Pomocy! włamali się na konto [Edit - Translation] - Help! broke into the account

Discus and support Pomocy! włamali się na konto [Edit - Translation] - Help! broke into the account in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Ktoś włamał mi się na konto i zmienił hasła. Próbuję zresetować hasło Już 3 razy pisałem - pomyślnie przechodzę weryfikację i dostaje linka wpisuje... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Tomasz1980alta, May 4, 2020.

  1. Pomocy! włamali się na konto [Edit - Translation] - Help! broke into the account

    Ktoś włamał mi się na konto i zmienił hasła. Próbuję zresetować hasło Już 3 razy pisałem - pomyślnie przechodzę weryfikację i dostaje linka wpisuje nazwę konta i otrzymuje za każdym razem ta sama informacje: spróbuj innej nazwy bo ta nazwa konta Microsoft
    nie została rozpoznana. Proszę o pomoc gdzie mógłbym napisać w tej sprawie czy jest jakiś majl do supportu? Założyłem nowe konto żeby móc napisać tą wiadomość na forum. Zabezpieczenia Microsoftu to dramat... Przekierunkowania do innych tematów od prawie 3
    dni walczę z tym... Wcześniej miałem ps4 i nigdy coś takiego nie miało miejsca....

    [Edit - Translation] - Someone broke into my account and changed my passwords. I am trying to reset the password I wrote 3 times - I am successfully passing the verification and the link enters the account name and receives the same
    information every time: try a different name because this Microsoft account name was not recognized. I am asking for help, where could I write in this case, is there any support support? I created a new account to be able to post this message in the forum.
    Microsoft security is a drama ... Redirects to other topics for almost 3 days I have been fighting this ... Before I had ps4 and something like that never happened ....

    Tomasz1980alta, May 4, 2020
  2. XBF Steven R Win User

    Pomocy! włamali się na konto [Edit - Translation] - Help! broke into the account

    Hey there Tomasz1980alta,

    Thanks for reaching out to the Forums for advice on what to do in this situation. I can totally see how this situation could be pretty bleak, however if they had changed your sign in email, the only way to recover your account would be to contact Xbox support.
    I suggest getting back in contact with them that the alias has been changed again.

    Hope this information was helpful.

  3. Tomasz1980alta Win User

    Pomocy! włamali się na konto [Edit - Translation] - Help! broke into the account

    And finally I created next account ont he same consol and I have Access to my games but not to saves. Fortunatelly most of games I have with cd and not as Digital version. This shows that Digital versions of games and adding credit cards is not a responsible
    idea when you have xbox. I'm waiting for Ps5 because is ridicolous that I can't even inform that my account has been stolen... Never more xbox. And you guys be carefull you can lost everything and reset of password doesn't work. Thiefs changed everything e-mail,
    name of account and no. of Phone but you are not able even inform about that because where? No one mail from support exists.
  4. Tomasz1980alta Win User

    Pomocy! włamali się na konto [Edit - Translation] - Help! broke into the account

    Thank you for advise I Under stand that we should use English here. Unfotunatelly it doesn't work. System doesn't recognize my Old name of account.The Thief perhaps changed name as well. It should be possible to report this situation - stolen account but
    I can not even inform detail of my account anywhere. You could easily check that's my account for example based on my ip address and I could also provide all my details from the console like serial no. etc... It seems that therefore it is not simple because
    situation is so difficult for Microsoft. What do you think? What can I do more? The worst is that I lost all my saves... That was good decision no to add credit card there...
  5. XBF Brad A Win User

    Pomocy! włamali się na konto [Edit - Translation] - Help! broke into the account

    Hi Tomasz,

    Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately, the only way to recover the account since all proofs have been changed is to contact support as the others mentioned. The saves are attached to the profile the games was played on. Here is a guide to request a call.

    When you go to Contact Us,follow these steps to request a call from support:

    • Step 1 ----click on Contact us
    • Step 2 ----under what you having trouble with select Subscriptions & billing
    • Step 3-----under what is the issue I can't redeem a code then hit next

      Step 4 ----scroll down to select request a call

    Once they call explain the issue and they will be able to help you. Note that these options regularly change so just keep selecting something that gives request a call from support as a contact option.As there is nothing
    more we can do I will be locking this thread.

    Hope this helps.

  6. Tomasz1980alta Win User

    Pomocy! włamali się na konto [Edit - Translation] - Help! broke into the account

    I tried and contact with support is not possible in this case...

Pomocy! włamali się na konto [Edit - Translation] - Help! broke into the account

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