Official 1080i patch info?

Discus and support Official 1080i patch info? in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I don't want to ramble about why, I've seen other threads about this topic, but never a yes/no/reasonable response other than 'buy a new TV' or '720p... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by ChristianDyott, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. Official 1080i patch info?

    I don't want to ramble about why, I've seen other threads about this topic, but never a yes/no/reasonable response other than 'buy a new TV' or '720p is better' (IMO it isn't) Does anyone have any official (or non-official) statement about XBO receiving
    an update to accept & output 1080i? If yes, is there any relative timeline for this? Thanks in advance for any real info; I have to say this is the most disappointing thing about my XBO purchase, otherwise I think it's pretty good and should only get better!

    ChristianDyott, Jan 6, 2014
  2. phugor
    phugor Guest
    1080i Cable TV on XBox One?

    @Studbucket33 Have you been able to find out anything about a 1080i patch? Its been over a month since your last reply and as you can see I'm not the only one that needs to know if a 1080i patch will be added.

    @I GamerMike I If you haven't plugged your Xbox One back in since the patch 1080i was not included. My Xbox One has also been collecting dust as I wait for an official response from MSFT about the 1080i issue.
    phugor, Jan 6, 2014
  3. phugor
    phugor Guest
    1080i Cable TV on XBox One?

    @Studbucket33 - have you been able to find out anything about a 1080i patch for the Xbox One? I don't mean to be a pest, but its been almost 2 months since the Xbox One's release and those of us needing a 1080i patch have been waiting patiently
    for an official response from Microsoft about this.
    phugor, Jan 6, 2014
  4. Official 1080i patch info?

    Hi, As far as a timeline there isn't one like the majority of updates or fixes we dont know whats in them or what they did. It's more of wait and see at yhis point.
    SilentGamer895, Jan 6, 2014
  5. Xenokai
    Xenokai Guest
    I wouldnt count on it being patched in since its not something people widely want. They have never meantioned anything about it either, im sure it could be added in but im not sure they would. Is there a reason why you don't want to use 720p? I can understand
    youd want it if your tv only accepts 1080i and not 720p because i know some first generation hdtvs couldnt do 720p. Not to sound like a negative nancy to push this on you but I dont really see the reason to want 1080i other then your tv doesnt do 720p/1080p?
    I know 1080i sounds better and closure to 1080p but it isnt. 1080i when viewing static images would look better then 720p but when it comes to stuff moving youd really want to use a progressive based resolution. It can be added but there is really no
    new new on anything being added besides the twitch streaming. They added in extra resolutions on 360 so it may be done on xbox one but i wouldnt hold my breath.
    Xenokai, Jan 6, 2014
  6. phugor
    phugor Guest
    How do you know its not something people widely want? Obviously, you have not see the numerous threads with multiple replies in these forums and the requests on social media begging support for answers on when a patch for 1080i support will be added.

    Whether 1080i or 720p is better depends on several factors such as content, TV type, viewing distance and just comes down to user opinion. Progressive is better for FAST moving video (like sports). Interlaced is better for anything without fast motion
    (not just static images) and the interlaced "motion blur" that occurs with fast moving video is not always noticeable on all TVs or to all people. So some people prefer the higher resolution of 1080i to the progressive scan of 720p if they don't notice any
    "motion blur".

    Most TV shows like sitcoms, dramas, etc... that do not have fast moving video will look better in 1080i than 720p because of the higher resolution. Most TV channels in the US broadcast in 1080i for this reason. And most cable boxes output in 1080i. Many
    people consider the Xbox One's scaling of 1080i TV content to 720p a downgrade.

    The Xbox One's GPU has a built-in scaler. The PS4 uses the same GPU and it supports 1080i. And the only reason MS has given to not including 1080i is because of the "motion blur" and that seems like a ridiculous reason to not include a resolution option,
    especially when there are many people that own 1080i only HDTVs (if MS is in to making choices for people than they shouldn't have included 720p either, since 1080p and 4K resolutions are better than 720p). So I see no reason why it would not be added. Also,
    Major Nelson said on reddit that there are teams looking at issues like this and that things are going to improve.
    phugor, Jan 8, 2014
  7. Thumperr
    Thumperr Guest
    +1 for requesting support for 1080i as an output for the XB1.

    my Mitsubishi DLP only accepts 1080i as an input and auto scales to 1080p. it does the deinterlacing on the disply. so having to use the XB1 as 720p is not what i want. And downgrading my DirecTV STP to 720p is an ugly option i will not consider. thanks
    Thumperr, Jan 8, 2014
  8. IceStorm III
    IceStorm III Guest

    Official 1080i patch info?

    [quote user="phugor"]How do you know its not something people widely want?[/quote]Because HDTV adoption was very low during the period that 480p/1080i TVs existed.
    Drop in the bucket compared to how many HDTVs are out there.
    Heh, no, the scalers aren't the same. Read up on the
    analysis done by SemiAccurate
    about MS's presentation at Hot Chips.
    Any numbers to back up your assertions?
    IceStorm III, Jan 8, 2014
  9. Just following up here... I know there are a lot of people that would like this too based on numerous threads and Google searches on the topic. I have a tv that accepts 1080i, 720p, 720i, and 480p and i. It upscales to 1080p with negligible to no motion
    blur, and there is a noticeable difference between 1080i and 720p; I also have DirecTV which only outputs up to 1080i--and a major reason I bought XBO was for the tv integration. I won't argue numbers of those who do or don't want this, but it seems like
    I'm far from alone. I think NJDevils probably answered it best, which is very disappointing. I only wish I could know if it will be patched or not with some official acknowledgement of all these requests, both myo own and others.

    Thanks for replying!
    ChristianDyott, Jan 14, 2014
  10. Who makes these ridiculous decisions at MS? Seriously, I own a Mitsubishi 1080i only tv. I know it's old, but the darn thing looks fantastic to this day. I was EXTREMELY disappointed when I fired up my XBO only to be told 480P only is available. My freaking
    PC which is also connected to my 1080i TV has absolutely no problem adapting games to 1080i. This is inexcusable for MS to do. How do you guys stay in business making such ridiculous petty decisions. To force people to play online only is absurd. To force
    people to spend an extra $100 for a glitchy camera peripheral is also ridiculous. You have this thing called competition which in my honest opinion winning this next Gen battle. If you're going to make a next generation system with ram issues, resolution issues,
    audio decoding issues and sell it over priced you better look over your shoulder as your customers dump you and move to Sony. It is ridiculous in this day and age to not consider AUTOMATIC AUDIO DECODING, why on earth do I have to switch options manually?
    My $60 bluray player has more common sense than your supposed next gen tech. Don't get me started on your non-existent app market which is killing you with the younger crowd. I am no media person but as a guy who's currently working on his MBA, I am on a daily
    basis questioning your decisions over at MS and using you as an example of horrible management. Why do you people go live with operating systems that require apps if you're not going to have your
    [Mod Removed] together? The reason I post this is because I believe in your products and have been fooled for the last time. I spent $500 of my hard earned money on a system that is a train wreck at best. One would think that after years
    of dealing with similar issues with XBox 360 that you would have anticipated the problems your system is currently having. Here's an idea for you, why on earth not make all your xbox live games also available on Xbox one and Windows 8? My freaking phone has
    the power to run most of those games, why is this rocket science over at Microsoft? The PS4 does 1080i, why is this not an option for your inferior tech? Sincerely, a *** off and very disappointed supporter.
    dmo1978-35E13F4D-892E-42FF-9658-CD6534F848D5, Mar 18, 2014
  11. Koop10010
    Koop10010 Guest
    I have a 1080p tv that accepts 1080p, so this issue doesn't affect me. But not having a 1080i option is a pretty significant feature the Xbox One is lacking. 1080i is better than 720p, unless the game's native resolution is 720p or less. 1080i is the
    same resolution as 1080p, just with half the frame rate. It's essentialy 1920x1080 at 30 fps. Everything will be as detailed as 1080p when there's no or little motion, but there will be more blurring during motion. How much more depends on the TV and its
    deinterlacer, but it's usually not that severe. A lot of people probably wouldn't even notice the difference between 1080i and 1080p. For a game that's natively higher resolution than 720p, 1080i would always be a better choice than 720p. The small increase
    in "motion resolution" wouldn't be worth giving up all those pixels.
    Koop10010, Mar 18, 2014
  12. CharlesThird
    CharlesThird Guest
    There will never be an excuse for removing features.

    The fact they had to go in a fix many features that were common in the 360 shows lack of planning.

    You many argue that this is a small issue but it should be a non issue.

    Give the consumer the choice of resolution and other options so this won't even be a problem.

    It is a big slap in the face when you buy a new Xbox one and it looks worse than your old 360.
    CharlesThird, Dec 1, 2014
  13. Official 1080i patch info?

    Hi there all if would like to see this feature added please put it here
    , if it is as popular as mentioned let the xbox community vote on it.
    SilentGamer895, Dec 1, 2014
  14. cdprobs
    cdprobs Guest
    My Panasonic plasma has 1080i and 720p but 1080i LOOKS BETTER! Games, TV and DVDs are all better on my old 360 at 1080i than they are on the One in 720p. Remind me again why I needed to buy this new console? Besides the Kinect thing, which I do not use,
    the 360 is better in every way so far. I will have to return my xbox one and get a PS4 since it supports 1080i. Get a clue Microsoft.
    cdprobs, Feb 12, 2015
  15. Hey there Aguy747!

    Please go ahead and create a new thread if you have a support related issue. This way you can receive support specifically tailored to you. Be sure to include the details of the issue as well as any troubleshooting steps that you have tried. Thanks
    in advance!
    Mister Quimby, Oct 31, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Official 1080i patch info?