Ping / latency from UK 170 ms with wired broadband connection 12 Mbps d/l and 1 Mbps u/l

Discus and support Ping / latency from UK 170 ms with wired broadband connection 12 Mbps d/l and 1 Mbps u/l in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Hi, Bit of a story; pre-ordered a Day1 Xbox1 through Amazon from the UK. When it arrived it was all black (packaging) and had US type power adapter.... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by DuncanXPProSP2, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. Ping / latency from UK 170 ms with wired broadband connection 12 Mbps d/l and 1 Mbps u/l

    Hi, Bit of a story; pre-ordered a Day1 Xbox1 through Amazon from the UK. When it arrived it was all black (packaging) and had US type power adapter. Had to buy a step-down transformer, rated at 300 W, to work with UK 240 V / 50 Hz 3 pin supply. Set up box
    OK with my account (previously had original Xbox 360 console). When doing network tests I get subject line results (always). It seems I am always connecting to a US server, hence latency. When playing CoD Ghosts online, the game play seems fast enough but
    I appear to lose fights I should win (playback shows I get shot first but inplay tells me I fired first). My brother recently ordered a console from the UK and it came in green packaging and correct supply. When he tests networking, he gets a latency of 40
    ms (does have fibre broadband with better Mbps). Although we are at similar skill levels, his online CoD Ghosts play is much better, and he gets 30 percent, plus, better scores/streaks.

    Can you tell me if my experience/latency is down to the US console, that is, always connecting to a US server (speed tests connecting to a local/UK server gives a latency of 40 ms). Can you tell me if the Xbox1 should connect to a local (UK, here) server
    first and locate local players to play against in preference to foreign/US. Can you also tell me if the built-in (game) routines compensate for different network connections/speeds as I was led to believe (played Quake/3 online for many years on a PC and experienced
    most network/lag/latency issues).

    Your help would be much appreciated before I sell this console on ebay and give up with Microsoft gaming and go the PS 4 route. Thanks.

    DuncanXPProSP2, Feb 1, 2014
  2. Post your ping times!

    D/L:93,09 Mbps

    U/L:9,51 Mbps

    Latency 168ms

    FearedNightmare, Feb 1, 2014
  3. Unable to unlock achievements in any game - XBOX ONE.

    At time of writing:

    D/l speed: 5.58 Mbps (am downloading a game so slower than usual).

    U/l speed: 0.46 Mbps

    Packet loss: 0%

    MTU: 1392

    Latency: 187 ms

    Wireless strength: 100%
    Benchem-787C4814-A645-4F2B-8A3B-F5CA7DA6BB04, Feb 1, 2014
  4. BusGod
    BusGod Guest

    Ping / latency from UK 170 ms with wired broadband connection 12 Mbps d/l and 1 Mbps u/l

    Does your brother live with you? can you test his console on your network? Personally I would have bought a console for the UK market not a US version.

    I am not aware of any built in game routines that compensate for lag on Xbox One. Its all about Ping.
    BusGod, Feb 1, 2014
  5. Thanks for responding. Answers are 1. No (different,rural, area that happens to be in a fibre test region, UK) 2. Unlikely - we just take pad with us when visiting 3. Thought I had ordered UK console due to my home account address/delivery address but, I
    suppose, Amazon don't pass on all info and don't always use logic - it's happened since with other online orders 4. Really? but if latency rules why don't we get the in game option to select 'local' players/games. Update: the NAT was at moderate due to new
    BT4 router but have since set it up so NAT at 'Open'; ping/latency still at 170 ms. Any help much appreciated (MCP/MCSA).
    DuncanXPProSP2, Feb 1, 2014
  6. Malacath
    Malacath Guest
    Its because the Live test server is in Seattle, Washington state.

    Its pretty much the same for everyone in the UK.

    Its nothing to do with your US console.
    Malacath, Feb 2, 2014
  7. Thanks for the input. Re-checked brother's Xbox1 at his home. NAT at 'moderate' so setup router (also a BT4) so that 'open' and restarted router/box. Actual connection tests on box gave d/l: 80 Mbps, u/l: 20 Mbps and latency: 150 ms! - no packet loss. Rechecked
    my Xbox1; as per subject line but getting down packet loss 0-5 percent and up 5-10 percent. Explains some jerkiness of play. I hope someone from Microsoft will comment tomorrow. Regards
    DuncanXPProSP2, Feb 2, 2014
  8. Ping / latency from UK 170 ms with wired broadband connection 12 Mbps d/l and 1 Mbps u/l

    Sounds like you're having a similar issue to me mate! It's almost like an Xbox One issue rather than a connection issue.
    MacTavishPapa6, Feb 2, 2014
  9. Malacath
    Malacath Guest
    You don't say if you are using wired or wireless.

    Your brothers stats look like he is using a wired connection which would explain his COD being less laggy.

    If your connection is wireless then that is very unreliable. Wireless can cause slower speeds, packet loss, higher pings and lag.

    From personal experience I have found BT hubs have terrible wireless.

    I have had a homehub 2, homehub 3 and now a homehub 5. All of them had crap wireless. Speed are a lot slower via wifi than they are when wired. Also I get more packet loss and the ping is a bit higher.

    If you are using wireless then you should try using wired to see if that makes a difference.
    Malacath, Feb 2, 2014
  10. Using wired (1 Gbps to router, Cat 6 cable). Wireless excellent anyway. Subject line stats consistent with router tests. Can get better d/l and get 'sweet spot' for ~ 2 hrs/day - mid/late evenings. Really would like to hear from a techy at Microsoft.
    DuncanXPProSP2, Oct 31, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Ping / latency from UK 170 ms with wired broadband connection 12 Mbps d/l and 1 Mbps u/l