No Gold?

Discus and support No Gold? in XBoX Accessibility to solve the problem; For the past 6 days I am still experiencing an issue where it says I lack multiplayer privileges when attempting to play battlefield 1 online. At first... Discussion in 'XBoX Accessibility' started by uWotM8, Sep 6, 2018.

  1. uWotM8
    uWotM8 Guest

    No Gold?

    For the past 6 days I am still experiencing an issue where it says I lack multiplayer privileges when attempting to play battlefield 1 online. At first I thought it would be related to the service issues they were having but now everything is clear and
    I am still without. My home screen also gives me ads to 'upgrade' to gold, even though I am already subscribed (according to my credit card & under the memberships section). I have tried almost everything in the book relating to this issue except a factory
    reset which I am hoping is a last resort. HELP!

    uWotM8, Sep 6, 2018
  2. Multiplayer Achievements - No No No!!!

    I loved BFBC2's and Halo 3's online achievements I had a lot of fun playing those because it makes you try a variety of different things that I wouldn't have usually done. What I hate are games that should be purely SP, but tack on a bad online mode and
    add achievements to get people to try and play.
    DigitalAssassin, Sep 6, 2018
  3. DarkHalf5
    DarkHalf5 Guest
    Multiplayer Achievements - No No No!!!

    The irony is that no one really cares what other achievements another person unlocks. No one will ever loose sleep because you got an achievement they didn't, and likewise I'm sure whom ever is reading this could care less what other ppl have unlocked.

    Yes, it's fun to compare. But ultimately it's for personal pleasure. No one will care that you spent hours boosting a match. It is all just for personal entertainment.

    I love collecting those tiles in my collection for 100%. But if you have to go way out of your way for MP achievements, is it worth your time getting 70GS to complete your game, when you could have played 3 other games you have been interested in a long
    DarkHalf5, Sep 6, 2018
  4. FreeAndSay
    FreeAndSay Guest

    No Gold?

    Hi there,

    Please double check
    to see if the subscription is showing there.

    If the subscription shows, try the following steps

    1. Remove profile from the console (Make sure you know the account credentials for the account since you will need them later)
    2. Perform the manual power cycle steps as mentioned on the following link, be sure to wait at least 60 seconds before powering on again:
    3. Redownload your profile

    If these steps fail, then its best to contact Xbox Support (via Phone or Microsoft Support Chat) at
    Contact Us | Xbox Support
    FreeAndSay, Sep 6, 2018
  5. Contact Support here Contact Us | Xbox Support do not go through Ambassador Support but directly to chat, and select OTHER as the issue.

    Once speaking to support they will be able to check and test your account and make sure that it is working correctly.
    DIPDIP0TAT0CH1P, Nov 5, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

No Gold?