Mod Translation) Problem with Account/game

    Hey NEXTJZS!

    Please provide us with a few more details or information regarding your parental control settings issue. What error message/code does it tell you exactly. Which content is it that causes the error to occur? Please take a look at this support article for
    steps on checking your Privacy and Online safety settings:
    Xbox One online safety and privacy settings for parents and children

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks for reaching out!
    XBF George L, Oct 6, 2018
    NEXTJZS Guest
    NEXTJZS, Oct 6, 2018
  6. Hi NEXTJZS,

    I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues. If this is related to the Xbox Insider Preview, I would advise to
    look out for an update in coming days that will likely fix the fault. Feel free to post in the

    Xbox Insiders Reddit Forum
    to see if anyone else has encountered this issue.

    You can also report this problem using the Xbox Insider Hub app on the Xbox if possible so we can investigate it

    1. On your console, install the
      Insider Hub
      app (if you don’t already have it).
    2. Hold down the
      Xboxbutton on the controller.
    3. On the power menu, select
      Report a problem.

    *Describe the problem in detail, including when it happened, if you saw any specific error codes or messages, and
    if you were using any specific games, software, hardware, or accessories when you encountered the problem.

    I hope this helps!
    XBF Jasmine Z, Oct 7, 2018
  7. Dysruptz
    Dysruptz Guest
    Only a parent account can make changes to these settings. I would recommend using the adult account connected to the child account to change the privileges of the account to allow access to these things.
    Dysruptz, Oct 7, 2018
    NEXTJZS Guest

    Problem z kontem/grą (Mod Translation) Problem with Account/game

    But i have 18 and can't do anything in these settings and i don't have any account connected to my so i don't now what to do i will try something from Jasmine Z post maybe this will help.
    NEXTJZS, Nov 5, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Problem z kontem/grą (Mod Translation) Problem with Account/game