O botão "B" do meu controle parou de funcionar!!!

Discus and support O botão "B" do meu controle parou de funcionar!!! in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; Galera, tenho um controle do xbox one antigo que uso no pc, estava jogando tranquilo e ele parou de funcionar, ele já esta atualizado, já vi videos e... Discussion in 'XBoX on Windows' started by OceanicFrame525, Feb 11, 2018.

  1. O botão "B" do meu controle parou de funcionar!!!

    Galera, tenho um controle do xbox one antigo que uso no pc, estava jogando tranquilo e ele parou de funcionar, ele já esta atualizado, já vi videos e nada, o chato foi que ele estava normal e do nada parou, por favor socorro!!!


    I have a control of the old xbox one that I use on the pc, I was playing quiet and it stopped working, it's already updated, I've seen videos and nothing, the annoying thing was that it was normal and out of nowhere, please help! !!


    OceanicFrame525, Feb 11, 2018
  2. Dois controles pararam de funcionar [Translation: Two controls stopped working]

    Olá.. Gostaria de uma ajuda, meu controle parou de funcionar o botão LT enquanto configurava ele no FIFA 2014, pensei que tinha estragado pelo desgaste, comprei outro e 2 semanas depois este também deu ***, o botão RB parou de funcionar. Alguem tem alguma

    [Translation: Hello.. I would like some help, my control has stopped working the LT button while he was in
    FIFA 2014, I thought you were spoiled by the wear, I bought another and 2 weeks after this also crashed, the RB buttonstopped
    working. Does anyone have any tips?]
    JoaoPCarbonell, Feb 11, 2018
  3. aL JookerBR
    aL JookerBR Guest
    Serial number of the Stereo Headset

    O meu Head Set parou de funcionar o microfone e estou querendo trocar, mas não sei onde está o número de série.

    [Translation: My Head Set stopped working the microphone and I am wanting to change, but don't
    know where is theserial number.]
    aL JookerBR, Feb 11, 2018
  4. O botão "B" do meu controle parou de funcionar!!!

    Hi there!

    Happy to help if you are running into issues still and apologies for the delay on the response!

    Can you describe what issues your are running into with your controller and provide the following info:

    • What steps have you tried already to resolve the issue:
    • What is the current Windows 10 version you are running on your PC:
    • Can you check the Controller firmware version:
    • Wired controller or wireless:
    • What is your current Console OS version:

    Post back with that info if you are still running into issues and we will be here to assist!
    Mister Getafix, Mar 7, 2018
  5. Mister Getafix Win User

    O botão "B" do meu controle parou de funcionar!!!

    Hi there!

    Happy to help if you are running into issues still and apologies for the delay on the response!

    Can you describe what issues your are running into with your controller and provide the following info:

    • What steps have you tried already to resolve the issue:
    • What is the current Windows 10 version you are running on your PC:
    • Can you check the Controller firmware version:
    • Wired controller or wireless:
    • What is your current Console OS version:

    Post back with that info if you are still running into issues and we will be here to assist!
  6. aL JookerBR Win User

    Serial number of the Stereo Headset

    O meu Head Set parou de funcionar o microfone e estou querendo trocar, mas não sei onde está o número de série.

    [Translation: My Head Set stopped working the microphone and I am wanting to change, but don't
    know where is theserial number.]
  7. Thiago Parrilha Win User

    Atualização Dashboard

    Galera meu Kinect parou de funcionar depois da atualização. Está aparecendo um erro C00000C2. Alguém pode me ajudar???
  8. Marlon e Evie Win User

    Xbox piscando a luz do Power e fazendo um barulho[Xbox flashing Power light and making a noise]

    No meu caso, isso ocorreu Pq o driver de blu-ray estragou, ou seja, parou de ler as mídias físicas.


    [Mod Translation - In my case, this occurred Pq the Blu-ray driver ruined, ie stopped reading the physical media. ]
  9. HighlandKarma19 Win User

    4 digital games stopped working

    aqui em tambem parou de funcionar estes mesmos jogos!!!

O botão "B" do meu controle parou de funcionar!!!

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